Secret #1009 [Year 2] I like to keep myself updated with the - TopicsExpress


Secret #1009 [Year 2] I like to keep myself updated with the secrets on this page - its one of my most enjoyable forms of procrastination. I guess I feel like saying something to the people who are posting about their sadness and depression. I cannot speak from experience (and I do not want to trivialise peoples issues), I have never experienced depression first hand but, during my time at Imperial, I have felt like I wanted to quit. Theres something about the robotic, industrial nature of the college that is not homely at all. Im in my second year now and I have come to realise that this university is not all anyones life should consist of. Life is so much more fulfilling if, every now and then, you take a step back and see what you can do. We are in London so the possibilities can be approximated to be endless (sorry). As for people who are suffering in terms of a crisis with their family (regarding religion or whatever else...), family doesnt mean the same to everyone. I know many families where seemingly silly arguments have cause a rift so big that opposite sides no longer speak to each other. Such is life. Just because you share the same blood doesnt mean you will share the same ideologies - particularly if you have left your home country to study here. You are now seeing the world from a very different point of view to them. This doesnt lesser your experience, nor does it lesser theirs, it just means they are different. However, I would like to suggest that if, as Borat Sagdiyev so aptly puts it, you break cage (metaphorical cage of Imperial), you will get this. While Imperial might be the straight and narrow, the easy path to a career, success etc, the city that encompasses it is perhaps the best opportunity you could have at this age right now to broaden your horizons. Explore, be the master of your own ship, be the master of your own destiny. And if your ship sinks, dont go down with it. Make like Captain Jack Sparrow and hijack another one. Take pleasure in the little things in life. If all you have is a jar of dirt. Take that jar of dirt and put your heart in it. Jack was not afraid of Davy Jones in the deep dark blue of the oceans, so I urge all of you Imperialites to step out, break that fear that you might not be good enough, because one day you will get back to your Black Pearl. One last thing I would like to add about loneliness: I think everyone in life feels lonely. 5 minutes on the underground of London will tell you that. People are afraid to speak. London is a harsh environment, everyone looks (and likes to look) like they are rushing to go somewhere. I wish, once in a while, people took a moment to realise that we all have our own agendas, we all live our own lives but, at the end of the day, we are all on this planet together and we can all do/be/make something great. People can do great things. If we all tried our best to make someones day every day, to treasure the little gifts in life, wouldnt the Earth be a fantastic place to live? Dont live everyday like its your last, live every day like its your first. There is wonder and amazement to be found in even the most mundane things, surely our enhanced knowledge of the world serves to tell us this. Peace and love. Chin qui.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 19:00:00 +0000

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