Secret 4 (Nov. 8) Jude eyes was touched by the rays of the - TopicsExpress


Secret 4 (Nov. 8) Jude eyes was touched by the rays of the sun. He blinked again and again, before he completely woke up. He looked at his watch. It was almost noon. He got out of bed, still feeling dazed. He went near the window were he saw Nana outside, sitting on a rock. She was reading something that seems so interesting. He cleaned himself up, and went to the table, where some bread was prepared for him to eat for breakfast. He picked up one of the toasted bread and went out of the house, while munching it. He sat on the rock in front of the Nana. Nana looked at him and smiled. She knew how tired Jude was. Jude uttered, I was so tired yesterday. We did something that I was not able to do for a long time. Looking at you made me feel old. It seems that it was just normal for you to do that. By the way, if you dont mind, may I asked how old you are now? Not really, I am about to turn 80 in the 25th of Dec. Nana answered. Really, the way you move and do things energetically seems that you are younger than me, and to think that I am only 20 years old. Jude wondered. Young man, age is just a chronological increase of years that you have lived on, it does not make you old. It is how you think, how young you feel, and what you do that makes you old. Nana responded. Can you explain it? the young man inquired. Nana said, It is like this. Our body matures in a way that our mind dictates it to mature. If you are aiming for self satisfaction, or self fulfillment, you will grow old sooner. Let say for example. When you work on something that does not interest you, if what you think is to just finish the job, then you can rest all you want, you will get tired easily. It is much worst when you were not able to complete the task on your desired time. This brings so much pressure on you that makes your body old. More so, if you take life and all its intricacies seriously, the maturation of your body will come so soon. You have seen young women, who have lots of children that looks so old, compared to a single lady with the same age, who was just enjoying life. You have to take life in a way, that you find it enjoyable to live, not something that troubles you. You have to think young and use all your energies to find a way that will make the task in front of you interesting. Many people seek self fulfillment instead of self improvement. They want to reach a certain level which they think is the culmination of their career and life as a whole. When they reached that stage they no longer had the interest to do more, because they feel that they reached their goal. In my case, what I always seek is self improvement not self satisfaction or self fulfillment. In doing things, I never think of, when I can finish the task. What I do is to enjoy doing it. Knowing different techniques that I could learn and apply on the same type of job. For all the techniques I learn each time I work on something, leads me to a better outcome, which brings improvement to the task at hand . Learning stuff makes my life brighten up, for it gives me an unending supply of light, every time I learn new things. Oh, I understand it now. I have seen how young people feels that they were self fulfilled once they finished studying college. They thought that it was the end of learning. People younger than you have think of retirement, for they dont want to work anymore. While retired people seems to just waiting for their death. What you are saying is, no matter what age you are, you must always seek to improve your self in everything you do, so that with that goal, you can continue to learn things in life that will make you feel young. Jude understood. You got it. You are a smart guy, and has the ability to comprehend things in a way that others just dont give importance to.Nana stated. Well, the reason I was hear is to learn everything about life. So far you have never disappointed me. I will seek for self improvement rather that self satisfaction or fulfillment.Jude quipped. The young man stood up, and wrote in a note book the next secret, AIM FOR SELF IMPROVEMENT RATHER THAN SELF FULFILLMENT or SATISFACTION, for it will allow you to learn everyday, which will be a goal that will enhance your spirit and will propels the youth in you, which is easily lost by those people who are self satisfied. Nana smiled and said, You are now the one who was forming the statement of the secret. Soon, you might be the one to teach me. Jude asserted,Remember what you said, dont live on the past, but you can use the past to learn from your success, or mistakes, but going back and feeling lonesome will bring you to a world of uncertainties. Live in the present and enjoy every moment of it. Make your life an active one not passive, and you will have the energy to enjoy it. This secret is actually the continuation of the last secret, to live in the present and go back to be a child, removing all our inhibitions. To be self satisfied is to be lazy and passive which will make you live on your laurels, not making more laurels. But, to aim for self improvement is just like going back to being a child, who always ask questions that can fill their mind with all the wonders of what God had created for us. It is actually being active and making new opportunities in your life, while living in the present moment that will make you stay young. By being active and aiming to improve each day actually makes you forget all the problems that always lingers in your mind, when you are not doing anything. I will aim for self improvement not self fulfillment. Nana close her book and suggested, Go and read some of my books up stairs, for I heard that it will be raining today, so we just need to stay home, and make the best out of it. I had finished this book and will have another one. If you get tired of reading, you can go and get the mat. You can meditate anytime you want, dont wait for me. I have done my meditation this morning. There are more bread near the sink, if you got hungry just get some of it. You can rest more if you want. Tomorrow will be a new day, and we might need to go to the farm. The young man went up the house and found the books. He started reading, which made him sleep for he was still tired from the last activity they did yesterday. :Later when he woke up, he put his mat on the floor and started meditating. When he was finished, he looked for the old lady and bid her good night. Are you self fulfilled? Think how you are living your life. In a day how much hours you are wasting, watching TV, playing computer games, sleeping, not doing anything, instead of doing something productive. Make use of your time to do things that can uplift your life. learn new things even how old you are. Help people. Volunteer to ease other peoples load. Clean your house. Play with your kids. Enjoy learning. You can learn even if you are not in school. Always seek for self improvement. Be active, and enjoy life. Pray with me. Lord Jesus, I dont want to grow old so fast. i dont want not to have a purpose in living. i want to make a difference. Help me do things that could improve my life. Help me to see, what are the things that I can do to improve not only my life, but the life of other people around me. I am longing to be given importance, and I am hurt when people just disregard me. Now I know Jesus, that I should give importance first to this life that you have given me. Lead me Lord to find the path of being a person who can make a difference for the unfortunate. let me not look at what I dont have. Let me look at what I can do because of you. Here I am Lord, answering your call to bring people, who are longing to know, to find your love. I offer you my whole self, and I am willing to be Fishers of Men. Amen. (Adai nanda) (See you tomorrow.)
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 16:25:12 +0000

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