Secret Service & Benghazi Ryan continued, speaking directly - TopicsExpress


Secret Service & Benghazi Ryan continued, speaking directly about his pleasure in cutting money to government agencies like the Secret Service, “What conservatives like me have been fighting for, for years are statutory caps on spending, legal caps in law that says government agencies cannot spend over a set amount of money.” Much like the Benghazi saga the recent security lapses revolving around the people tasked with the safety of the president and the first family show that our democracy has been seriously and deliberately compromised. The right wing, as a strategy, is underfunding vital branches and functions of government- like foreign embassy security and presidential secret service protection. Former Secret Service Director, Julia Pierson, recently testified that due to Republican budget terrorism the Secret Service lost over 500 agents. Currently, the American public is at risk due to the outbreak of the Ebola virus and the nomination for Surgeon General of the United States is being highjacked by Rand Paul and the terrorists at the NRA. When there is a tragedy, like Benghazi, the GOP; in its racist, dysfunction and treachery, then launches endless congressional investigative committees on the tax payer dime chaired by a car thief. It is so bizarre that, were it not so tragic, it would be funny. The idea of Darrell Issa investigating anything is truly mind boggling. Republican actions have created scenarios that are undermining the presidents initiatives and are a direct threat to our national security. This is not politics as usual but something that is far more insidious and dangerous. Because the racist right wing cannot win at the ballot box they are going all out in their attempt to take control of this country. And sadly, they are willing to destroy the entire ship of state in order to accomplish their goal. When their incompetence and racist delusion jeopardizes the safety of the president and the first family -this time they have crossed a line.~Bill Kelly
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 14:23:59 +0000

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