Secret Societies, the main vehicle of Evil on Earth, have - TopicsExpress


Secret Societies, the main vehicle of Evil on Earth, have harboured an ancient dream to establish a World Empire under their direct control. This clandestine, subterranean network of organised Evil has, since time immemorial, plotted to bring ruin and total spiritual enslavement to the people of the world. To this end, the dark, secret empire of the Secret Societies has proactively worked to subvert all good and proper government and to bring moral and spiritual confusion into all human affairs. Moreover, the vast network of Secret Societies has, for thousands of years, been so rigorously organised and so deftly guided towards its goals that such organisational skill and overarching ambition can not be the product of a human mind, or the craving of individual ambition; rather, it is the issue of a non-human intelligence of superior power: It is nothing less than the progeny of the Principality of Evil and it is an ancient ambition, a terrible conspiracy against man, Christ and God, spanning the entirety of human evolution on Earth. Thus, if history is viewed with the correct perspective the hidden hand of Evil, operating largely through the Secret Societies, can be easily seen in the myriad events that bring physical, moral and spiritual chaos into this world. All events that bring ruination to the individual, tribe, nation or race have their ultimate origins in the working of the ambition of Evil whose main vehicle on Earth is the Secret Societies. Consequently, the agenda for World Empire under the direct control of the Occult Hierarchy in the Secret Societies is a vast conspiracy operating in all aspects of the human condition and in all levels of human organisation throughout the ages. It is a unconscionable plan of unbelievable precision by these secret societies god,satan himself! Whom they so loyally serve! Welcome to the plan. vc
Posted on: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 01:31:27 +0000

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