Secret Talks’: Separatists hit out at Omar He Declared Gool - TopicsExpress


Secret Talks’: Separatists hit out at Omar He Declared Gool Victims As Offenders: Malik; He Is Wrongly Equating Us With His Grandfather: Hurriyat (G); Lift Restrictions MUDASIR YAQOOB Smaller Default Larger Srinagar, July 29: Kashmir separatists Monday refuted the statement made by Chief Minister on Sunday wherein he said that the former were holding secret talks with agencies. The separatists castigated Omar Abdullah, saying that Kashmir is a political issue and agencies have no role in dialogue. They also castigated his statement that local Imam provoked people to attack BSF camp in Gool, saying, “Omar Abdullah wants to shield the crimes of armed forces in Kashmir.” JKLF: JKLF chief Muhammad Yasin Malik said that India has never been sincere in dialogue process. “It has always used the process to hoodwink the world opinion, to buy time, to release pressure on it and also to tease and harm resistance camp. India has never been sincerely taken any step to resolve Kashmir problem but has always used the negotiation tool to crush resistance movements. Same tactics where applied by India when it negotiated with Omar Abdullah’s grandfather Sheikh Muhammad Abdullah who led resistance movement for a long time. Sheikh negotiated with India and at the end achieved nothing but a fractured power for himself and his family,” said Malik. “It is our faith that all problems, issues and disputes are solved at the negotiating table but here in case of the Kashmir dispute, Indian State has mutilated this process so much that Kashmiri people have started losing faith in it. I want to ask Omar Abdullah that if India is so sincere in negotiation process, what did it gave to Sheikh Muhammad Abdullah when he negotiated with it.” Referring to Omar’s remark that resistance leaders were meeting agencies, Malik said, “Omar Abdullah instead of making vague statement should come out with the names of those who are engaged in such process. You cannot accuse vaguely without giving the other side a chance to defend them.” Castigating CM’s statement whereby he had said that local Imam provoked people to attack BSF camp in Gool, Malik said: “He has started showing his real face on this issue. We have always said that these pro-India leaders and rulers are there only to defend and safeguard the interests of killer forces. Omar Abdullah who at one hand says that complete probe will be done on Gool massacre and on the other has already named a victim as offender. It has proved our point beyond doubt once gain. These rulers have always blamed and punished the victims and not the oppressors that is why the young people who protested against Gool massacre are being haunted, arrested and victimized by Indian forces now.” HURRIYAT (G): Hurriyat Conference (G) Monday said that CM’s statement is an attempt on his part to appease his masters in Delhi. “He has issued the statement to appease authorities in Delhi. Eyewitnesses are still there who corroborate the filthy act of BSF personnel how they desecrated the Holy Quran. It is ridiculous to say that religious cleric provoked the locals,” a Hurriyat spokesman said. The spokesman said that Abdullah Dynasty has lost all regard and reverence for Islamic rituals and sanctity for Quran. The Hurriyat spokesman asked, “How can we expect a fair verdict on Gool tragedy when Omar Abdullah has announced the decision in advance and acquitted all the accused.” Hurriyat demanded a free and fair investigation by some impartial credible agency with credibility and free from government intervention. The spokesman stated that Omar Abdullah has wrongly equated separatists with his grandfather who after 22 years of his political carrier accepted defeat ‘while as pro-freedom people are still striving for the freedom movement and for a just cause.’ “Omar has remarked about people meeting agencies in five star hotels, he should come openly and furnish detail, if any. He should declare their name and bestow them with rewards for they have followed the footsteps of his grandfather,” the spokesman said. HURRIYAT (M): Hurriyat Conference (M) Chairman Mirwaiz Umar Farooq said that Hurriyat has an open policy and that is known to everyone. “Omar Abdullah should name the persons who are holding talks with agencies.” He said that Omar is incompetent to put his case before the Centre. “So how come he will facilitate dialogue between Hurriyat and Delhi.” He said that Hurriyat speaks to everyone who comes to them. “We speak with them about the suffering of people and suppression committed upon them.” He said that Hurriyat had submitted suggestions to Delhi but there was no response. “We conducted several rounds of talks with Delhi and Islamabad to solve the Kashmir issue in public glare. In connection with the confidence building measures, even Hurriyat has put suggestions before India to demilitarize the region, revoke black laws, stop human rights violations and unconditional release of prisoners to create an atmosphere which would ultimately lead to solution of Kashmir issue.” He said however India continued with the policy of obduracy and remained callous towards those proposals indicating its non-seriousness in solving the K-dispute. Speaking about Gool killings, he said: “Instead of punishing accused forces, Omar Abdullah is making excuses on behalf of them to justify their unprovoked and indiscriminate firing on unarmed and peaceful protestors.” He said that if Omar Abdullah has so much confidence in his democratic credentials, he should then immediately lift the restrictions imposed by his government on pro-freedom leadership and face public verdict. DFP: Senior resistance leader and Chairman Democratic Freedom Party (DFP) Shabir Ahmad Shah said: “CM should come clean as who is meeting these agencies in five star hotels. Resolution of Kashmir issue is political and it can be solved by holding dialogue politically among politicians and not with agencies.” He said that Omar Abdullah is trying to cover his own evils by throwing blames on Imam of Gool. NAYEEM KHAN: Senior resistance leader Nayeen Khan said: “It is a ridiculous statement. If his statement contains weight, let him name the persons. If anyone is really holding dialogue with agencies, he should be made to answer before the public. But we know Omar Abdullah is trying to defame the resistance leadership in which he won’t succeed.” He said that there are hundreds of cases where men in uniform killed unarmed civilians and government provided cover to ‘murderers’ on one pretext or other. He said that Omar Abdullah has even no respect for the person (Gool local Imam) and is making false statements against him to prove that BSF personnel are innocent. “He is changing colors like chameleon to appease Delhi. He is not a serious politician as he had made same irresponsible statements about double rape and murder case of Shopain. And now people in Kashmir don’t take him seriously.” SALVATION MOVEMENT: Chairman Salvation Movement, Zaffar Akbar Bhat, said Omar is fighting to remain in chair and for it he can go to any extent. “Our struggle is political and we are fighting for freedom. Political activities are being carried in open. Dialogue is a political process and agencies have no role in it.” He said that in every public rally, mainstream politicians tell people that solution of Kashmir issue is inevitable but when resistance leadership makes same speech, they are imprisoned. He said that Omar Abdullah is advocating the criminal acts of BSL in Gool firing by making intentional malicious statements about the local Imam.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 22:51:49 +0000

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