Secret of Bliss -8 (November 23) Late in the afternoon, Eddie - TopicsExpress


Secret of Bliss -8 (November 23) Late in the afternoon, Eddie came back. He took out the sack of rice from the truck. He went straight to the place, where Nana and Jude were waiting. He put down the sack of rice in front of Jude. He looked around and noticed the changes in the farm. The animals and their abode were clean. All of them were resting comfortably. Eddie was urging Nana and Jude to stay for dinner. Nana at first rejected the offer, but Eddie beg for them to stay. He offered to prepare the guest rooms, so that they could stay over night, for it will be another month before they could see each other again. Nana give in to Eddies demand. Jude put the sack of rice inside the vehicle, as the three of them rode the truck. It was a short ride. Eddies house is about two miles from the farm. Eddies wife Sofia was waiting at the front door, when they arrived. She welcomed Nana and Jude with great happiness. Sofia gave Nana a warm embrace. She also cares for Nana a lot. he shook hand with Jude, after Nana introduced him to her. Jude felt great. He really felt very much welcomed in this wonderful masion. The servants in the house helped in unloading the truck. They showed Nana and Jude their separate room, and gave them towels and pajamas for them to use. After they finished washing up, one of the servants called them for dinner. Eddie and Sofia were now waiting for them in the dining room. When Jude and Nana arrived, they all sat down. They said a prayer of grace, and started eating. Jude, I understand that you are in search to find your purpose in life? Eddie asked. Yes, I would love to understand the meaning of my existence. In the short while that I was with Nana, much of my questions about life were being answered. I know that I still have a long way to go. But, I will never stop until I could fully say that my existence is not just a coincidence, but a lasting testament of Gods love for me. Jude replied. The way you said those things made you look matured than people older than you. You know, whatever I have here happened because of Nanas guidance. There were times, when I am down, and out of luck. But, God has a way in turning something bad into something great. Nana explained to me things that I dont understand while I was on the venge of rejecting eveything about God, and life. Perhaps, after dinner we could sit down in the veranda so that I could tell you my story, which I know that you will find inspirational, and may also helped answer some of your questions too. Eddie stated. I would love to do that. Jude answered. OK, then, we will do it after eating. Eddie confirmed. Sitting at the veranda, Jude appreciated the goodness of Eddie. Eddie in return, poured tea on Judes cup. Are you ready to listen to my story? Eddie querried. Jude nodded his head. He then sat down comfortably very much interested in hearing Eddies story. Eddie walked near the edge of the veranda, and paused for a while. It seemed that he was looking for the rig words to begin his story. After a while he said. When I was a teenager, I was very irresponsible. I just want to be happy. I never think of anything that will lead me to where I am now. We already have this farm. I grew up satisfied, for everything I wanted were given to me by my parents. Nana was already helping us in the farm. I treated her like the other servants. I was never closed to her until that fatal day, when my parents died on a car accident. It was a horrible feeling. A feeling of losing the most important people in your life. I was sacred during those moments. I dont know what to do. Until I realized that I could disregard my lost, and with the great wealth that my parents left me, I could enjoy life to the fullest. Nana never stop me, when I started my spending trip. She just tried to do the best she can to take care of me. When I went home drunk, she will carry me alone to my bed. She will then give me a sponge bath, and will tucked me to bed. I never knew the things that she was doing for me, until one day when the bank came, and gave me a foreclosure notice on all our properties. I was dumb founded, when I received the noticed. I hated myself so much. I was thinking of committing suicide for no one loves me, and all the inheritance that I got will be taken away from me soon. I stayed in my room for a week. all of the servants left except Nana. While, I was on the venge of killing myself, Nana came in, and grab the knife that I was holding. She did not said a word. She threw the knife away from me, and just hugged me so tight. I cried so much, while she was hugging me. She was hugging me until I calmed down. Nana, why were you still here. Why are you still spending time to a worthless being like me. I am good for nothing. Soon, I will be a beggar like those bums on the street. She looked at me and said. Eddie, you are not what you said you are. You just dont see things because everything came to you in stride. The death of your parents was just a wake up call for you. You have in you a well of knowledge that when tap will help you see things on the right perspective. Am I worth saving Nana? All might life, I had never done anything right. Do you really believe that I could manage to get out from all these tribulations? She smiled at me and said. Eddie, I will be here to guide you. Just promise me that you will listen to what I tell you. I was still scared, but like a lost boy, I just hugged Nana promising her that I will follow whatever she says. The next day, Nana brought me to a lawyer, and arranged a document that reconstructed the mortgage of all our properties. The bank extended the mortgage, accepting our offer of paying the loan in 10 years, instead of the 30 years. I was surprised on how Nana managed talking to the managers of the bank, turning around my predicament to something positive. The way Nana handled herself in front of the big brass of the bank was quite appealling to me. I cant believed how smart Nana is. I promised myself that I will do everything that Nana will ask me to do. At home, I asked, Nana, you surprised me on how you interact to the managers in the bank. I really dont have a hint on how you did that. I am sorry that for a long time that we are together, I never bother to talk to you, unless I need you to do something for me. Help me to find the right path for me to walk on. I am afraid Nana, but seeing how you handled things, with you on my side, I know that i can manage to salvage everything that my parents had left me. Eddie, we will do it together. But, I have to warn you. It will not be a smooth sailing from this time on. You have to work hard, even if negative results comes your way. Always tell yourself that for those who believe, everything will turn into something good. Never allow yourself to feel dejected when the greatest storm of trials hit you. Do the best. nothing less in everything you do. Always be second to none. Find a way to always think big, for you to get big result. For if you will just be satisfied of getting small things, you will be like most people, who are afraid to see their greatness. Yes, think big, big result, think small, small result. Lastly, you need to have the guts to swim to the other island that people are afraid to go, for you to find greater things. Yes, no guts, no glory. Now, for you to be able to manage your farm, you have to enrol on a course. Perhaps, Animal husbandry, and business management. Just take a year certificate program, which I think is enough, for you to handle the farm. I will help you manage this farm this year, while you are studying. I will talk to a friend who had a training center that gives these programs of study. I want you to challenge yourself. I will do everything you said Nana. (Adai Nanda) Note: Well. you might want to read the continuation of Eddies story. It will be in the Secret of Bliss 9. I updated this book, and made more great revelation in the following chapters. If you find something that can better your life in this story. Why not tell your family and friends to read this with you. We are just on chapter 8. They could always scroll down and start reading it fron the beginning. Make sure that you will wait for Secret of Bliss 9. Again if there is a secret in this readin today. I want you to focus more on this passage, Never allow yourself to feel dejected when the greatest storm of trials hit you. Do the best. nothing less in everything you do. Always be second to none. Find a way to always think big, for you to get big result. For if you will just be satisfied of getting small things, you will be like most people, who are afraid to see their greatness. Yes, think big, big result, think small, small result. Lastly, you need to have the guts to swim to the other island that people are afraid to go, for you to find greater things. Yes, no guts, no glory. God Bless. See you tomorrow. (Adai Nanda)
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 17:00:25 +0000

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