Secret of Bliss 11 (Nov. 30, 20 13) When Nana was done cooking, - TopicsExpress


Secret of Bliss 11 (Nov. 30, 20 13) When Nana was done cooking, she called Jude to eat lunch with her. Nana noticed that Jude was quiet. Nana asked him, if there is something bothering him. Jude said, I just remember my dad, and my step mother. I know deep inside me that I wanted to communicate with them. I felt that it is high time for me to give them a call. Sure Jude, as I told you before, when you are ready, dont hesitate to open your heart to them, and ask for forgiveness. Nana reiterated. But, Nana I am still afraid that they might have been fed up with me. What if, instead of forgiving me, they already decided that they no longer have to do with me? It will be devastating for me Nana. I know the feeling of fear that you have in your heart son. But, if you will give importance to that fear rather than the faith that you have developed for a while now, you will go back to where you are before longing for the answer to your question of finding your purpose in life, and enjoying the real happiness that God gave us since the beginning. You know what, many people were finding themselves in trouble because of fear. They fear that if they reveal the truth, things will be a mess. But, what they dont understand that with Faith, revealing the truth will set them free. Yes, there might be things that will not go the way they wanted to, but releasing the negative effects of those lies will make their load lighten up. Listen, Lies cannot stand on its own, when truth is in front of it. Liars may have their way initially, but in the end as truth prevails, they will find their faces in the mud of shamefulness. The abominable nature of lies makes a person, who profess it as truth, a creature of the night. He could no longer stay out in the light, for the truth, once brightly shines will obliterates his being. Wow, that is a nice thought for me to ponder. It strengthen me now, to open up how I feel. Jude asked Nana, if he can leave for a while. Nana sensed that Jude has a need to do something important. She let Jude go, asking him to be careful and take good care of himself. Jude went to the city and looked for a public phone. He took the opportunity to call his dad and step mom. Initially, he just wanted to say hi. But, he eventually decided to ask for their forgiveness, once given the opportunity. The phone rang and was answered by his step mom, “Hi, how are you? Jude greeted in a soft voice. His step mom was aghast, as she heard the voice of Jude. For the first time he talked to her in a nice way. She really cant believe that the person on the other side of the line was Jude. I am okay. I am happy that you called. Your dad and I are worried about you. I hope that you are ok. Anything we can help you with. Please, dont hesitate to ask, for we always cared for you. Her step mom worriedly said. I am doing well. I am right now finding my self. Tell, dad that I miss him, and by the way I also miss you.?” He wholeheartedly stated. Her step mom felt so wonderful, after she heard that Jude miss her too. She cant stop her tears from falling. She tried to composed herself, as she answered. Your dad is good and well. He is just lonely thinking of not knowing your where abouts. By the way, your dad is here sitting beside me. Do you want to talk to him?” Her step mom asked. Yes, but I want to talked to you first, if you will allow me. Jude step mom dont understand what happened to him. He was not the Jude, who left the house cursing both her and his dad. She doesnt know what happened, but whatever it was, She thanked God for the change. Sure, you know that I always wanted to be a part of your life. You know pretty well that I love your dad and being his son, I felt the love of a mother to you. What do you want to talk about? His step mom asked. “Well, I am in search of myself, as I told you earlier. A situation arised that enlightened me about the things that was not right on how I treated you. Right now, I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciated your love for me and dad. I am so sorry for acting so immature, while I was with you. You dont deserve the actuations that I showed you. I am really sorry. Jude in sorrow uttered. His step mom, felt how sorry Jude was. She felt the sincerity in him. She felt the happiness of being accepted by Jude. She said, Jude, Dont worry about me. I had forgiven you and had prayed to God that one day you will realized that I did not stole your dads love from you and your mom. I prayed that you understand that love just blossomed between me and your dad without us forcing it. I treasured your dads love, for he is a wonderful man. I treasured you because I know how good you are deep inside. I really do care about you my son. A sound of a lady crying was heard on the other side of the phone. His step mom said, This is the happiest moment of my life. This is the time that I always prayed for. Thank you, for accepting me now. You know what, I know I cannot replace the love of your mom, but I love your dad and I was just trying to make him and you feel better, knowing how hard it is losing your mom.” Her step mom added. I know, I realized it recently, and I wish to celebrate Christmas with you and Dad. If I will be given the opportunity, I will bring somebody, who made me realized how bad I acted before.” He declared. I loved to. Do tell your dad about it son. I am giving the phone to your Dad now. Here he is.” Her step mom passed the phone to his dad. Hello, are you OK? His dad inquired. Yes dad, I am OK. He answered. So, where are you now? His dad continued. I will tell you everything, when I visit you this Christmas. He stated. Really, you will spend Christmas with us? His dad unbelievably asked. I will dad, and I cant wait to see you. He quipped. Son, please do so, your Aunt Suzy and I will be waiting for you. It will be the best Christmas ever. His dad urge him. So anything you still want to say son? His dad asked. Dad, first I want to thank you for your love for me. I remembered, how you cared for me. I remembered how we laugh and played together. I remember how you encouraged me to do the best nothing less in everything I do. I remembered, when you prayed beside my bed, when I was sick. I remembered, how you console me and gave me so much love and affection, when we lost mom. I am really sorry, for being a problem to you before. I know my mistakes, and I am ready to do better next time we meet. I know how patiently you took all my rantings when you married Aunt Suzy. But, you deserve to have someone to love you again. I know that mom understand your predicament. Dad, I love you. I am really sorry. I hope that you still love me.” He repented. Son, just coming home knowing that you accepted your aunt is enough for me. We will be waiting for you. I love you my son, and I miss you so much.” His dad lovingly said. Thanks dad, see you soon.” He said. See you son.His dad uttered before he dropped the phone. Jude was wiping his eyes, as he went back to the hut. Nana saw him coming and noticed the gloom in his face. What happened?” She inquired. I just called my dad and step mom. I made amends with them. I apologized and promised them that I will be seeing them this coming Christmas. I felt their love. They did not say anything bad. Instead they showed how much they love me. They had forgiven me and love me without condition. I felt so great.” He said with gladness. Son, doing what you have done was an act of great proportion. It is a tough act to do for others, who up to now is being taken away from their love ones because of pride, and fear. The faith that you developed these pasts few days gave you the courage to trashed the fear in your heart. Now, you will find somerhing new in your meditation I assure you that. You know what I pity those people, whoe remained controlled by their fear. Some of them are ashamed to open up, ask to be forgiven, and make amends for them to be at peace. They would just take the suffering of being alone. They would just isolate themselves and feel unloved. They cant come down to their throne thinking that it was them, who deserve an apology. Instead of them asking to be forgiven, they hold on to those grudges and make it like a flame that burns, which hinders them from seeing how miserable they are. The happiness that you are enjoying right now comes from the elimination of prid, fear, and the wearing of the garment of humility. As your Jesus said, Those who exalt themselves will be humbled and those who humbled themselves will be exalted.” That’s the reason, why your tears becomes tears of joy. Putting down yourself, as a repentant sinner makes the spirits clean everything inside you. It allows you to experience the healing of your spirit, making you a new man. Always use the garment of humility, so that you will never feel abandon or unloved, when people did something wrong to you. Do that, and your path to happiness is being directed properly. Now, lets go inside for it is getting dark. Jude still feeling blissful followed Nana. They went inside, as rain fell down so hard. Jude knows that by this time, his soul was yearning for a time with God. He took the meditation mats, placed it on the bamboo flooring of the hut, and invited Nana to join him, as he start his meditation. Nana told Jude to go on. She was still doing something, and will just follow, after she finish with the task at hand. Jude sat down on the mat, closed his eyes and started emptying his mind and soul, while focusing more on his creator, which he knows was the sole longing of his soul. Jude experienced so much peace and love in this meditation. He saw himself being led to a light. He was not able to reach the light, but he was so near that he enjoyed the brilliance of this non blinding light. He loves to stay there for it gives him warmth. A tap on his shoulder awakened him. It was Nana. She told him to eat his supper and go to bed. He abide to her urging, and ate his supper. But, before he went to sleep. He told himself the next Secret, Humility creates a clean heart. It enables you not to want for recognition. It allows you to give unconditional love. It penetrates in your soul, which makes the transgressions that other people do towards you, never hurt you anymore. He learned that humility brings you to a beggars life, a beggar, who no one cares, a beggar who lives a simple life, a beggar who never claims greatness, which makes him able to live his life with a smile accepting minute help from other people, who still have pity in their hearts. I will look at myself as a beggar, so that I will never expect much, and by thinking that I am surreal, I can handle every transgression that may come. If ever I was not given the recognition by people I love, I will just let it go and think how much my God loves me. I pray that God will allow me to wear the garment of humility, allowing myself to love without condition. He closed his eyes. But for a minute he heard a voice which says, Only people who understand that forgiveness is not for the person, who transgress you, but for you to live life in peace, often let go and let God take care of the situation. In forgiving, you are not taking away the guilt of the person. It doesnt mean that he did not do anything wrong to you. It is just a matter of finding love, when love does not exist. For the only definition of love in the bible is God. So, in times when a person hurts you. Find God and you will have the courage to forgive unconditionally. Let the cross gives you healing, as we pray the words, Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sins against us. Humble yourself, for as the bible said, Those who humble themselves will be exalted, while those who exalt themselves will be humbled. Pray unceasingly, for only with prayer, we can do the impossible, and that is to FORGIVE. He looked around, and upon seeing Nana peeping outside his room, he knew that the old lady really has a wonderful knowledge of life. Yes, Love is the greatest reason, why we can forgive. He again closed his eyes, with a smile on his lips, as he said, I love you Nana. His smile widens, when he heard, I love you too, Jude. (Adai nanda) Note: Did you ever feel that you deserve a better treatment from your love ones? if so, I know how much pain it gives you. Think that you dont deserve anything until you love them unconditionally. Think if you really deserve their love and respect. Think how you treated them. Think if you yourself had given your love without condition. Humility comes with love, and love comes with happiness. Eliminate pride and be happy, go down to your knees now and ask God for forgiveness. If you feel that you have enjoyed pride so much in your life that belittles the feelings of your love ones, look what havoc was created because of pride. Make amends by giving them your time and let them feel the unconditional love that you have in your heart. God made you a good and loving person. You have a kind heart, which will enable you to experience the joy of sharing it to other people. Dont focus so much in yourself. When you say you love God, it is an Internal Mystery in your Being. Everyone, even the hardened criminal can say that they love God. You can never prove that this mystery exist, until you find away to understand that the external proof of this internal mystery of loving God is Loving your Neighbor. Dont just say it. Do it. See you tomorrow. (ADAI).
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 02:34:42 +0000

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