Secretary Mabus was in Istanbul, Turkey yesterday to thank the - TopicsExpress


Secretary Mabus was in Istanbul, Turkey yesterday to thank the crew of the USS Ross (DDG 71) for their efforts on their first BMD deployment and engagements in the region. He traveled to Ankara, Turkey early this morning to meet with Turkish government and military leadership. Todays attack on three Sailors from the USS Ross in Istanbul is reprehensible. We are certain the vast majority of the Turkish people and the Government of Turkey do not condone this act against these representatives of a friend and ally. We understand that local law enforcement have suspects in custody. We commend this swift action and are certain that those who did this will be held accountable. We have long-enjoyed a strong relationship with Turkey for many years. As NATO allies, we share common interests, and this incident will have no impact on that strong relationship. Turkish ports have long been very popular destinations for U.S. Navy ships, and our Sailors have enjoyed the warm hospitality that has traditionally been extended.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 16:51:17 +0000

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