Secrets are the heaviest of burdens because they weigh down our - TopicsExpress


Secrets are the heaviest of burdens because they weigh down our very souls. I try not to have any. Perhaps I overshare at times, but I almost always feel better for putting facts out in the open and living as my true self. I also try to be the kind of friend who can hear any confession without showering judgment or shame on someone. It would be so nice this Christmas if no one had to hide behind smiling masks or try to live up to what they imagine others expect of them. I think thats why this holiday has became more exhausting than exhilarating. Were all so worried about buying the right gifts, serving the right foods, decorating to impress and not offending anyone that theres not nearly as much room for fun as there used to be. Let the Martha Stewarts, Emily Posts and Stepford Wives of the world knock themselves out in the pointless pursuit of perfection. Im going to be as real as I can with everyone who means anything to me and encourage those I love to let down their guard and celebrate. Thats probably the best gift we can ever give to each other: acceptance. Is there anyone YOU could make feel more comfortable or less alone this year?
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 08:17:22 +0000

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