Secrets of self-healing.... My very personal confession. So - TopicsExpress


Secrets of self-healing.... My very personal confession. So many people advocate Raw Food diet, others say that Ayurvedic approach to eating is the only right way..... Many others prefer the non-carbs diet... Many of us love green smoothies, in spite of all the articles against them..... and so on and on..... and on. How confusing for the ones who are still looking for the right way to correctly feed their beautiful physical machine, called body. I was asked by a few of you out there to share what worked for me on my self-experimenting healing journey. Those of you who dont know my health back ground - I did manage to stay away from pharmaceuticals living with the auto-immune disorder (systemic lupus) since 14... and i am proud to say (and see!) that i did not end up in a wheelchair by 40, as predicted by a few doctors who did their best to convince me to take steroids. Help yourself, girl. Oh, well, we are all entitled to our opinions here, swimming in this endless ocean of contradictory information... I did help myself, but not the way anyone suggested. I found my way by listening to my body..... and i strongly encourage you to do the same. I am aware that unknown is not everybodys cup of tea. If you can find the courage, go for it. It worked for me and many others, there is no reason to think it will not work for you. In the last 30 years i have tried all the diets known to humanity. I was on Raw diet, i was a vegetarian, I followed the non-carb diet, High-Diet, blood type diet. I also lived on water for 14 days, liquid/juice diets (many times) and most unusual one - sun light diet ( 21 days). It is when you practice sun Yoga and feed your cells by liquidized sun light. It was amazing experience! In short, you name it, i tried it. Why did i do that? Because when we are unwell and dont function properly, we are willing to try anything, just to feel good again. We find the will power and the time, because it is the matter of life and death.. and we choose life! Why do i share this with you? Because i want to encourage you and to inspire you to be the best you can, to navigate through the confusion of this world with a little more confidence... and more Faith. Follow your own Soul! After years and years of experimenting on my cute little Self, i came to only one conclusion - #ConsciousEating and Conscious Living is the ONLY way to restore our confused human machines and tap into the higher truth of our original blue print. I believe that our food should be our medicine, we are all entitled to consume clean, natural foods. It is an important factor in staying well, unless we are miracle-makers and can transform those chemical bombs into the most nutritious foods (one of my teachers, Umasankar Sunyogi can do that :-). Food is not the only way to self-heal either. Energy, Vibration that we choose to have can be most healing That is another factor to keep in mind. So, beloveds, look for clean foods! By Organic as much as you can. Invest into your well being, it is the greatest investment. You dont put the wrong petrol in to your car, do you? You know what will happen if you do. Nevertheless, we keep putting all the crap (pardon my Russian) called food in the modern world into our miraculous fragile human machines, wondering why we are not feeling so great. Funny creatures we are, never a dull moment:-) ! If you are still reading my confession, this is for you - my secret of self-healing: - Feed your cells the cleanest food you can find! - Feed your body lots of greens! - Detox all those chemicals out on a regular basis, even the most organic of us need Detox. - Take up some spiritual practice (Yoga/Meditation/Chi Gong/whatever keeps your boat floating.) - Choose Conscious Living as your way to self-heal. Choose to follow your Soul! Everything is energy, what you do, think and say has a vibration. Be aware of that and keep choosing Health, not just for your body, but for your Mind, for your Soul... and you will be just fine :-) if i could do it (extend my stay here on Earth:-).. so can you!) truly yours, #AnnaSuvorova #yogaofchange #blueprint #food #selfhealing #consciouseating #consciousliving #detox #spiritualfitness #soul
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 15:09:51 +0000

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