Section 5: How the Electron-proton Pair Theory Changes - TopicsExpress


Section 5: How the Electron-proton Pair Theory Changes Mathematics 300 degrees and Geometry: Above has been discussed why 3000 is a better lable for the number of degrees around a circle than 3600. In geometry this gives the degree angles in polygons in general as shown in illustrations 7 - 9: Illustration 7: The new angle around a circle. Illustration 8: A comparison of the old sum of angles in a triangle and the new sum of angles. Illustration 9: The new sum of angles in a rectangle. All other polygons, being made of a combination of these polygons, have angles that are multiples of the angles of these polygons. π and Trigonometry The uncertainties in π(pi) that make π an irrational number disappear in the electron-proton pair theory and π, the ratio of the circumference of a circle(the perfect circle found in the electron-proton pair and proton-electron pair) to its diameter becomes a perfect whole number 3.0. This is also a proof of the certainness of the laws found(or derived) from the electron-proton pair theory. Unlike past theories and laws which were explanations enough for the time being, the electron-proton pair theory is a factual(not a hypothetical or theoretical, although called a theory for convenience as we are used to such terms) explanation of nature and phenomena. Therefore, there are no uncertainties any more in explaining phenomena, except where lab work has not been allowed. There is a mathematical(i.e. algebraic) as well as geometric proof for π being 3.0 and if there are any uncertainties in actual measurements these happen because of the kind of environment we live in (elliptical, semi-spherical, and spherical because of the atoms, compounds, and molecules our environment and world is made of) and these are perfectly explained by the electron-proton pair theory. The mathematical and algebraic proofs look as follows: If we look at the right-angled triangle of lengths 3, 4, 5 units and make a circle around it, the hypotenuse of this triangle becomes the radius of the circle and the diameter of the circle equals 10. Illustration 10: A circle of radius 5 units enscribing a 3 by 4 by 5 triangle. π now being 3, C = 3 x 10 = 30, a whole multiple fraction of 300 degrees The 10 multiples of the lengths of this triangle give circumference values for the circles that enscribe them that are multiples of 10 as well. Moreover, if we are to use the 3000 around a circle, rather than 3600, we find that the degrees of this triangle are whole numbers eliminating any uncertainties. The geometric proof is that if we divide the circle enscribing this triangle into three equal parts, it can fit only three such triangles: Illustration 11: A circle of radius 5 units enscribing three triangles of hypotenuse 5 units, the maximum number of such triangles it can enscribe. π as a measure of angle(or as a lable of angle as we use it in trigonometry) will have to represent the angle around the whole of the circle and not half of it. So in trigonometry π = 3000, not 1500 as we might expect from being used to using π to represent 1800 and 2π 3600 in the trigonometry of present day Mathematics. The rest of the applications of this theory to Mathematics and science and the rest of the analysis of the above proof for the true meaning of π and for it being 3.0 will have to await some more time as the object of this booklet is to introduce the electron-proton pair theory and its environmental implications – to see if we can save ourselves first and live more correctly than we have done so far throughout our history. Section 6: Environmental Implications “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32 And then Jesus said, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.” Matt. 18:3 Although this is an age changing discovery, the greatest implications of this theory are on the immediate environment we live in and these should be acted on immediately as our survival is not only at risk but that we are facing certain death if we continue to live by overproduction in industry and construction of buildings and concrete as we do now. The theory shows that the destruction of the environment has reached such a level that it threatens to become irreversible in the next 5 to 10 years. It shows that the moon was held in balance because of its interactions with the sun and the earth through the atmosphere and other space flying objects such as meteorides threaten to collide with the earth in the near future, as near as the next 30 to 50 years, unless the cities humanity has built are destroyed and spread apart with most of the space presently occupied by these cities and towns being planted with forests and gardens, fruit gardens and some of the area even farmed for food provision. The theory shows that the whole solar system is held together by the interactions of the bodies that exist in it, esp. the sun, the stars, and the gaseous planets, with earth containing complicated plant and animal life forms being a powerful planet. The moon was held in balance around the earth through its interactions with the atmosphere around the equator where the tropical rain forests are found which have been destroyed over esp. the past 30 to 50 years with the expansion of urbanization with the atmosphere being more depleted in the northern hemisphere of the earth where urbanization on this scale and cities and towns have existed much longer ago, the moon seems to be falling more and more southwards as it sets where the environmental destruction is more recent. This threatens to become irreversible over the coming 5 to 10 years if the spread of urbanization continues at present rates and is not stopped and reversed as soon as possible. The theory also shows that the earthquakes and weather imbalances such as tsunamis and heavy flood rains including monsoon rains that are reported every year in recent years (i.e. the past 30 to 50 years perhaps the past 20 to 30 years being the worst) are caused by human destruction of the environment. Also, there are less clouds today than there used to be which is manifest in pictures of the planet in Physics and Astronomy textbooks, the reason for this being the destruction of the environment, as it was the plant life that we have so mercillesly destroyed that brought the water from the seas, lakes, and rivers inland and made most of the clouds that used to be there through transpiration. The cities and towns in central Africa, Latin America (esp. Brazil and Argentina), Central to Eastern China and Southern Asia have to be destroyed and spread apart over the coming few years as the rate of urbanization or city expansion, if not stopped immediately, limits irreversibility point/time of destruction of the environment to about that time and Central to eastern USA and Europe over this period and after that over 5 to 10 years to bring this work to completion so that we can live safely again. Once people become fully aware of the situation, they can be helped and organized at the village and district levels in all countries to bring down most of the buildings in the cities and replace them with trees, fruit gardens, forests, and gardens. Industry should be curbed except for the public transport sector and other items people need to have such as their television and fridges – smaller sizes hopefully to reduce metal production, one of the two main causes for the destruction of the environment to this extent the other being unnecessarily too much concrete construction, food production factories, the textile industry, items people need every day such as shoes and clothing, etc. Living quarters should be built in place of one huge villa for one family which could house up to 10 families and clear up huge areas of space that could be planted with forests and gardens instead of another 10 villas for 10 families which could house up to 100 families over larger space interspersed with more forests and gardens. If one calculated this over the huge cities and towns that exist in each country around the world, the difference is significant and will definitely save us from dying out. Society as we know it today with all these heavy concrete cities and towns and cars needs to go away(the concrete building that are not necessary for life and the smaller cars that fill the roads, i.e. the private cars) and the basic roots saved and resized for transportation and movement purposes or we really have no hope. Section 7: Suggestions - What should be done? If we continue on the path we are on today of mass production of things, construction, urban expansion, and industry which has left us a small percentage of the natural green environment of the world(less than 10% worldwide as compared to what it must have been like merely 200 year ago when the land area of the earth must have been 80 - 90% green natural environment), we will be facing certain death and that is likely to happen over the next 30 to 50 years(a mere two generations). We must begin the process of reversing the situation today. All private cars should be off the road, dismantled, and rusted away with a part of them turned into sheets at the sheets factory which will also speed up the rusting if these are not used for other purposes - for obviously sheets rust faster than a heavy mass of metal. The chairs of these cars can be used at home(in the back yard) or outside where people can read, enjoy themselves on days they are not working. The rest of the metal and car parts may be redirected into and recycled in other industry such as the production of buses for public transport as we shall see below. Buildings that are not necessary for life such as most private hotels, those that contain(house) shops from the bottom floor to top, trading offices other than government bureaus, other such buildings should be knocked down a village per city per state/province at a time every year starting now. Such buildings and shops(such as boutiques, clothes shops, shoe shops, and other small shops) occupy most of the space in cities and towns that should be covered by forests in the form of forest gardens, fruit gardens, gardens of other kinds and recreational parks where people can enjoy a cup of coffee or tea with their books. People can buy all of the things they need, food, clothing and factory produced items from one big store to be found in every village which would replace the shops and the other buildings that will have to go. Villas and such big houses are the other buildings that take up the rest of the space in cities, towns, and so called suburban areas which could be farmed and eaten. It is strange that no one has noticed that the price of food has doubled in restaurants and raw food items has gone up more than five times in the past 3 to 7 years only because the land that was farmed then is now built on all around. These houses can be knocked down as mentioned in the “Environmental Implications” section above and as much as 10 of them brought together into the space occupied by one of them leaving the land to be reforested by trees and plants natural to those environments and/or turned into fruit gardens and farmed and eaten. One villa, presently having two floors(a ground floor and one other on top) with a compound the grounds of which are mostly asphalt or tiled with no vegetation can be converted into a three floor or a four floor house including the ground floor with each floor housing a family. Two or three such houses may be built around this same house to the left, right, and back of it wall to wall. If a four floor house is built and together with the three more houses built around it wall to wall we call this a “house complex,” this would clear up space presently occupied by 15 villa and other big houses which can be reforested and used more safely as suggested above. One thinks that, if taught, given the necessity of the work, people would agree to it and this would not cause social strife. The big roads and highways that have been built will have to be resized to two lane roads on two sides where big roads are required and that is as big as roads should ever get to give us the city feeling and make us feel safe and to one lane on two sides roads else where. Villages do not need roads but good sized lanes(cobble stone or asphalt) so that people can cycle or walk back home after getting off the bus in a relaxed manner. People should use only public transport, buses and trains(for longer distances than intercity travel so that city subways should never be built again and the ones that exist removed) the number of which should be increased significantly as private cars are removed from the roads a village at a time every year. Obviously public officical and other people who hold important public offices such as university presidents/directors may drive or use small cars such as mini-buses, puck-up trucks, land-cruisers, or what is called a house car(i.e. small Toyota, Cadillac, ford, Suzuki, or vowalkswagen type cars) but all these cars belong to the public office for which the person/s using those cars work. Removing fifty private cars of all sizes from the road and replacing them by one bus not only clears up a lot of space taken up by cars on the road so that the roads can be resized easily but also removes a lot of metal that has turned the planet into stone and metal and made us face this danger, and not every fifty car will have to be replaced by a bus but perhaps a hundred or two hundred, as buses move continuously and people travel at different times; one can esily visualize that there will not be crowding and other inconveniences in such a way of life. The other vehicles of necessity are trucks which will not only be needed for the reconstruction work but for transporting goods later on such as food grains, fruit, livestock, and other edible farm products, clothing, and manufactured products everybody wants to buy from a shop which they will now buy from a big store-house in their village or living area – from the biscuits to the nail-clippers. With the private car industry removed(leaving production level of less than about 5% of what it is today for public officials and “university heads”), there will be more production and maintenance of buses, trucks, and trains. Air travel should also be cut down without affecting the freedom to travel as one wishes; inter-continental and international bus and train routes should be laid out to compensate for that. A few buses and big trains hold more passengers than could ever be dreamed of by planes that burn too much fuel tearing the environment apart and people get to see places and enjoy themselves better for at a lot less expense travelling in convenient buses and trains. Given the rate of increase of population, which has increased the fight for resources within the situation we find ourselves in, humanity must stop getting married and giving birth for the next 20 years or so until the population level of all countries goes down and stabilize at a more normal population level. A population increase from less than 2 billion to nearly 7 billion within 100 years from 1900 to 2000 after hundreds of thousands of years of existence at less than a few millions at a time since the rise of modern human beings should show us what kind of a situation we are facing. The author of this booklet calls on all people to dispel thoughts of marriage in the way we have always practiced it and giving birth from their mind for the next 20 years and to keep that memory until 2033 when we can resume living normally again. Should people wish to marry for companionship, let them live together knowing why we must sacrifice the craving to give birth and kiss children for the next 20 years. And then we will live surrounded by our farms, fruit gardens, and forests that are completely safe. The job of the soldier and the police stationed everywhere will be to protect us from wild-life that may stray from the forests as, rid of corruption, theft, robbery, conquest, the world will be free of crime. Then, the world population should stabilize at about 3 to 4 billion people and we should live like that forever. This being the general outline of what should be done to make us safe again, a more detailed discussion or blueprint of that would require a whole article or a separate booklet or can be carried out by a panel of public officials and scientists at the national and international levels and implemented at the village or district level a year at a time. This way the world will become a happy place to live in. We will eat more better and healthier, as all food will become organic and we will be better clothed and live safely and happily reading our books, going to school and university, working, and becoming ever more intelligent. Section 8: Social/Societal Implications of the Electron-proton Pair Theory The electron-proton pair theory is named so only for convenience for it should have been named the electron-proton pair law. Since we are used to using the term ‘theory’ when new developments or explanations are found or arrived at by scientists so far, this finding was also ascribed that epithet. The use of the term ‘theory’ is indicative of the fact that scientific theories of the past were only enough explanations of things or phenomena for the time being and that scientists who came up with theories in the past could not go any further in explaining their observations and the results of their experiments than the way they did. And because they still felt there was more work to be done in explaining things and the results of their experiments but with strong conviction that things worked in the way they thought without full agreement, they called their explanations ‘theories.’ The electron-proton pair law, as it shall be called from here on, explains phenomena without doubt and although laboratory work had not been allowed at the time of the writing of this booklet, the earth itself – the natural life that is fast disappearing and the atmosphere, which is equally depleted as the electron-proton pair law predicts – has served as the laboratory the observations of whose behaviour are completely explained by this law. It marks our transition from attempts at explaining things to explaining them correctly. It is a timely discovery given to us to save ourselves from the dangerous pathes we are trading on at the moment. Its implications on science and Mathematics, i.e. how it changes science and Mathematics, would be useless if we do not work on its implications on the environment. This can only be achieved by changing our way of life, avoiding politics, greed, and vice, the sources of which we do not understand at this time but perhaps in the future, and living in love and friendship. Following are found brief discussions of how the electron-proton pair law corrects Einstein’s conceptions of the universe and Newton’s gravitational law by way of making a transition to the main purpose of this section – a suggestion on how we should live from here on to correct our mistakes of the past if we are to be able to reverse the undescribable damage we have caused to our environment and live peacefully and happily. Einstein and Newton The electron-proton pair theory changes some of the concepts we have been studying as unchangeable and held dear for some time, though this time be a mere blink of an eye during which we have caused impossible to imagine damage to the environment compared to the time of the existence of humanity from pre-civilization to now and before that. Pure energy can now be expressed in terms of void-particles which make everything so that mass completely changed into what we understand as pure energy is nothing but a stream of void-particles travelling at an unimaginably high speed, which is to be taken as a measure of that energy or state of existence of matter as pure energy. This is much higher than the energy state expressed by E=mc2 whether that energy is given in units of kgm/s2 or m/s as the velocity of void-particles. This aspect of the change the electron-proton pair law brings to Einstein’s understanding of the universe is to be studied in higher level Physics in university and research faculties as it is not mostly applicable in our world or even the solar system we exist in as such. Another important aspect of the understanding of the universe that needs to be studied at a higher level is space-time as our world can be understood as being three dimensional only. This will help us understand our world better and correct how we live our lives whether we live as a community or a society at different levels. For a long time we have known things to be held by what we call gravity, so much so that every body knows that what everything here on earth and the planets around their paths in the solar system are held by is gravity. This conception has held us for too long and despite our reverence for Newton and all who believed in him, i.e. all of us, it is now time to see the more correct explanation of gravity and the means by which planets and stars are kept in their place. This is by interaction, a term we are all familiar with. Gravity simply describes the heaviness of an object such as the area around us to a given radius. The bigger of two objects seems to attract the smaller one because it has more atoms or molecules that interact with the atoms and molecules of the smaller objects, not because it is pull it. Things gather in kinds so that objects made of similar atoms and molecules seem to be pulling each other because the atoms and molecules of these objects are interacting with each other. And therefore we have a lump of metal of an kind composed of the same atoms of that metal. Metals of different elements do not interact with each other or pull each other unless they have reacted or interacted with other types of atoms or molecules such as the gases which open a medium of interaction between the metals which now seem to be pulling each other. There are levels of interaction by which bodies eventually seem to be pulling each other. Therefore, the earth revolves around the sun through the sun’s interaction with the atmosphere. The atmosphere, which is made of the gaseous elements, in turn interacts with the plant and animal life on earth and the upper crust of the earth including the soil which are made of the gaseous elements and some proportion of the heavier elements. The plant-life and animal life on earth interacts with the earth directly with plant life being in more direct interaction with the earth than animal life through roots. The roots of plants are direct chemical interactions that break down rocks beyond the soil which are merely minerals. The minerals, in turn, are found on top of more pure metals found deeper in the earth. The inner planets of our solar system are held in their place by the energy of the sun, being small and probably by the types of elements and molecules of their composition. The outer planets, being made of gases to a significant extent, are kept in their place through interaction with the sun which they require ‘lesser of.’ They are also on the stellar side of the solar system interacting with the stars through what we call stellar energy(or particles streaming down on them from the stars) which keeps them in their paths. The planets interact with each other not directly by a force called gravity but through the mass of energy and particles that are found between them which first interact with their atmospheres or outer surface. The interaction between the atoms and molecules that make the planets is therefore secondary. With the loss of the environment, the interaction the earth had with the sun has been lost to a great extent so that earth is not travelling in the same path it used to around the sun merely, say two-hundred years ago when the land surface of the earth must have mostly been covered by plant and animal life and the atmosphere was rich. Now that we are in the final stages of the complete urbanization and industrialization of the planet’s resources, this loss of atmosphere and hence earth’s interaction with the sun, threatens to become complete as well. Once that happens, the destruction becomes complete and irreversible meaning there is no turning back after that. Then, the earth will fall out of orbit getting into a collision situation with other space objects, planets and meteorides alike. The earth being a powerful planet because of the molecules of the rich forms of life that existed in the past and the atmosphere, this affects all of the other planets of the solar system so that these too become discoordinated. This is shown in the science news that comes out in recent days of pluto falling out of orbit, Jupiter being hit by big meteorides several times within a few years and meteorides fly by earth within close distance. As the electron-proton pair law is knowledge that has been given to us to save ourselves since all of us desire to live and not die, we should changes our way of life by correcting our mistakes of the past, which we still make, in order to live safely, securely, and happily without stress, focussing our lives in the direction of education rather than pure consumption and the accumulation of things which were taking us towards death, esp. private cars and buildings that are unnecessary for life. A suggestion of how we should live follows. How We should Live As the electron-proton pair theory shows us to be in an extreme situation, it is hoped that people become willing to change the way they live and follow a mode of life that is as described below. It is hoped that people will generally abandon the desire to have such things as the electron-proton pair law has shown to have been extremely destructive to our environment so that now we are facing a life and death situation. If people learn the electron-proton pair law and become willing to cooperate in this way, we will definitely recover and survive. How Society Should be Organized As indicated above, all we need to live with all of our needs fulfilled are good apartment type homes in a building that does not go up any higher than 5 floors, the textile industry, the farm, public transportation which should give us all the convenience we desire by wishing for private cars, education at all levels from elementary school to university and higher. Society can be re-organized in a simple manner to provide us with all the things that give us a sense of meaning and intense education, or love of learning, will give us the sense of higher calling(or purpose) that we all feel as human beings. Higher needs such as exploration of space and the cosmos will also be provided for to an even better standards than it is today, accorded its due prestige and used appropriately. Society may be re-organized a village, sub-city or district, per city/town per state/province per country per year at a time to get us back to a previous level of environmental richness that was safer within a few years. Given the two years and 9 months already lost since the discovery of the electron-proton pair law, esp. the past one year or so, such work will have to be carried out even faster than before since the environmental destruction has accelerated to suicidal levels merely in the past two years in the country this suggestion for improvement is being written from. Projecting that onto world-wide ‘development projects’ with these projects being carried out faster than in so called third world countries which always fed their people until modern times so that all these people wanted to do was to “sit under a tree and watch the elephants” until we got smarter, the destruction of the environment is becoming more and more complete literally every day. Let alone 2 years and 9 months lost since the discovery of the electron-proton pair law, every day and hour that passes now is a cause of disturbance and fear if people were not choosing to die rather than sacrifice this last truth or discovery. A village or district per city/town per state/province per country is well over a hundred villages or districts per country and if these were re-organized appropriately as shall be discussed below, it will save us from imminent death. The major aspects of cities and towns that need to be avoided for us to be safe again are private cars and buildings that are unnecessary for life such as private hotels, trading buildings, and other shops such as small clothes and shoes shops, boutiques, and other shops that sell items of all kinds that occupy most of the land in cities and towns, cafes, bars, and restaurants. With most of the land surface of the world being cities and towns, the avoidance of these buildings and house like constructions over land that should have plant and animal life on it will definitely save us from disaster. Some of this land can be farmed and eaten thereby getting rid of shortage of food the price of which has more than haptupled in the past few years only because we chose to construct roads, highways, and high rising building that are unnecessary for life and increased the number of cars on the road thereby breaking down the earth some more in the mining and manufacturing processes for the materials needed to put together cars. It now seems humanity wishes to eat these stones and metals rather than healthy vegetables, fruit, and meat food items. The Village/District Most of the land in villages/districts cleared of buildings and building like structures that are unnecessary for life and roads re-sized to more practical sizes with private cars removed from the streets, the ideal village/district will look as described below. Humanity’s basic needs being food, shelter, and clothing every village or district is likely to have a farm or several of these(including livestock) in which people work as paid workers meaning these farms are government supervised farms. Although not every village/district is expected to have a government supervised farm, these are likely to exist in most villages. Land that is not farmed is converted into forests that are under guard of paid government guard units. The job of these units shall be to keep wild-life out of villages as these are expected to rise in number and kind and cross into forests that are near villages. Just as law enforcement units are set up at every point in a city, these guard units can be set up at every point around a village to keep wild-life out of villages, cities, and towns. Wildlife that stray near villages, cities, and towns are to be shot on site as these pose danger to human lives. People should have proper living quarters built in the form of apartments or condominium buildings which should be sufficient for everybody with one house-unit consisting of two bedrooms, a living/sitting room, a bath/shower room per family. These buildings should not rise above five floors as this is thought to be healthier than always sleeping or sitting on the 10th or 15th floor except for one or two recreational type buildings that may exist in a city to offer a high view of the city/town to visitors, as we are not birds yet to be sitting on a top branch or part of a tall tree. Living quarters should be spaced apart in small clusters that have grass lawns and gardens between them and fruit gardens in the surrounding nearby area to be looked after by interested people of the area organized into committees or groups who can work on it with a schedule. A village/district is likely to have or need one or two roads that have two lanes on each side that cut across the village one way or two ways but unlikely to require more than that. With the means of transport being buses, which should be amply provided to give convenience and timeliness, people simply get off buses and walk down to their homes along narrow cobble or asphalt ‘paths’ that would not exceed the size of a lane as the idea is to minimize land surface that is converted into concrete or stone. People may also use the bicycle as a means of transport and in fact it is likely that the bicycle industry will produce more bicycles than ever before and these to become part of normal everyday life. Trains should not exist in cities or towns and should be used for trans-national(i.e. inter-state/inter-provincial) and trans-continental(i.e. between countries) travel together with buses. Every village/district has a huge library where people can read all day, at least one big comprehensive school, a huge hospital with a pharmacy, two or more huge public recreational centers that are all inclusive(i.e. café, bar, restaurant as well as having sections for games, other activities, and sports/exercises such as gyms), two or more cinemas and/or theatres as needed, huge public internet and stationary services(mainly photocopying), and such things as are thought essential services in a well provided society. All items may be bought at one huge store to be found in every village/district – what else could humanity want? It is headed by a village/district head who reports the activities of the village(i.e. if there are manufactories and the farms that most certainly will exist in most villages) to the governor of the state/province. There should be lawn-parks with flower gardens and walkways everywhere in the village where people can read, relax, and have fun. There shall be benches everywhere, esp. along the streets where people can take a break from walks when going to and coming back from work, the cinema, or school or other places. The State/Province and the Country The state/province has cities, towns, and rural villages which are fast disappearing, with them the last bit of natural environment. Cities are composed of many villages/districts and towns also with there being less number of villages/districts in towns. The villages/districts of cities and towns are connected to each other by the main roads that exist in them which cross one village/district and continue onto the next. These roads have a total of 4 lanes, two on each side. The difference between the description(or picture) of the village/district presented above and the state/province is that the cities and towns of the state/province have branch offices of the ministries that exist in the state/province that houses the central government. Each state/province is headed by a governor. The manufactories(such as assembly lines for computers, mobiles, buses, television, fridges, ovens, cameras, household items, furniture, ceramic products of all kinds, cosmetics, luxury items such as candies and gums, etc. where such items are not imported and food item factories) a country requires are to be found spread in the villages/districts of the cities and towns found in the states/provinces and so are the higher level educational and research centers such as universities, colleges, and Academy of Science branch centers to the bigger Academy of Science that should have its seat in the state in which the central government is found. Precious stones such as gold and silver and diamond should be mined by a government supervised mining agency or manufactory which also manufactures the jewellery products with all their varieties with lots of room allowed for creativity in which individuals participate by suggesting design types. The same applies to such industries as the textile and clothing industry and the cosmetics industry unless these things are considered or taken care of by a ministry of culture. Manufactories of all kinds that exist today and the needs of which may arise as people require newer items or innovations are made can be set up as needed in the required number. The country has a central government in the ‘central state/province’ which may not be a geographic central state/province, with all the states/provinces looking more or less similar or the same except for the ‘central state’ which houses the central government, the head offices of the ministries, and the Academy of Sciences. Thus, the country has this over all picture of the states/provinces working under or being found around the central state/province that houses the central government. In such a society, humanity educates itself and works, as we were created to do. Thos who work earn their bread, meals, and roses that way and those who do not are either in school and hence with their families or at the university and hence partly with their families or out of work spending most of their time at the library until people vacate posts or retirement as most are expected to do in such a society receive government allowances to cover these costs and also make savings. We work according to capacity, knowing that it is also to our benefit and happiness to serve the system and not to earn a living; that will become a given if we correct our mistakes of the past and save ourselves as suggested in this booklet. By Way of a Conclusion The purpose of this section was to give a general view of what society should look like if we are able to correct the mistakes we have made in the past and live safely again and does not mention every ministry that is found in a country or every manufactory. Such things are considered obvious and such descriptions should not be expected from a small section in a small booklet like this. It is the need for reorganizing society in order to save ourselves that has made this section an essential additional part of this booklet. In the end must be answered the question ‘how long do we exist like this in this state of affairs, if we manage to achieve such a task?’ The answer is ‘we live this until the environment has recovered very well and the population level of the planet goes down to a safe level.’ That will allow us to knock down more buildings that were built as living quarters for people as the population of the world stabilizes at about 3 to 4 billion and live safely forever. Appendix I: Institutions to which a letter, an article, or a booklet on the electron-proton pair theory has been sent Organizations: UN UNFCC UNEP EC (European Commission Parliament) African Union Commission Universities by Country: Britain: Oxford University, Cambridge University, University of Glasgow, University of St. Andrews, University of Aberdeen, University of Edinburgh USA: MIT (Massachusettes Institute of Technology), Standford University, Princeton University, Yale University, Caltech (California Institute of Technology), Brandeis University, Clark University, Colgate College, Colorado College, Cornell University, Dartmouth University, Duke University, George Washington University, Harvard University, Ithaca University, Johns Hopkins University, Lafayette University, Lehigh University, University of Miami, Middlebury College, New York University, Swarthmore University, Vanderbilt University, Washington University, Wesleyan University Russia: St. Petersburg University, Moscow State University(most of these returned) Spain: University of Almeria, University of Cadiz, and a few other universities Germany: Heidelberg University, Leipzig University, University of Freiberg, University of Marburg, University of Tubingen Canada: University of Toronto, University of Ontario China: One or two universities whose names I have lost, as also the e-mails returned Academy of Sciences: Russian Academy of Sciences, French Academy of Sciences, Indian Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ethiopian Academy of Sciences Media Institutions: Newsweek, NewScientist, New York Times paper, Time magazine, the Times paper, the Guardian paper, the BBC And many other organizations and people in the public Appendix II: A copy of the letter-article or one very similar to it that has been sent to most of the places listed in Appendix I together with the letter addressing those people and/or institutions Dear Sirs/Madams, I write you this letter to inform you of the discovery of a theory the implications of which are indispensable for our very survival. I have been trying to get people’s attention to it since its discovery two years ago in 2010. I have been writing letters to many embassies (as many as 15 to 20) here in Addis Ababa to deliver these letters to important people in their country (scientists and policy makers in government). Having received no response from these people, I have started writing to scientists directly such as Stephen Hawking in the UK and Steven Weinberg in America and institutions such as MIT, Princeton, Standford, NASA, the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and I shall continue to write to more people as the implications of the theory put us in an emergency situation and therefore we must act boldly and quickly to save ourselves from dying out as human beings. Below you will find the letter-article describing the theory that is called the electron-proton pair theory which was discovered two years ago and shows what is happening to our environment. I am an Ethiopian national who graduated from Anglia Polytechnic University (now Anglia Ruskin University) in Cambridge in 2003 with a Biomedical Science degree. I returned to Addis Ababa then and have been working in various capacities on and off since then, mostly in the school environment. At times when I was not working, I dabbled with simple school mathematical calculations to eventually discover the electron-proton pair theory two years ago . . . I do hope you contact me in the coming weeks and months as I cannot imagine any hope of existence if people do not work on the implications of this theory and the suggestions made at the end of the letter-article found below in a serious manner over the coming few months and years. Sincerely yours, [D. Bardan] The Electron-proton pair theory (or The Sun Age and the Environment) The electron-proton pair theory was discovered in August/September 2010. It changes the way we look at things and shows what and how things are made of. It can be considered a miracle as it is a discovery made out of need at a time when the environment we live in has become destroyed to the extent it threatens to collapse completely. People who learn and understand this theory will undoubtedly not only do their bit but also push other people in higher positions and government to correct the way things are being done so that we will not die out as a human race. The electron-proton pair theory postulates that what we used to call the electron and proton are made of void particles which are infinitely smaller that the atom of the Greeks and the particles of modern physics. The void particle is unidimensional and travels in one direction at a time except when it travel as an electron type void particle and a proton type void particle in different directions giving us those designations and is in particles, atoms, and molecules. The void particle was fitted into the electron-proton pair and the proton-electron pair based on an old definition of the neutron as being made of an electron and a proton and what we used to call the electron became an electron-proton pair and the proton became a proton-electron pair. The electron-proton pair and the proton-electron pair are perfect spheres and different sides of each other. The number of void particles in each the electron-proton pair and the proton-electron pair was estimated to be about 3 x 10900 based on π which was improved to a number that could be expressed only as a formula but is not probably far from that: 0 + 1 + . . . + 3 x 10^298 + 3 x 10^299 + 3 x 10^300 + 3 x 10^299 + 3 x 10^298 + . . . + 1 + 0 The void particle being the most singular thing one could imagine, in twos it forms a symetry with each of the two particles being on the left and right or up and down side of each other and in threes forms a symetrty with a particle in the middle. The symetry formed with three particles is a symetry with highest number of void particles that does not repeat. If one considers higher numbers of void particles they would simly be repeats of lower symetries formed by lower numbers of void particles so that four void particles would represent a repeat of the symetry formed by two particles, five void particles by two and three particles, six void particles by three particles and so on. And because three void particles make the highest number of void particles that make a non-repeatable symmetry, the angle around the perfect circle is defined to be 300 degrees. This number represents the number of void particles going around the first layer of the perfect circle found in the perfect sphere which is a huge number in actual reality. Environmental Implications Although this is an age changing discovery, the greatest implications of this theory are on the immediate environment we live in and these should be acted on immediately as our survival is not only at risk but that we are facing certain death if we continue to live by overproduction in industry and construction of buildings and concrete as we do now. The theory shows that the destruction of the environment has reached such a level that it threatens to become irreversible in the next 5 to 10 years. It shows that the moon was held in balance because of its interactions with the sun and the earth through the atmosphere and other space flying objects such as meteorides threaten to collide with the earth in the near future, as near as the next 30 to 50 years, unless the cities humanity has built are destroyed and spread apart with most of the space presently occupied by these cities and towns being planted with forests and gardens, fruit gardens and some of the area even farmed for food provision. The theory shows that the whole solar system is held together by the interactions of the bodies that exist in it, esp. the sun, the stars, and the gaseous planets, with earth containing complicated plant and animal life forms being a powerful planet. The moon was held in balance around the earth through its interactions with the atmosphere around the equator where the tropical rain forests are found which have been destroyed over esp. the past 30 to 50 years with the expansion of urbanization with the atmosphere being more depleted in the northern hemisphere of the earth where urbanization on this scale and cities and towns have existed much longer ago, the moon seems to be falling more and more southwards as it sets where the environmental destruction is more recent. This threatens to become irreversible over the coming 5 to 10 years if the spread of urbanization continues at present rates and is not stopped and reversed as soon as possible. The theory also shows that the earthquakes and weather imbalances such as tsunamis and heavy flood rains including monsoon rains that are reported every year in recent years (i.e. the past 30 to 50 years perhaps the past 20 to 30 years being the worst) are caused by human destruction of the environment. The cities and towns in central Africa, Latin America (esp. Brazil and Argentina), Central to Southern China and Southern Asia have to be destroyed and spread apart over the coming few years as the rate of urbanization or city expansion, if not stopped immediately, limits irreversibility point/time of destruction of the environment to about that time and Central to eastern USA and Europe over this period and after that over 5 to 10 years to bring this work to completion so that we can live safely again. Once people become fully aware of the situation, they can be helped and organized at the village and district levels in all countries to bring down most of the buildings in the cities and replace them with trees, fruit gardens, forests, and gardens. Industry should be curbed except for the public transport sector, food production factories, the bare necessities (i.e. the textile industry, items people need every days such as shoes and clothing and if the project is carried out, tents and blankets. Living quarters should be built in place of one huge villa for one family which could house up to 10 families and clear up huge areas of space that could be planted with forests and gardens instead of another 10 villas for 10 families which could house up to 100 families over larger space interspersed with more forests and gardens. If one calculated this over a huge city such as Addis Ababa is becoming where I am writing this letter from and the huge American cities and hundreds and thousands like them that exist around the world and over countries, the difference is significant and will definitely save us from dying out. Society as we know it today with all these heavy concrete cities and towns and cars needs to be destroyed and the basic roots saved and resized for transportation and movement purposes or we really have no hope. Some of the industries listed at the end of the original letter-article with the suggestion of cutting down on them heavily are found below. I had been rather fundamentalistic in the listing of the industries to be curbed in the original letter-article but this has become clearer since then and the main concern remains and will always be until it is either corrected or we head into an irreversible environmental damage: private cars and too-large roads and highways and buildings unnecessary for life such as big villa houses when apartments and condominium housing is enough for everybody, shops which occupy most of the land in cities and towns, private hotels which are but a useless seemingly magnificent pile of stones if society corrected its ways, bars, cafes (except for a few public recreational centers), when we can get all of these services and happinesses at home, in a public garden, or from a bench in a corrected society with our friends, etc. Also, illustrations 1, 2, and 3 found in this booklet were included in this article and the other letters and articles sent either in part or together. Car Industry - all private cars should be removed from the streets and filed or rusted away Cement industry - by as much as 3/4th The metal industry - by as much as 3/4th Personal computers - too much metal production, people can get these services at a public computer service center
Posted on: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 14:30:54 +0000

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