Secularism and Untouchability These days one hears some funny - TopicsExpress


Secularism and Untouchability These days one hears some funny stories of BJP and Modi being discovered as Anti Secular. Bharatiya Janta party is repackaged Avatar of Bharatiya Jan Sangh. It was to the knowledge of all and sundry that the BJP stood for Uniform civil code, Abolition of article 370 and for Construction of a Glorious Ram Temple at the birth place in Ayodhya. All constituents of NDA joined hands together, keeping BJP at the fore front, knowing fully well before hand of what the saffron party stood for. From a meagre strength of 2 MP’s in parliament it rose to attain the levels of 182 MP’s ostensibly on the Raam Rath of which Advani Ji was the front face and Architect. If someone claims today that he was not aware of the history of BJP, it would sound not only too innocent, but foolish as well. People are smart enough today. They know very well, whom they are going to sleep with. Questioning the credentials of the other person, in the next morning, does not really absolve you of the moral and legal responsibilities. The public memory is short, as the proverb goes; but not to the extent that people start treating the Aam Janta as bunch of idiots. Gujarat riots took place in 2002 in which Hindus and Muslims both suffered massive casualties. Atal Ji was upset with Modi Ji for not being able to control the riots effectively and quickly. But perhaps, it was the anger of people that finally took its toll in the shape of many people dead in the aftermath of brutal Godhra burning of Kaar Sewaks alive in railway coach. At times, it is difficult for the administration to effectively control the situation in a riot as our police by and large in all the states, is a lethargic force not suitably equipped to control riot situations. The Nation has witnessed the1984 riots, where, after the murder of Indira Ji, the mobs lynched some 8000 Sikhs to death before army could douse the fire and the sentiments. We had a Sikh President and Mr Rajiv Gandhi as Prime Minister at that time. We are yet to see the real perpetrators of that organised crime behind the bars. In most of the cases, the police are yet to close the investigations and most of the witnesses have died. Charge sheets are yet to be filed in many cases even after 29 years have gone by. This is the reality of India. Merely by being in Power at the time of riots does not put untouchable tag to a party. If that was so, UPA 1 and 2 would not have taken birth. There is an unwritten bonding between Akali Dal and BJP. These two parties have stood together for a very long period of time, though allegations of blatant misuse of Power and corruption have been levelled against the Badal’s. But Akali stand today to be with BJP and Modi is appreciable. Whole world knows that if NDA comes to power, it can only do so by invoking the blessings of Lord Rama, and putting Modi’s Good Governance in front. Similarly, the stand of Shiv Sena on this issue is very clear and appreciable. JDU should have quit the NDA Govt. immediately after the Gujarat riots. The fact remains that JDU of Bihar and BJD of Odisha choose to stay in the NDA Govt. until it was voted out of Power in the next Elections. The Perks and spoils of Power are very difficult to forego. Clearly, there is something fishy in the opposition to Modi’s elevation in BJP. Modi belongs a caste which is particularly strong in UP. His emerging on the horizon would certainly dilute the hold and effect of other stalwarts on the community. More so, if the voters sense that the person has a chance to become PM then en masse swings of votes have been witnessed earlier also. Second reason is the fear of slipping away of Muslim voters who can swing away from JDU and BJD if they are seen to be siding with Modi. JDU and BJD are probably mistaken in the belief that by shunning away from BJP at this stage, Muslim voters would be sympathetic to them. These 15% votes may swing away from NDA but gain would go to Congress, Mulayam Singh and Laloo Yadav only. JDU and BJD have emerged as the Party in power in their states basically on the field strength and Goodwill of the BJP in the urban voters and Intellectual classes who are the opinion makers of any Nation. Nitish Kumar has had a successful rally in New Delhi. It was an excellent opportunity for him to portray himself as an alternative to Modi. But he let the opportunity slip by and could not offer anything to the Youth or the Nation. Instead he was more keen to show himself as an eligible Bachelor open for matrimonial alliances with people of any color. It took Rs.12,000 crores to pacify him in the shape of a package to his state. Rajiv Gandhi once remarked that only 15% of the money reaches the real people. Now what would happen to this money is anybody’s guess. Nitish choose to take this bait and now is on way to commit a Political Hara-kiri( Suicide). MaharajGanj by polls results have clearly told him to back off but he would not listen to the warning bells. This stubborn Lohia follower may learn the hard way. BJD’s idea of joining the third front is a rotten idea. Only Congress would gain in Odisha at the cost of NDA’s reduced strength. Nitish Kumar opposition to Modi could be understandable as he too is understood to be a prospective PM candidate and Modi’s elevation could dampen his prospects but Naveen has no such ambitions or stature. Its only a me too attempt to become a Hero by committing suicide. NDA may suffer some casualties in the shape of shaky allies whose BJP phobia may do some damage in the initial run. But this would prove good in the long run. If the Nation goes for a bipolar election where election is fought on Hindu vs All others basis then only a situation would emerge which can take the Nation forward on the development path. Nation must keep the strong History and the past intact in order to go forward. Secularism has rubbished the Nation for long. It is high time to let it go and die a natural death. Authored by; Deepak Jain Jain.deepak1857@gmail Author is Vice Chairman, Delhi Unit Of Hindustan Samaachar (A multi lingual News Agency)
Posted on: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 06:51:09 +0000

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