**Security Alert** (Apple Inc. users) PLEASE be advised there is - TopicsExpress


**Security Alert** (Apple Inc. users) PLEASE be advised there is a serious privacy threat to ANYONE using anything Apple and im here to help because I care for this community. Not hype! This is a viable threat. The solution I feel is simple & maybe a tad bit extreme.. BUT if you follow these instructions, you too can be spared from what may be headline news in the near future... Here we go, everyone on the same page?: **Back up and/or transfer any and ALL *sensitive data* stored on your said apple device to an OFFLINE (meaning not connected to the internet), EXTERNAL hard drive source (usb, thumb, stick, flash drive, memory card, etc). After transferring your data, make sure it was of course transferred successfully before DELETING the original data stored on your device. Thats right... DELETE IT (this is why u backed up/transferred your data in the 1st place) **By doing this you single-handedly have done the BEST and most FOOL PROOF solution to keeping your privacy safe. This is very sad and bad news for Apple users and YES this is a pain, but if you dont do this... youre simply putting yourself at risk for fraud, leaked photos, etc. I hope you guys know what sensitive* data is... bank account info, personal photos/videos, secret ceo stuff, etc. . . **More info here: theregister.co.uk/2014/09/28/bash_shellshock_bug_patches_released_by_red_hat/ & here: slate/articles/technology/technology/2014/09/shellshock_what_you_need_to_know_about_the_bash_vulnerability.html **Windows users? you should be fine BUT for both WINDOWS users & APPLE users, I HIGHLY ADVICE you also get and/or enable a firewall program. Also get and/or enable an anti virus program (if you dont have one, google avira and download it... its free and its what I use). ALSO if you are using google chrome as your web browser, I HIGHLY ADVICE you download ad block plus (again simply google it). THIS particular software (ABP) works ONLY WITH *GOOGLE CHROME* and NO OTHER browser (sadly), but it is probably YOUR BEST DEFENSE! Get it... enable it.. *Uncheck (or untick, w/e u wanna call it) the box that says Allow some non-intrusive advertising under the options menu. Also be sure to enable malware protection and disable tracking. Leave the disable social media buttons alone (as in leave unchecked), because by doing this I think it disables the facebook like button... we dont necessarily want that now do we :P ***I apologize for such a long post but again I care for this community and I know a lot about the computer world... heed this warning and you too shall be spared. Im not even gunna bash apple products right now... ill let you do that. Eyes OPEN. NO fear. Be safe everyone!
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 02:00:55 +0000

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