Security Guard: Your now in! Welcome to Gazibu Island! Have Fun! - TopicsExpress


Security Guard: Your now in! Welcome to Gazibu Island! Have Fun! Elsa: Hey, Jack! Could i call Merida, Punzie, Hiccup, Joshu-- Jack: EXCEPT JOSHUA. I HATE HIM. Elsa: Ok.. Its No problem *Calls Punzie* Hi Punzie! Me and Jack are at the beach, Please tell the others to go to Gazibu Island, Including you. Thanks Rapunzel: Sure Elsa! =D Thanks so much for the invite! =) -After 1 Hour and 30 Minutes (Rapunzel, Merida and Hiccup were already there)- Elsa and Jack: *Sees them* Hi Guys! Over here!.. Merida: OMG!~ THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MAH LIFE TIME! Oh! What would i do with out the 2 of you... Both of you made my life a dream!! Owwww!!! Both of you are soo kind! *Hugs Elsa and Jack* Rapunzel: O MY GUSH! Are you really sure that were going to have over night here?.. *0* .. OMG!!! WHAT A SURPRISE! Thanks Jack and Elsa for inviting us! Your the BEST Friends that ive ever had in my whole entire life! *Hugs Elsa & Jack* Hiccup: OH MY GLOB!!! Im so exited to swim!!!!! Could we eat now? xD Or do something?.. Or maybe just eat cause its lunch time. By the way YOUR THE BEST JACK AND ELSA! Ive always wanted to go and explore in this island.. OMJ!! *Hugs Elsa and Jack* Elsa: Thanks to all of you.. Merida, I know! Its the best day of mah life too! But, Thank Jack even more! Because he planned this whole thing!........ Rapunzel, Yes! Were going to have over night here.. It is a SURPRISE! I wanna surprise all of you! And Your welcome.. By the way, im not really a very Best person. I suck! xD Jokee!! I accept your compliment Punzie!.. Hiccup, I know.. You always love to swim. But remember eat first before swimming. xD Wow! Thanks Hicc.... Really?! You really wanted to go and Explore this island?.. Why didnt you tell me?.. If you just told me, then we would had went here!.. Dont be shy.. I wont kill you. xD Jack: Thanks Everyone! And Elsa, Your right!~ XD But do not thank me more. Thank us more. So, Lets eat! -At the restaurant- Worker: Hi Maam, Hi Sir. What do you want to order? *Give the menu* Heres the menu. Theres Barbecue, Chicken, Pork, and More foods. What do you want? Elsa: I want, Barbecue with rice and Nesty. Jack:i would like Spicy Babecue Chicken and Royal. Merida: I wanna have Spaghetti and Sprite. Hiccup: I would like to have Hamburger and 4 Seasons. Rapunzel: I like to have Hot dog and Water. Worker: Okay Maám and Sir. Ill repeat your orders. 1 Barbecue, 1 Nesty, 1 Spicy Babecue Chicken,1 Royal, 1 Spaghetti, 1 Sprite, 1 Hamburger, 1 4 Seasons. 1 Hot dog, and 1 Water. Is that all? Elsa, Jack, Merida, Hiccup and Punzie: Yep! --20 Minutes later (They were done eating already)-- Jack: Cmon Elsa lets go and Change! =D Elsa: Okay, Lets go!! *Goes with Jack to the C.R.* Hiccup: Lets go to the C.R. Mer! =D Merida: Yeah, Sure! =) *Goes with Hiccup to the C.R.* Punzie: *Goes by her self to the C.R.* Jack: *Changes into Shorts* Oww Yeah! This is the life!!
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 10:31:23 +0000

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