Seduction & Destruction! Remember the old Bug Lights? They - TopicsExpress


Seduction & Destruction! Remember the old Bug Lights? They were actually Bug Fryers. There was a light in the center of the unit & it was surrounded by an electrified mesh of wires. While cleaning out the barn I came across one & got to thinking. Bugs & Insects of all shapes & sizes would be attracted to the light, they would approach the light, ignoring the carnage of all those who had gone before, only to meet their demise. Arent people much the same? Dont we ignore the obvious tell tale signs of a bad relationship & move further & closer, even though we know the consequences can be, well, fatal? Why, what is it about that guy or that girl that we throw caution & reason to the wind? Why is it that we refuse to accept the damage that can happen & has happened to countless others? How can one light, (person), be so mesmerizing, so intoxicating that we become oblivious to warnings or the potentially debilitating consequences? Why do normally smart, level headed, intelligent people become risk takers or the equivalent of high wire act w/o a net? Im not sure I know the answer. I suspect it may be related to our desire for happiness, a need to belong, to be appreciated, to be touched, carassed, respected, adored, appreciated, valued, held or loved. Whatever the reason, I do know that when we stray, when we follow a false light, when we seek anything that is contrary to what He wants for us, the outcome will always be disastrous. For you may fool others for awhile & maybe even yourself longer. But by flitting & flirting w/danger, that electronic coil mesh should be a fervent reminder that no one can escape its pull. Its like a drug, an addiction, dont go there. The outcome is never pretty. Instead, He has a path for you, follow that as he wants joy, abundance & unconditional love for YOU!
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 03:36:44 +0000

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