See - this is why I need to move to Amsterdam and have legal & - TopicsExpress


See - this is why I need to move to Amsterdam and have legal & steady access to psychedelics and marijuana: Yesterday one of my literary idols, Robert Stone, died. Its pretty old news how much Dog Soldiers (novel) and its film version Wholl Stop the Rain (written by Stone & my dear friend Judith Rascoe) mean to me. I was already pretty stoned when I heard the news and had just gotten the shrooms, and started nibbling on them. Spent most of the evening mildly tripping and reading obituaries & testimonials about him. Went to bed. Slept like a rock. Woke up today, nibbled a tiny bit, then hit MOCA to snag the exhibition catalogue for the Marjorie Cameron exhibit, which was out of stock when I was previously there. Then on the way back passed the Taschen Gallery on Beverly and saw that they had this amazing Rolling Stones in photography exhibit going, and I was like, wow, gotta see THAT, esp. since Im mildly tripping, and it was wonderful. Then I went to have lunch at a place that Amy & I used to eat at all the time, that I havent been to since she died but wanted to eat at one more time before moving - Genghis Cohen on Fairfax. Ordered one of our quintessential orders - No Name Duck (boneless, pictured below) and New York Style Egg Rolls. It was a delicious but, yes, emotional meal. Now Im home, continuing to nibble on the shrooms, and proceeding with packing. So its been a pretty heavy last night and today, some emotional stuff about loss - the loss of Robert Stone couldnt be more poignant, given that the character of Marge in DOG SOLDIERS shared many, many traits with my lost Amy - and also the pure pleasure of the wonderful Stones exhibition. Most of it filtered through a very mild psychedelic trip. And what could have been dark and depressing for me was melancholy to be sure, but not devastating. God, just let me get to Amsterdam, Netherlands...
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 22:50:14 +0000

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