See Im a bit flabbergasted right now, I have been hearing about a - TopicsExpress


See Im a bit flabbergasted right now, I have been hearing about a school board in Colorado who have decided that they will not allow their teachers to teach students any history that involves civil disobedience they say that they want to promote patriotism and that by deleting anything in the history books that smacks of civil disobedience they will be instilling patriotism in their students - Really? Have they forgotten that this country was founded by civil disobedience? What do they think those patriots were doing when they dumped tea in the boston harbor to protest taxation without representation? Not to mention the fact that civil disobedience has been responsible for more good in this country than bad - remember Rosa Parks? Remember those who marched to get voting rights for women? And those are just three examples I can think of off the top - Then theres the way it makes my blood go cold when I think of the fact that these idiots in Colorado are going to censor history - if this is allowed where will it end? Will our kids one day not be allowed to read or learn anything that some person feels is unpatriotic or any other label that some narrow minded person feels is bad for our kids to learn? Do they not realize this is how Hitler started? Burning books bcuz they were unpatriotic This is America, the land of the free but you are not free if some narrow minded bigot decides that they will not allow teachers to teach history - and that brings to mind what someone once said if you ignore history you are doomed to repeat it! Well, if someone can tell teachers to stop teaching the truth, good bad or ugly, to our kids then how in heck are they supposed to learn from our mistakes as well as from our triumphs? If a child is denied the truth, all of it, then that child grows up ignorant and is doomed to repeat the intolerance and hate that we are trying to overcome! I am dismayed and angry that anyone can even think of censoring history to our kids! I am sad that people are willing to go along with this and I am angry at those narrow minded bigots who feel its all right to determine what is patriotic and what is unpatriotic or civil disobedience! I dont usually do this, I really believe in live and let live but in this case I am making an exception bcuz I truly believe that if we allow anyone anywhere to censor history because they dont want our children to learn about civil disobedience which is such an integral part of America - because we were founded on the principal that civil disobedience is necessary to freedom - the freedom that allows us to speak our minds - a freedom which is being attacked more and more by narrow minded people who believe that it is necessary to mold our childrens minds in their own narrow beliefs, that I ask anyone who agrees to share this and to speak out to their own senators - especially those who live in Colorado - and try to stop this insanity before it leads to the loss of our right to freedom of speech, freedom to protest and the freedom to read and learn the true history of our Country - I respect the fact that there are those who will disagree with my opinion but I ask those who do to stop and think of one thing - if you never learned the true history of this country, including the acts of civil disobedience which led to the founding of this country and the civil disobedience which led to women getting the vote and the civil disobedience which led Rosa Parks to protest against racism by taking that seat in that bus - if you were never taught any of that or the other acts which led to good (and yes some to bad) then how would you ever be able to form an opinion against them? You have to be able to learn all the truth of our history not just the pablum that that school board wants to feed those kids in Colorado to be able to form any opinion for or against so please email your senators and congressmen everywhere and let them know you dont want anyone anywhere to be able to decide that there is something they dont want our kids to know and stop teaching it to them! Thank you for reading this - and again I apologize to anyone who feels that this is not the forum for this type of post but I truly feel strongly that our kids need to learn everything in our history and in the worlds history or the mistakes of the past will come again and again and again ......
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 00:36:38 +0000

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