See it here first. Below is a press release from the RCN re a - TopicsExpress


See it here first. Below is a press release from the RCN re a meeting they had with the health minister about the state of nursing in NI 8 July 2013 Health Minister and RCN agree on nursing priorities for Workforce Plans Health Minister Edwin Poots has met with representatives from Royal College of Nursing (RCN) to discuss a range of issues raised relating to the nursing workforce in Northern Ireland. During the meeting, the Minister briefed the RCN on a number of actions taking place to further enhance the nursing workforce. Following the meeting the Minister said: “I have asked DHSSPS officials, with the Chief Nursing Officer providing expert opinion, guidance and support to; · Develop a new workforce plan for nurses and midwives to ensure that these key professionals are best placed to support the delivery of safe and effective care as change takes place into the future. As part of this we need to know we have the right number of nurses in the right place and that education and training is available to support the way forward. · Ensure that as nursing becomes increasingly important within new policies into the future, the role of specialist nurses, particularly those working in the community is maximised. To this end I have asked for a particular piece of work be taken forward which will focus on this and ensure that professional development remains at the heart of my plans. · Lead a review of the use of nursing staff deployed through banks and agencies. The development of key performance indicators will be explored as a means of minimising the use of bank and agency staff. · Lead a review of skill mix within nursing teams to ensure that, as the profile and setting of care changes, all grades of staff are appropriately used and supported. · Examine a range of concerns raised by the RCN on behalf of its members in relation to the availability and use of information technology in the Health and Social Care service. · Take forward a pay audit for Agenda for Change. “I have asked Chief Nursing Officer, to take this work forward in conjunction with Commissioners, Public health Agency, Health Trusts and the RCN.” The RCN requested that the adequacy of the budget for nursing education would be reviewed and the Minister has now announced additional in-year support of £300,000 for post-registration education. Speaking about the announcement, the Minister said: “I am pleased to announce this funding package, which will be used to support the development of nurses to deliver high quality care into the future.” The RCN warmly welcomes the Minister’s undertakings and looks forward to working in partnership with the Chief Nursing Officer and departmental officials to ensure that this work is expedited. Janice Smyth, Director of the RCN said: “The issues that the RCN recently raised with the Minister reflect a range of concerns related to the nursing workforce in Northern Ireland that have been highlighted by our members. The RCN is grateful to the Minister for listening to our concerns and for putting in place a series of measures that will address them. The RCN looks forward to working in partnership with the Chief Nursing Officer and other Departmental officials to deliver the project plan and associated action plan. In this way, we can help to deliver our shared aim of providing the very best nursing care for the people of Northern Ireland.” A project plan and associated action plan for these work streams is currently being drawn up by DHSSPS officials.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 06:12:35 +0000

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