See look Im trying to be like purge LOL. But no commentary - TopicsExpress


See look Im trying to be like purge LOL. But no commentary la. Anyway Ephraim this is for you - since you never really played CM on a 5 stack before (i think youre the only one on our team lol). U see how fast we buy the items then move as 5 to go ward and deward prehorn (thats how we got fb). Some details: 1) the supports actually bought obs, sentries, AND smoke prehorn 2) rotations were made from the supports to both mid and bot lane 3) people kinda new their timing and movements - eg for mine, I had to move out of lane the moment I got 6 to setup a kill - not just sit n farm 4) farm priority - Im pos 3 in that game, viper/am were 2/1 respectively. I never took farm from them when laning together 5) general strategy - we generally moved with purpose - either to buy space for AM or push tower or both. you dont see me randomly jungling even though I really did want to get that gold for a faster refresher. i instead constantly moved with the supports. 6) nobody dives. there is really no need for it. why throw your lead? 7) controlled use of spells - I had my ravage online for quite some time and was VERY tempted to use it but I knew I couldnt just blow a big spell like that for a solo kill mid game (early game is generally ok though) 8) controlled team fights/not taking baits - the teamfights were taken with good measure - we dont go in even if we see one hero out of place unless we are sure the others are elsewhere on the map. if you see the entire team missing with one person showing, those are often baits and he has his whole team sitting behind him. the exception is of course, you also have your whole team behind you with a blink dagger ready to jump in. 9) objectives objectives objectives. when pushing into high ground we just raxed. the only time we went in to dive a little was when we were sure we could snag a few fast kills and get out. AND THEN continue raxing.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 14:30:24 +0000

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