See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not - TopicsExpress


See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more shall not we escape, if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven: I want us to study this from God’s word, The subject that, perhaps many, or most, are familiar with, and yet it’s important to remind ourselves, of, To be equipped with, to better understand it, for ourselves, As well of course, to encourage, and teach others about And that is, God speaks to us... How god speaks to us... We have in quotation marks, “god spoke to my heart” Because that’s a very common thing that we hear... If we talk to people, about god, And the will of god in their lives, And it’s not uncommon to hear folks say, “God spoke to my heart” And we will note some of that, in a moment... But I do want to draw attention back to john 6, because, The question that we want to pose, is how we do, hear God, today?? How do we listen to god? We will find that the issue is not, whether, or not god, speaks... But, how are we listening?? How is it that we, listen to how, god is speaking, to us... How does god speak and how do we listen?? In john 6, you see some of them murmuring, about Jesus, And their complaining, about him, describing himself as, The bread of life that has come from heaven... And they say we know this man, He’s the son of joseph, and we know his father, So how does he say, he’s came down from heaven?? And Jesus challenges them, on the point, and says, Jn 6:44 No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: So he accepts and proclaims, I have been sent by the father... I came from heaven, But no one can come to me, Unless the father, who sent me, draws him... You can’t come to Jesus... unless the father draws you... Now what in the world does that mean?? And how in the world does, that happen... Because Jesus, affirms it, Furthermore he said, I’ll raise him up at the last day... Well he helps explain, to us in verse 45, what that means. And how that’s accomplished... Jn 6:45 It is written in the prophets, and they shall be all taught by God. Therefore, he’s going to make the application, of the prophet, Isaiah 54 and verse 13 is his reference... Every man therefore that hath heard, And hath learned of the Father, Cometh unto me. Now he said, no one can come to him, Unless the father draws him to me... What that means is, Jesus says, Is you have to hear, and learn, from the father... You have to be taught, by god. Verse 45 If you’re going to come to Jesus, You have to be taught by god... God has to, teach you, You have to hear him, and learn from him, To come to me, Jesus says... So Jesus himself, affirms, You have to listen to god, God is saying something, to you, And you have to listen, to him, You have to be taught, by him, In order to come to me... So that poses, then the point... The question, of the lesson, Because it is commonly held, That god speaks directly to his people... Apart from the scriptures, apart from the bible, There are countless people who believe, and will affirm, that god speaks to them, Or god has spoken to them, in some direct way, Now, to illustrate what we’re talking about, We’ve all heard the so called faith healers, Who say god spoke to my heart and told me, about a sick child, that’s in the audience... Or somebody got a tumor on the brain, And god told me, We’ve heard that... Those kinds of references, at times are made... Then again there are those, who, say well I know I’m saved, God spoke to my heart, and told me, I’m saved... This warm assurance, this confident, feeling that, This whispering to my heart, I just know I’m saved... And so they, have convinced themselves, God has spoken directly to them... Not by going to the bible, and comparing, themselves, to what god, word says, in the scriptures, But, no, god has directly spoken to them... affirming their salvation, they say... Some believe that, god will speak directly to them, in support of what they except as, present truth... You know the Mormons,, believe that,, if you will read the book of Mormons,, with real intent,, having faith in god,, and pray to him,, and in the power of the holy ghost,, that god will,, manifest,, to you the truth of these things.. In other words, they believe god will give you a personal, revelation... God will speak directly to you, that the book of Mormons, is true, And joseph smith is the true prophet, and then you will have a testimony... Personal revelation, But do you know, there are some brethren, who have, swallowed that thinking... There are some brethren, who are now willing to affirm, they believe god, has spoken directly to them... Not by giving new revelation, but in some manner or method, of affirming what, god has already revealed... God spoke to me, I believe there’s a fundamental confusion going on, Were t to have god’s law, written in our hearts, so when we know the truth, and recall the truth, at particular moments in our life, It could well be said that, god, speaks to us, but not, apart from revelation... Not apart from the bible, but in conscience application, consideration of that word... Of what we know is truth... But that’s really not, what some are advocating these days... Some brethren, have suggested, in pretty emphatic terms, recently, publicly, God spoke to me... The comforter assured me, with a message from god... That, brethren, is dangerous... That brethren, is not what the bible teaches... Well more on that in a moment perhaps... But I want us to again, remind ourselves, what the issue is, and what it’s not... There is no doubt, that god, speaks to us, Jesus says, we have to hear, from the father, We have to learn, from the father, We have to be taught, by the father, to come to him, So there is no doubt that God, is communicating, to us... Hebrews 1:2 God has in these last days spoken unto us by his Son... God has spoken, that’s not the issue... The issue is, how does he speak... to you?? And me... How does he do that?? We are taught in Hebrews 12:25 Heb 12:25 See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. God speaks, and we must not refuse him... in our lives... Now how does he do that? Does he give you some internal message? Some direct, line of communications, How does he do this...? Well Jesus, said he does it by, teaching us... They will all be taught by god, Hearing and learning, from god, we come to Jesus... How do we listen to his voice?? Jesus said, Lk 8:8 He that hath ears to hear, let him hear. Are we supposed to be sitting and waiting for a message, to come directly to us from god...? He would go on in verse 18 too say, Lk 8:18 Take heed therefore how ye hear: Suggesting that our heart is involved, in this process... Of hearing from god... So how does god speak to us and how are we to listen, to his voice?? What does the scripture say?? Jn 5:39 Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. In romans 4 and 3 when the apostles want to drive home a point, of truth he said, Ro 4:3 for what saith the scripture? We have to go to the scriptures, for our answer, Not to our emotions, not to our experiences, not to traditionalism, Not to a church creed, or a catechism, Not to the wisdom of men, We’ve got to go to, the scriptures, Why is that?? Because, scripture is given by the inspiration, of god. They are breathe out, by god... There from god... So that the apostles, peter, said, 1Pe 4:11 If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God; As the words of god, Where will we find the words of god?? In inspired scriptures... And so we will go there to get, an answer... How does god speak to us...? How does god speak to my heart? And your heart... How does he communicate? How do we listen to him, so that we can hear him? And be taught by him, And be able to come to Jesus, who is the bread of life, Whom we must have, if we’re gonna have eternal life... You see, it’s all about getting to Jesus... It’s all about, getting to his salvation, This business of how god speaks, This is not, some mere intellectual exercise, This is fundamental to how, sinners are saved... How we are taught by god, to come to his son, To be redeemed from our sins... And then to live, in holiness before him, To live in fellowship, with him, To be sustained by him... By his life, Matthew 22 is the beginning to answer this question, Let us see that, Jesus said, that we hear the voice of god, by listening, to the scriptures... We hear the voice of god, by listening to the scriptures that come from god... Matt. 22 verses, 31 and 32, Jesus talking about the resurrection quotes, Mt 22:31 But as touching the resurrection of the dead, have ye not read that which was spoken unto you by God, saying, Mt 22:32 I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living. Now the point that we, take from this, is this, haven’t you read what god spoke to you?? Well Jesus said, when you read the scriptures, Your reading what god, spoke to you... He references is to exodus chapter, 3:15 When on the mountain, in the wilderness, at Horeb, the mount. Sinai, area, that the burning bush, That Moses went to see, Why it was burning and not being consumed... God spoke to him, and we read about that in scripture, When god said, to him, I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob... Verse 15, So when god, spoke to Moses, But now Jesus said to the people of his day, Haven’t you read, what was spoken to you, by god...? God spoke it Moses, but it was recorded by god’s inspiration, One of the five books of Moses, In exodus, And now when they read exodus, Jesus says, it was god, speaking to you, How does god speak, to you? Jesus said, it was when you read, the scriptures... God is speaking to you... Haven’t you read what god spoke to you? Do you see that point? It’s not a hard point, It’s exactly what, Jesus said, God was speaking to the readers, when Moses was read... So, if a person wanted to listen to the voice of god, In the day of Jesus, he said, he was to read Moses, He was to hear Moses. Well the message, is the same today, from Moses, That it was in Jesus’ day, So if we want to hear, what god’s voice was, concerning Moses, Concerning the things, that Moses had to say, You read Moses... And when we do that, were listening to god... When you read genesis, or you read Leviticus, Or you read, any of the other inspired scripture, But now were just talking about Moses... When you read the first five books of Moses, god is speaking... You see, that’s why we put such emphasis, upon the bible... Because it is, god, speaking, to us... When we read it, it is the voice of god, And when, people today, discount the bible, Do you not see what that is? It is discounting the very words, the very voice of god... People would rather, assume god, has sent them some directing message, Rather than read, what god has actually spoken... The devil wants that of course, And too often we yield to that, Don’t give me the bible, Too much bible... Not enough God, Have you heard things like that...? Too much bible, Too much bible thumping... Like it’s a bad, thing to go to the bible, And let god, speak... Why is that, Because, they don’t, really respect the bible, As the word of god, But Jesus did, Jesus said, haven’t you read, what was spoken, to you, by god... And he quoted, exodus 3... The scriptures Do you want to listen to god? Jesus said, if you want to hear god, Then listen to the reading of his word... Let’s go to like 16:29 In Luke the 16th chapter, in the 29 verse, Jesus on the occasion of The rich man and Lazarus The rich man fared sumptuously every day: And Lazarus the beggar, full of sores, They both died, Lazarus was taken, by the angels to Abraham’s bosom, Of comfort peace and rest, And the rich man found himself in, torment... And in the course of the is exchanged, with Abraham, It says in verse 29, Lk 16:29 Abraham saith unto him, because he wanted to send Lazarus back to his five brothers, To warn them, about this place... So they wouldn’t come to this place of torment... He said, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them. They have Moses and the prophet... Let them hear them... Now the point here is, that, Moses, When he said, let them hear Moses... Moses wrote of Christ, In john the 5th chapter, Jesus says, Moses wrote of me... Jn 5:45 do not think that I will accuse you to the Father: there is one that accuseth you, even Moses, in whom ye trust. Jn 5:46 for had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for he wrote of me. So if Moses wrote about Jesus, But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe my word... Now remember Jesus, would say in chapter chapter 6, The father will teach you, When you hear and learn from him, You will come to me... Now he’s saying, if you believed Moses you would believe me, So by hearing, Moses, learning Moses, You’ll come to the son... So now, in Luke 16 and 23, he said They have Moses and the prophets, Let them hear them... Let them listen to them... The voices of the prophets, were to be heard, And could be heard, when the scriptures were read, The prophets were god’s spokesmen, They spoke, the word of god, to the people... Deut. 7: 1 and 2, Definition of a prophet, So by reading the prophets, we hear the voice of god, We hear, the word of god, That’s the point, In acts 13 and 27, Paul would say, Ac 13:27 for they that dwell at Jerusalem, and their rulers, because they knew him not, nor yet the voices of the prophets which are read every Sabbath day, they have fulfilled them in condemning him. He says, when you hear the prophets, you do that by reading, the scriptures, Of course the prophets, spoke god’s word, So when you read the scriptures, by hearing the prophets, You hear the word of god... Acts 3 and 24, Ac 3:24 Yea, and all the prophets from Samuel and those that follow after, as many as have spoken, have likewise foretold of these days. So the prophets, the voices of the prophets, are contained in the scriptures, So if a person, wanted to listen to the voice of god’s prophets, The Old Testament prophets, particularly here, He had to read them, Read Isaiah, read Jeremiah, read the prophets of god... Read Moses, They spoke of Jesus... And when you read, the prophets, you learn, from god, because they spoke The word of god, and your able to come, to Jesus... Not by some miraculous, direct revelation, from heaven, Some particularly personal, revelation to you, About Jesus, No a revelation, that is the voice of god’s prophets, That’s contained in the scriptures, Listen to the prophets, and you will be able to learn, the Christ, And come to him, for life. For eternal life... Well now let’s go a little further, The Holy Spirit, speaks through the scriptures. God’s prophets, spoke through the scriptures, The Holy Spirit speaks through the scriptures, In Hebrews the 10th chapter, 15 through 17, We find that the Holy Spirit, spoke, of Christ, redemptive work... By means of the scriptures, In Hebrews 10, Jeremiah the prophet is quoted... Jeremiah, he says, Heb 10:15 whereof the Holy Ghost also is a witness to us: testifies to us... For after that he had said before, the Holy Spirit had said, he quotes Jeremiah 31and 33 Heb 10:16 this is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them; Then he adds, the the Holy Spirit also adds Heb 10:17 and their sins and iniquities will I remember no more. So here is the Holy Spirit speaking about, the new covenant, About Christ, redemptive work, Through the prophet Jeremiah, The Holy Spirit, was speaking, through the scriptures, of the prophets, See it again in acts the 1st chapter, and verse 16, After the assentation of Jesus, into heaven, The apostles and the Disciples of Christ, are mentioned here, about 120, of them, And peter stood up, and said, Ac 1:16 Men and brethren, this scripture must needs have been fulfilled, which the Holy Ghost by the mouth of David space before concerning Judas, which was guide to them that took Jesus. So there was a scripture, that needed to be fulfilled, And the Holy Spirit was the one who spoke that scripture... He spoke it by the mouth, of David... So that’s why we, count the scriptures, that men actually penned, As not being there’s but god’s... That’s exactly what the apostle peter, affirmed... What they wrote is from god... And in this particular point, he goes on to verse 20 and to show what he’s talking about, Ac 1:20 for it is written in the book of Psalms, Let his habitation be desolate, and let no man dwell therein: and his bishopric let another take. So the psalms were written, by the Holy Spirit, through David... So the Holy Spirit, is speaking through the scriptures, If a person, wants to listen, to the holy spirit, about Christ, What does he have to do?? He has to read, or he has to listen, and he has to hear, the scriptures, spoken by the Holy Spirit... 2Pe 1:21 holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. 2 peter 1:20 and 21 says... They didn’t speak on their own, if they did, they were false prophets, And in1 Corinthians 2 and 13, Paul affirms, this point, 1Co 2:13 these things also we speak, not in the words which mans wisdom teaches, But which the Holy Ghost teaches; comparing spiritual things with spiritual words... The Holy Spirit, directed them, what to speak, What to teach, He taught them the words to us, The Holy Spirit, speaks through the scriptures, So that people can read and learn about Christ, to come to Christ, And be saved in Christ, and live for Christ, God has spoken to us, by his son, Ok now what we see, before is god has spoken, through the reading of scriptures, Matthew 22 he speaks through the mouth of his prophets... Who maybe read? The Holy Spirit, who is god, also speaks, through the scriptures, But now note with me, that god has spoken to us in these last days, by his son, Matthew 17:5 the voice of the majestic father, the majestic voice, said, In the cloud, this is my beloved son, Mt 17:5 a bright cloud overshadowed them: and behold a voice out of the cloud, which said, this is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him. So the question becomes for us, how do we hear?? Jesus... Do we, wait for a direct manifestation within our hearts, That god’s spoke to my heart, How is it, that we hear, Jesus?? And if you are already ahead of me, you know, it going to be in a way similar, That people use to hear Moses, And hear the Holy Spirit through David, And through the prophets, But let’s see particularly how, god arranged this, We hear Christ, by hearing god’s word... Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of god, If we’re going to believe, we’ve got to let god’s word, establish faith... Faith comes, which is produced by, the word of god, Someone made the point Wednesday night, Faith is the assurance, of things hope for, the conviction, of things not seen... Faith is a conviction, that rest upon, the evidence, Things not seen... The things that are, clearly convincing, We have not seen god, why should we believe in god, Because, of the evidence, of his power, and presence, and glory... romans 1:20 As other verses affirm, So, faith is produced, romans 10; 17 say, by the word... By the word that comes from god, And the prophets, word was god’s word... The Holy Spirit, through David, gave a word, And they were to listen, to that, But now Jesus has given a word, Where is that word, to be found?? So that we can listen to god, Speaking to us, So we can come to Christ, and be saved... Because you see, to have faith unto eternal life, we’ve got to listen, to believe, and keep Christ, word... Look at this, before we go on, John 8 and 43, Jesus said, Jn 8:43 Why do ye not understand my speech? Even because ye cannot hear my word. Their heart wasn’t right, but he goes on, and presses on and 45 says Jn 8:45 and because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not. Jn 8:46 which of you convinceth me of sin? And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me? Jn 8:47 He that is of God hearth Gods words: Ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God. Now in the context of our study, this morning, remember Jesus Says, We hear god, by hearing god’s words, he says, Jn 8:47 He that is of God hearth Gods words... How do we hear god’s words?? Reading scripture, Matthew 22:31, 32 How do we hear the son? Let’s find out and by the way, verse 51 Jn 8:51 Verily, verily, I say unto you, If a man keep my saying, he shall never see death. Hear god, hear the words of god, here the words of Jesus. Keep them... and never see death... Jesus says, my words, are the words of god... If you’re going to have life, then avoid spiritual death, an eternal death, You got to keep my words, We’ve got to listen, to his words, God’s speaking, Words are communication God’s speaking, there gods words, The son’s words to us. Some direct, message, or in a word, in an inspired word, That’s for us all, Now that’s what we’re going to see, isn’t it... How do we listen to Christ? How does god speak to our hearts by his son? How does he do that? Well, by hearing the apostles that he sent into the world That’s how we do that, In john 13 and verse 20. Jn 13:20 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that receiveth whomsoever I send receiveth me; And he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me. So we got to receive the one, who sent Jesus, But to do that, we have to receive Jesus... But to do that, we have to receive the one’s Jesus sent... The ones Jesus sent were the apostles... That’s, what the word means, the ones sent... They had been sent, with the gospel, into the world... John 20:21 Jn 20:21 then said Jesus to them again, to the apostles... Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send me you. The father sent Jesus... into the world, with a word, Words of eternal life, john, 12:49 and 50... And he spoke them, ’’’’’ So we could believe them... And receive him, and have eternal life... You want to listen to god, today? You want to hear Jesus’ today? He’s saying, in his scriptures, listen the ones that I sent... The reason we can do that and ought to have confidence in doing that, Is because Jesus sent the Holy Spirit, to them... To the apostles, so that they had the message worth listening to... They had a message that we had to listen to, if we’re going to be saved... Look what the Holy Spirit did for the apostles… In john 14 and 25 and 26 he would teach them all things, and bring to their remembrance, all that I have said to you... Jesus sent the Holy Spirit, to the apostles, the helper, the comforter, That’s the promise, in john 14; Was to send the Holy Spirit to the apostles, And he said, Jn 14:26 he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. Jesus didn’t say all things to me... or to you, But he did to his apostles, He taught them, for over 3 years, and he says Now I’m going to send the holy spirit, to you, So that you will have, a remembrance of those things... So they could teach others, So they could preach, the gospel to the whole world, You see, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit, to the apostles, To bear testimony, of Christ... Chapter 15:26 of john, Jn 15:26 But when the ((helper comes)) the Comforter is come, Whom I will send unto you from the Father, Even the Spirit of truth, which proceeded from the Father, He shall testify of me: Jn 15:27 and ye also shall bear witness, because ye have been with me from the beginning. The apostles, had the promise, of the Holy Spirit, I wasn’t with Jesus, from the beginning, You weren’t with Jesus, from the beginning, So don’t go to that passage, and affirm, that god is sending you the comforter, To do the things, that he’s promised, he did to the apostles... It was a promise to them, Not to me and you, You and I have the responsibilities, of listening to what those apostles said, Because when we listen to them, were hearing Jesus... and when we’re hearing Jesus, We’re hearing the one who sent him... The father... And isn’t that what this is about, listening to god, because god, speaks to us, In these last days, by his son... That’s how we, listen to Jesus... How we listen to god... By listening to the ones Jesus sent... They were inspired, by the Holy Spirit, to accomplish, this work, for our benefit. Look in john chapter 16 verses 12 through 15, The spirit was sent to the apostles, To guide them into all truth... Jn 16:12 I have yet many things to say unto you, But ye cannot bear them now. Jan 16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come. Jn 16:14 He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall show it unto you. Jn 16:15 All things that the Father hath are mine: therefore said I, That he shall take of mine, and shall show it unto you. When god said, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him. Hear him. . He could say that because, everything that Jesus had Belong to the father... And now the Holy Spirit, is going to take all, of those things And give them to the apostles... So they could teach it, So with that word, they could, convict the world, And it would be the work of the spirit, doing that convicting on the world, Verse 8, Jn 16:8 and when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: The Holy Spirit, inspired, the word of the apostles, Is the word of Jesus... sent by the spirit of god, from heaven, itself, To convict me and you, and he whole world of sin, And that we need a savior, to teach us of righteousness, How we can be forgiven, and be upright before god, And to assure us, there will be judgment, from god, Of our lives... And so we need to listen, to god, By listening to Jesus, By listening to the word, of the apostles, that the Holy Spirit gave them, And that came from god... That’s how we listen to god, today... The apostle would later say, 1Co 2:16 we have the mind of Christ. And the words of the apostles, that was his point in 1cor. 2:16. After assuring, that the message the apostle was inspired by the spirit of god... Revealed to them by the spirit of god... Confirmed, by miracles, that attended their preaching, He said, we have the mind of Christ, This is why we listen to the apostolic word today... They have the mind of Christ, and we want to know what Christ, mind is... What his will is, for us... That we may live in harmony, with it, That we may conform our will to his will, Our mind, to his mind... And so walk with god, now, and live, with him eternally, The verse says, 1Co 2:16 for who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ. We don’t teach god, but god has spoken to us, in his son... Through the apostles... As verse 10 says, 1Co 2:10 But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. If you want to know the things that god has revealed, Then we have to go to the apostles, of Jesus... They have spoken the mind of Christ... They spoke the word of god, in acts 13:44-49 Is just a number of illustrations, we could give, I want to reinforce with you there, this very briefly... Look when Paul was preaching, along with Barnabas, in the city of Antioch, it said, Ac 13:44 and the next Sabbath day came almost the whole city together To hear the word of God. Now Luke says, what Paul and Barnabas was preaching was the word of god, Luke wrote the book of acts... It says they came together to hear the word of god, If you want to hear god’s word, you want to hear god speak, Listen to the preaching, of the gospel that came from the apostles... Verse 46 Ac 13:46 Paul and Barnabas waxed bold, and said, It was necessary that the word of God should first have been spoken to you: So we have spoken the word of god, to you... Verse 47, Ac 13:47 for so hath the Lord commanded us, saying, I have set thee to be a light of the Gentiles, that thou shouldest be for salvation unto the ends of the earth. Ac 13:48 and when the Gentiles heard this, they were glad, and glorified the word of the Lord: The apolstolic preaching, what they taught, were hearing the word of the lord... We have to listen to that... When we listen to them, were listening to the lord... And the word of the lord, was spread throughout all the regions, verse 49 Do you want to hear god, Do you want god to speak to you. Then go to the apostle’s word, That’s how god talks to you, Do you really want god, to speak to you, Do you really want to know his message? Do you really want to hear, his voice... If you do, thanks be to god, we have a way... It’s the scriptures... God’s talking to you, inn the apostolic teachings, Paul said, 1Co 14:37 the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord. They spoke them, and they wrote them... For our benefit... When we will hear, we will receive the writings of the apostles, We are hearing, and receiving Jesus, Remember he said, Jn 13:20 He that receiveth whomsoever I send receiveth me; and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me. When we receive the apostolic words, and writings, We’re receiving Jesus... But to do that, means were receiving the holy spirits, Who gave them that word, which came from the father... Do you want god in your life; you want to listen to god, You want to follow his word; you have to go to the apostolic, scriptures, now, To their teachings, Because were to hear Jesus’ and not Moses, Moses spoke for god, but he’s not the authority today, Jesus is... Jesus said, Mt 28:18 all power is given unto me So, the authoritative message is the apostles of Jesus Christ, That is to save us, and sustain us, unto eternity... By hearing his apostles, we hear Jesus... That’s the way god speaks, to our heart, By means of the inspired scriptures... In summary, we’ve got to hear and learn, from god, if we’re going to be saved... And then that’s where we began, Jesus said, that Jn 6:44 No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: Jn 6:45 It is written in the prophets, and they shall be all taught of God. God, has to teach you, You got to hear from god, You got to learn from god... And what we’ve seen, in this study is, it’s the way we listen to god, Is to listen to his scriptures, spoken by the Holy Spirit, Given to the apostles, of Jesus... To go preach that message, and write that message, down, For the whole world, Inspired scripture, inspired writings Writings, that have been breathe forth, by god... Because it’s god’s word, God’s message, to you...and to me, And to the whole world... And so were taught, take heed, how you hear, Luke 8:18 But he also said, He, who has an ear to hear, let him hear... But that point is simply being, do you want to listen to god? Then listen... He who has an ear to hear, Are you ready to listen? Are you ready to listen to god? Not men, not traditions, not creeds, not emotions, not experiences, Just go to the word... You know it’s interesting, we can go to a newspaper, and read it, and know what it says, We can go to a book, a novel; we can read it and know what it says... We can go to a legal document; at least a lawyer says he knows what it says, But we get to the bible, and people, say, we can’t really know, what it says, I deny that, I deny that with all the vigor, that I have, You can understand, what god says, It is god’s word, God has not left you To rash about and to wonder and You can know, The question is, is your heart ready to listen, And that’s up to you... That’s up to you, to decide to have a heart, that’s ready to listen to god, That’s ready to listen to god, God’s got a message, for you, The message is in these scriptures. The message is, that Jesus is the son of god, That he died for the sins of the world... That means he died for you, So that you could go to heaven, So that you could live, in fellowship with god, now, And you can have eternal life, And you could be sustained, now and eternally by the bread of life, That came down from heaven... Are you ready to listen? I hope you are, because you see, Were also taught, to Heb 12:25 See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. Don’t refuse him, prepare your heart, to listen to his word, and then, Believe his word, and then obey his word, And be saved from your sins, and live with him now, and forever more, Become a Christian, and be faithful to the lord, We want to help you in both respects, The call of the gospel, is to come, Won’t you do that? God is drawing, god is calling, And wants to draw you to the son, Won’t you do that? While we stand and sing...
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 00:26:44 +0000

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