See the below video which tends to almost turn my stomach, and - TopicsExpress


See the below video which tends to almost turn my stomach, and which type of new religious movies caused me to write this. The Bible speaks of God pouring out His Spirit on all flesh, which very much could pertain to God not only pouring out His Spirit on the Jews but also on the believing Gentiles as He then did in the Christian era. Yet this speaker takes it to mean not only Christians, but rather upon every one, and some who might almost be thought Satanists. Apostle Paul in 1 Cor 11:1-16 strongly advocated decent or appropriate attire in praying and prophesying, and appears particularly pointing to public church worship. He said woman is the glory of man, and man the glory of God, and which God given and natural glory should be apparent in worship, rather than appearing as wild and almost vile rock stars. Paul in his teaching about proper attire, even spoke of long hair being a shame to man, while also saying such is a glory to woman, and given to her for a natural and glorious covering. It saddens and strains me very much when I see what is supposed to be Holy Worship Music, yet seemingly copying wild and vile rock stars of which some worship Satan himself. Further sometimes the supposed to be Holy music might be largely as hard as acid rock, and likely very different than strains of music from the heavenly realms. I learned Greek largely to better understand Pauls teaching regarding appropriate attire as in 1 Cor 11:1-16. Uniquely it then happened on my fiftieth birthday, while reading through the Greek New Testament for the first time, that the next chapter in sequence to read was 1 Cor 11 regarding proper attire. I had often prayed that God would light my candle and lighten my darkness, and what is most amazing is that right after reading that chapter about proper attire a huge gas line exploded sending a flame of fire into the sky that was seen for 40 miles around. God gave me an amazing 50th birthday candle and witness to lightening my candle, and yes right after reading that chapter about proper attire. I have had many similar amazing things occur which can be seen at HeavensFingerPrints. Yet it appears many do not really like such miracles or my webpage that shares them, but rather like videos similar to the below which are greatly straining me. May God help us to like what He likes and have mercy on us in a strange world. https://facebook/photo.php?v=691128794256296&set=vb.516662788369565&type=2&theater
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 17:31:08 +0000

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