See the summary of discussion record on Bible. A christian Praja - TopicsExpress


See the summary of discussion record on Bible. A christian Praja Pathi couldn’t prove that whole Bible is words of God, and accepted that there are human words also in bible. Also see how he is intransigent? I have original record also that no any one can refute this. I challeng also forever that all Christians can not prove that the whole Bible is words of God. Face book: Hinduism, Islam and Christianity friendly discussion at 05-12-2013. 1. Can bible be call Gods word? 2. remember it, nither God did not give bible nor God did not say whole words of Bible like was written by around 44 different authors in different periods(between 2500 years periods ).bible is not like quran(two man book-mohammed and 3rd calipa uthuman)// So 44 different author wrote the bible, and they are not prophet. My Question: how can you still call them as Gods word. 3. Praja Pathi I already said,Bible contains words of God.but whole bible is not pure words of god.But bible is commonly called words of god. 4. Comparative Religion Praja Pathi //I already said,Bible contains words of God.but whole bible is not pure words of god.But bible is commonly called words of god./// I need to know which portion is Gods word and which portion is humans word ? Can you show me please? 5. Praja Pathi I can not say every bible verses which was give by god and which verses written by man.because bible contains 31,103 verses.but quran contains 6666 verses. 6. Praja Pathi But 10 commandments is pure words of God. 7. Comparative Religion Praja Pathi //I can not say every bible verses which was give by god and which verses written by man.because bible contains 31,103 verses.but quran contains 6666 verses./// You dont know but you still call it as a whole Gods word? OMG are you that ignorant without knowing Gods word you call it Gods word?? 8. Praja Pathi It is very important words of God.Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.(Matt22:36-39) 9. Comparative Religion Praja Pathi You are hiding from the discussion. You cant blindly love wrong God ???? 10. Praja Pathi Different translation bibles contain some errors of translations. 11. Comparative Religion Praja Pathi //Different translation bibles contain some errors of translations.// So now you believe there is error. 12. Comparative Religion Praja Pathi If I add one drop of urine in one glass of milk later can you separate the milk from urine for me? 13. Praja Pathi I said about translation errors.there are no book which contains 100% pure words of God in the world.god never ever give any printed book or written paper to human by him. 14. Comparative Religion Praja Pathi Is the question strange to you? Then differentiate the Gods word and human word from the bible, because you said bible contain both human and Gods word. So how do I know which one is Gods word ? 15. Comparative Religion Praja Pathi We never said bible is not Gods word. We believe bible is Gods word, but today it has been deleted and edited so much that we cant say for sure which us Hods word and which is humans word ??? 16. Praja Pathi Read bible......then you can understand you expect that God must give to your hand in printed book???;-) 17. Comparative Religion Praja Pathi Yes I read bible and I cant find Gods word because there is humans word. 18. Praja Pathi oh.........i see,did you read all??Comparative Religion 19. Comparative Religion Praja Pathi Conclusion: If a book contain one sentence of human words and we dont know which sentence then the complete book cannot be call Gods word. As you cannot separate on drop urine from one glass milk. 20. Comparative Religion Praja Pathi You tell me bible as a whole is not Gods word then I surely move to Quran . 21. Praja Pathi I said bible contains around 31500 verses,so i can not tell one by one which are words of God.i have no time to tell one by one. 22. Comparative Religion Praja Pathi So you cannot differentiate between Gods word and humans word. So I must say you are practicing man made doctrine. 23. Praja Pathi Oh........really?? then please tell this words of Allah.??? please tell me the meaning. • (Alif Lam Meem) 24. Usman Gul so it means the purity of bible is at trial and we all dont have any kinnd of procedure to verify if with such technology...u got ur answer... u urself said it... no need of explanation 25. Usman Gul lolz.... i though u will come up with some thing good... yes this is in Quran... so whats the objection about it? 26. Sameer Khatib prajapati tell me which one from 1000s in d market is a true n pure bible to read?now if u want a Quran u get only one without a dot change in it,since 1400yrs.invite u to accept islam 27. Comparative Religion Praja Pathi You are just avoiding the discussion and it prove that you follow man made doctrine. You get caught so you got no choice but to change the topic. 28. Praja Pathi hi guys......i have no time continue furthermore,time is around 2.15am.i am sorry,then see you tomorrow.good night. 29. Comparative Religion Praja Pathi If I pin point any verse from bible what is the guarantee that it is Gods word ?????????????? 30. Sameer Khatib praja keep d bucket straight n then open d tap,so that d water can fill in it.same thing with ur brain,u hv lots of misconception,but u dont let ur brain works,I pray to Allah that u get hidaya,inshallah 31. Comparative Religion Praja Pathi That is ok if you dont have time we can continue later. My suggestion to you dont confuse between Gods word and humans word. 32. Abrar Alam Usman Gul Did you satisfy her? She is religious intransigent? The original discussion record of above summary record on Bible with Praja Pathi. • Comparative Religion Our Christian sister Praja Pathi posted John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. I post it from KJV bible pls read and compare are they same? John 3:16 King James Version (KJV) 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. One bible is with the word begotten and the other is without begotten. Still they call it Gods word????? Like • • Unfollow Post • 3 hours ago via mobile o o Theresa Montalvo, Adiyan Khan and Usman Gul like this. o Praja Pathi do not try to throw stone when you are in glass room. 3 hours ago • Edited • Like o Praja Pathi Sura 48:2 Sahih International That Allah may forgive for you what preceded of your sin and what will follow and complete His favor upon you and guide you to a straight path 3 hours ago • Like o Praja Pathi Sura 48:2 Muhsin Khan That Allah may forgive you your sins of the past and the future, and complete His Favour on you, and guide you on the Straight Path; 3 hours ago • Like o Praja Pathi Sura 48:2 Pickthall That Allah may forgive thee of thy sin that which is past and that which is to come, and may perfect His favour unto thee, and may guide thee on a right path. 3 hours ago • Like o Praja Pathi Sura 48:2 Yusuf Ali That Allah may forgive thee thy faults of the past and those to follow; fulfil His favour tothee; and guide thee on the Straight Way; 3 hours ago • Like o Praja Pathi Sura 48:2 Shakir That Allah may forgive your community their past faults and those to follow and complete His favor to you and keep you on a right way, 3 hours ago • Like o Praja Pathi Sura 48:2 Dr. Ghali That Allah may forgive you your guilty (deeds)-whatever of them has gone forward and whatever is postponed-and perfect His favor upon you, and guide you (The Prophet) on a straight Path 3 hours ago • Like o Imran Akthar Praja Pathi 3 hours ago • Like o Praja Pathi Comparative Religion which translation is correct??which translation was given by your Allah???tell me please. 3 hours ago • Like o Imran Akthar ? 3 hours ago • Like o Muhammad Al Sharjeel Al-Fath : 2 لِّيَغْفِرَ لَكَ اللَّهُ مَا تَقَدَّمَ مِن ذَنۢبِكَ وَمَا تَأَخَّرَ وَيُتِمَّ نِعْمَتَهُۥ عَلَيْكَ وَيَهْدِيَكَ صِرٰطًا مُّسْتَقِيمًا this was given by Allah swt which u cannot understand..u need a translation....when different ppl translate they hav choice of words.....the message remains the same still 3 hours ago via mobile • Like o Praja Pathi Your Allah gave voice of words only not letters of you know it??? 3 hours ago • Edited • Like o Imran Akthar CORRECT 3 hours ago • Like o Imran Akthar AND BOTH 3 hours ago • Like o Praja Pathi show me from quran. 3 hours ago • Like o Muhammad Al Sharjeel go get wine. 3 hours ago via mobile • Like o Comparative Religion Praja Pathi Tell me without answering the question why do you started to re-question. I will answer all your question but you settle my question first. Can bible be call Gods word? 3 hours ago via mobile • Like o Praja Pathi go and eat dates.Muhammad Muhammad Al Sharjeel 3 hours ago • Edited • Like o Comparative Religion Sharjeel No attacking words it wont help, instead it will become worse !!! 3 hours ago via mobile • Like o Muhammad Al Sharjeel ya i love it 3 hours ago via mobile • Like • 1 o Mw Elwako praja....thats r translations, but not versions?? moreso,,ol translations give same meaning.. but ur ommission of key word beggoten...will endup in diffrnce in meaning...however u try QURAN S CHALLENGE 2U AND OTHER GREATER MINDS THAN URS... 3 hours ago via mobile • Like o Imran Akthar Praja Pathi the post is not about the quran its bible 3 hours ago • Like o Praja Pathi Yes of course Bible is called commonly words of God. 3 hours ago • Like o Imran Akthar Comparative Religion do not allow her to talk about quran here,,she always jumos to quran 3 hours ago • Like o Comparative Religion No wine no dates only bible and Quran 3 hours ago via mobile • Like o Praja Pathi Yes Sure. 3 hours ago • Like o Praja Pathi Where is previous scriptures which was mentioned in quran?????? 3 hours ago • Like o Comparative Religion Praja Pathi So if bible is Gods word, then who did this word begotten one is with and one is without? 3 hours ago via mobile • Like o Praja Pathi remember it, nither God did not give bible nor God did not say whole words of Bible like was written by around 44 different authors in different periods(between 2500 years periods ).bible is not like quran(two mens book-mohammed and 3rd calipa uthuman) 3 hours ago • Edited • Like o Comparative Religion Pls no question about Quran yet, settle my question on bible first. About Quran you post another post. 3 hours ago via mobile • Like o Praja Pathi You must know about history of not compare your quran with bible.whole books of bible was composed 500 years before quran. 3 hours ago • Edited • Like o Comparative Religion Praja Pathi //:-) remember it, nither God did not give bible nor God did not say whole words of Bible like was written by around 44 different authors in different periods(between 2500 years periods ).bible is not like quran(two man book-mohammed and 3rd calipa uthuman)// So 44 different author wrote the bible, and they are not prophet. My Question: how can you still call them as Gods word. 3 hours ago via mobile • Like • 1 o Comparative Religion Praja Pathi Are you there? 3 hours ago via mobile • Like o Praja Pathi I already said,Bible contains words of God.but whole bible is not pure words of god.But bible is commonly called words of god. 3 hours ago • Like • 1 o Usman Gul ask me to believe in the purity aramaic version or the hebrew versions of bible more than the english I will agree. but if u ask me to believe all the versions are right and exactly the same, i dont believe, coz its hard to digest.... 3 hours ago • Like o Comparative Religion Praja Pathi //I already said,Bible contains words of God.but whole bible is not pure words of god.But bible is commonly called words of god./// I need to know which portion is Gods word and which portion is humans word ? Can you show me please? 2 hours ago via mobile • Like o Mw Elwako acentury old lies and asecond old truth?false or truth ages wil nt matters here. truth s truth however old r false. 2 hours ago via mobile • Like o Comparative Religion Praja Pathi Are you there? 2 hours ago via mobile • Like o Praja Pathi I can not say every bible verses which was give by god and which verses written by man.because bible contains 31,103 verses.but quran contains 6666 verses. 2 hours ago • Edited • Like o Praja Pathi But 10 commandments is pure words of God. 2 hours ago • Like o Usman Gul yes now u are speaking the truth.... ur words are golden so my dear, when u accept that it is not in its pure form then u tell me, what procedure do u have to verify which verse is the real one and which verse is not the real one??? 2 hours ago • Like • 1 o Comparative Religion Praja Pathi //I can not say every bible verses which was give by god and which verses written by man.because bible contains 31,103 verses.but quran contains 6666 verses./// You dont know but you still call it as a whole Gods word? OMG are you that ignorant without knowing Gods word you call it Gods word?? 2 hours ago via mobile • Like o Praja Pathi It is very important words of God.Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.(Matt22:36-39) 2 hours ago • Like o Praja Pathi Dear Comparative Religion again you are trying to throw stone when you are in glass house. 2 hours ago • Like o Comparative Religion Praja Pathi You are hiding from the discussion. You cant blindly love wrong God ???? 2 hours ago via mobile • Like o Praja Pathi Can i ask one question???? Did you see your Allah to believe him or worship him??? 2 hours ago • Edited • Like o Comparative Religion Praja Pathi Are all these the topic? 2 hours ago via mobile • Like o Usman Gul Praja Pathi ...I think we are not on the same page... u are not understanding us.... WE muslims really believe and respect both bible and the JESUS PBUH extremely... but as u accepted, no one of us got the procedure to verify which verse is from GOD and which one is not.... But in case of Quran, each and every copy of Quran is the same, no difference.... PLUS THERE IS A BONUS POINT... QURANS LANGUAGE IS ALIVE RIGHT NOW, TILL NOW... ARABIC... THE BIBLES ORIGINAL LANGUAGE, ARAMAIC OR THE HEBREW ... WELL AT LEAST I DONT KNOW WHO SPEAKS IT IN THIS ERA 2 hours ago • Like o Usman Gul Praja Pathi .. i have a v simple ans for ur question, ask me 2 hours ago • Like o Usman Gul 2 hours ago • Like o Mw Elwako pathi we dnt make idols and worship lyke hindus 2 hours ago via mobile • Like o Praja Pathi No......I am say Muslims believe Allah which was introduced by Mohammed. 2 hours ago • Like o Usman Gul We will talk about GODs visibility later on. First tell me, all of us use the cell phones. It is alive just because of the radio waves, we simply call it signals. Do u see it? lets assume radio waves is a myth and its not the hell phone g...See More 2 hours ago • Like o Praja Pathi Mohammed was unbeliever till he talk with Angle. 2 hours ago • Edited • Like o Comparative Religion Praja Pathi //Can i ask one question???? Did you see your Allah to believe him or worship him???/// Though it is not the subject, I answer your question. God cannot be seen does not mean God does not exist, like you cant see your brain does not mean you dont have brain. Now back to john 3:16 With the word begotten and without begotten does the meaning remain same? 2 hours ago via mobile • Like o Comparative Religion Praja Pathi Pls dont jump from topic 2 hours ago via mobile • Like o Usman Gul ur answer is technically wrong my dear. dont mind but people have seen brains. we can ct scan, docs can see when they open the skull. there is a shape, there is a physical existence of the brain my dear. u gave the wrong example and u got the answer about the GOD just right above ur answer, all u need is to read it my dear 2 hours ago • Like o Praja Pathi Different translation bibles contain some errors of translations. 2 hours ago • Like o Usman Gul secondly about the talking with the angel, MUHAMMAD PBUH was an illiterate man. there wasnt any way HE PBUH could read any other old scriptures... moreover. It is on record that even before the coming of the GIBRAEL in the cave, HE PBUH never worshipped any idol 2 hours ago • Like o Usman Gul and plz stick to one topic, this is not a marathon, u are hovering over topic to topiic, ask then pause for an answer and discuss,. before that u post another question 2 hours ago • Like o Comparative Religion Praja Pathi //Different translation bibles contain some errors of translations.// So now you believe there is error. 2 hours ago via mobile • Like o Abrar Alam The sense without using sense is nonsense. (1)There are some Muslim saints ready to enter in big fire without used any chemicals on their bodies for proving the truth of religion Islam, but why I don,t find any Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, Jews, Sik...See More Fresh Dead Body of Yaseen Al-Hamayi | RightfulReligion rightfulreligion Millions of protected dead bodies of true Muslims and Muslim Martyrs under the E...See More 2 hours ago • Like • Remove Preview o Praja Pathi Usman Gul whom mohammeds parents worshiped ???Allah ??? 2 hours ago • Like o Usman Gul Abrar Alam ... bro please stick to the topic... dont start other one 2 hours ago • Like o Comparative Religion Praja Pathi If I add one drop of urine in one glass of milk later can you separate the milk from urine for me? 2 hours ago via mobile • Like • 1 o Praja Pathi I said about translation errors.there are no book which contains 100% pure words of God in the world.god never ever give any printed book or written paper to human by him. 2 hours ago • Edited • Like o Comparative Religion Praja Pathi Forget everything just answer my this question. If I add one drop of urine in one glass of milk later can you separate the milk from urine for me? 2 hours ago via mobile • Like o Usman Gul Praja Pathi ... there arent any records about HIS PBUH parents that they ever worshiped the idols. And about praying to GOD, those quresh even at that time, believed in ALLAH but wrongly, they used to worship idols and believed that they are the share ...See More 2 hours ago • Edited • Like o Abrar Alam Praja Pathi The Holy Quran only. If no then why his followers dead body is fresh with fresh blood since centuries and years? 2 hours ago • Like o Usman Gul oh abrar alam, plz bro, why u starting another topic here? 2 hours ago • Like o Praja Pathi please tell me,when quran was given to Mohammed by angel???give me the year. usman 2 hours ago • Edited • Like o Abrar Alam You can not satisfy him because he is religious intransigent. I can show you his discussion record? 2 hours ago • Like o Praja Pathi Comparative Religion why you asking such strange question?? 2 hours ago • Like o Usman Gul u are not answering any single question and firing the questions with mk47 2 hours ago • Like o Comparative Religion Praja Pathi Is the question strange to you? Then differentiate the Gods word and human word from the bible, because you said bible contain both human and Gods word. So how do I know which one is Gods word ? 2 hours ago via mobile • Like • 1 o Comparative Religion Praja Pathi We never said bible is not Gods word. We believe bible is Gods word, but today it has been deleted and edited so much that we cant say for sure which us Hods word and which is humans word ??? 2 hours ago via mobile • Like • 1 o Comparative Religion Sorry which is Gods word. 2 hours ago via mobile • Like • 1 o Praja Pathi Read bible......then you can understand you expect that God must give to your hand in printed book???;-) 2 hours ago • Like o Usman Gul oh come on, dont be childish praja... was printed Quran available 1400 years ago? still its purity is intact,,,, 2 hours ago • Like o Comparative Religion Praja Pathi Yes I read bible and I cant find Gods word because there is humans word. 2 hours ago via mobile • Like o Usman Gul its not like a competition b/w quran and the bible... its about the promise of GOD. GOD promised to keep the integrity of one book, He kept his promise. in bibles case He didnt promise... and still mind it, its not GOD who corrupted it, its ur own priests and churches who corrupted it, u accepted this fact 2 hours ago • Like o Praja Pathi oh.........i see,did you read all??Comparative Religion 2 hours ago • Like o Praja Pathi so could you understand quran ????? Comparative Religion 2 hours ago • Like o Comparative Religion Praja Pathi Conclusion: If a book contain one sentence of human words and we dont know which sentence then the complete book cannot be call Gods word. As you cannot separate on drop urine from one glass milk. 2 hours ago via mobile • Like • 1 o Comparative Religion Praja Pathi You tell me bible as a whole is not Gods word then I surely move to Quran . 2 hours ago via mobile • Like o Praja Pathi I said bible contains around 31500 verses,so i can not tell one by one which are words of God.i have no time to tell one by one. 2 hours ago • Like o Praja Pathi Oh........really??then please tell this words of Allah.??? please tell me the meaning. 2 hours ago • Like o Usman Gul so it means the purity of bible is at trial and we all dont have any kinnd of procedure to verify if with such technology...u got ur answer... u urself said it... no need of explanation 2 hours ago • Like o Comparative Religion Praja Pathi So you cannot differentiate between Gods word and humans word. So I must say you are practicing man made doctrine. 2 hours ago via mobile • Like • 1 o Usman Gul lolz.... i though u will come up with some thing good... yes this is in Quran... so whats the objection about it? 2 hours ago • Like o Sameer Khatib prajapati tell me which one from 1000s in d market is a true n pure bible to read?now if u want a Quran u get only one without a dot change in it,since 1400yrs.invite u to accept islam 2 hours ago via mobile • Like • 1 o Praja Pathi what is this?? 2 hours ago • Like o Comparative Religion Praja Pathi Pls complete the original discussion. 2 hours ago via mobile • Like • 1 o Usman Gul these are the words of GOD, no doubt, and we are not been told their meaning. Its between GOD and Muhammad... by the way, they arent offensive to any race 2 hours ago • Like o Sameer Khatib forget about haa n mim,what a out d rest,which u understand but still deny,why? about an hour ago via mobile • Edited • Like o Praja Pathi Do not lie.your allah never spoke with mohammed. about an hour ago • Like o Usman Gul heehehehe, no one is lying here except u ALLAH spoke with Muhammad by angel gabrael like He spoke with all other prophets u are behaving like a kid right now about an hour ago • Like o Comparative Religion Praja Pathi You are just avoiding the discussion and it prove that you follow man made doctrine. You get caught so you got no choice but to change the topic. about an hour ago via mobile • Like • 1 o Praja Pathi hi guys......i have no time continue furthermore,time is around 2.15am.i am sorry,then see you tomorrow.good night. about an hour ago • Edited • Like o Comparative Religion Praja Pathi If I pin point any verse from bible what is the guarantee that it is Gods word ?????????????? about an hour ago via mobile • Like • 2 o Usman Gul yeah yeah u can go about an hour ago • Like o Sameer Khatib praja keep d bucket straight n then open d tap,so that d water can fill in it.same thing with ur brain,u hv lots of misconception,but u dont let ur brain works,I pray to Allah that u get hidaya,inshallah about an hour ago via mobile • Like • 2 o Comparative Religion Praja Pathi That is ok if you dont have time we can continue later. My suggestion to you dont confuse between Gods word and humans word. about an hour ago via mobile • Like o Abrar Alam Usman Gul Did you satisfy her? She is religious intransigent? about an hour ago • Like o Usman Gul Abrar Alam .. i will message in privately bro. will talk to u and answer u and wana discuss one more thing, but tomorrow. hope u understand.. stay blessed about an hour ago • Like
Posted on: Thu, 05 Dec 2013 04:19:12 +0000

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