Seeds of fennel: 10 extraordinary benefits for the health The - TopicsExpress


Seeds of fennel: 10 extraordinary benefits for the health The seeds of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) are considered a spezia to use in the kitchen to enrich of taste our dishes and as ingredients in the home preparation of bread, crackers and grissini. They are also excellent to garnish the pretzels. Their taste is rather sweet and remembers that some anise. To curative purpose you/they are used above all for the preparation of proper tisane for to reduce the swellings and to stimulate the diuresi. Which are the benefits for the health of the seeds of fennel? Here are the principali.1s) Prevention of the crab The present antioxidants in the seeds of fennel can contribute to reduce the risk of in partnership crab with the damages provoked by the free radicals to the cells and the Dna. Besides an ally they are considered for the prevention of the colon cancer, in how much they contributes, together with the vegetable fibers, to the removal of the toxins from the bowel, preserving the health of it. 2) anti-inflammatory ownership The present antioxidants in the seeds of fennel are not only profits in the prevention of the crab, but you/they are held healthy for the organism because of their anti-inflammatory ownerships. Their employment could be useful in the treatment of troubles as the arthritis and the disease of Crohn, two illnesses autoimmuni, although further scientific searches are necessary to be able to give confirmation of it. 3) contained of fibers The seeds of fennel are rich of fibers. The fibers are entirely present in the vegetable foods and they are absent in the foods of animal origin. On the subject the most evident example is the meat. The fibers are fundamental to favor the transit of the foods of which we feed there along the bowel and to allow the elimination of the toxins. The fibers, are useful in general for, they improve the digestion. 100 grams seeds of fennel contain 150% of the dose daily registered letter of fibers. 4) cholesterol The accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries and the increase of its production from the liver is one of the principal causes of pathologies as ictus, heart attack and hypertension. The cholesterol can be kept under control thanks to a feeding rich in vegetable foods and therefore of fibers.The contained fibers in the seeds of fennel reduce the possibilities of accumulation of the cholesterol on the walls of the arteries and they prevent so the cardio-circulatory pathologies. 5) high blood pressure A fundamental mineral salt exists in the regulation of the blood pressure. It deals with the potassium, a present substance in numerous vegetable foods, included the seeds of fennel. The potassium contributes to maintain stable the blood pressure and, accordingly, to regulate the cardiac pulsation. 100 grams seeds of fennel contain 1694 milligrams potassium. You also read: Potassium: the 10 best vegetable sources 6) ownership diuretiche The seeds of fennel introduce ownership diuretiche and draining. For this motive you/they are used for the preparation of tisane that you/they can favor the diuresi, over whether to attenuate the abdominal swellings. The tisana is prepared in the form of infusion, allowing to rest in 200 milliliters hot water for 10 minutes 1 teaspoon of seeds of fennel, for then to filter and to drink without sweetening. 7) ownership antioxidants The seeds of fennel are rich of flavonoidi. It deals with an antioxidants group held able to reduce the stress ossidativo of the cardio-circulatory apparatus and to protect the organism from the neurological damages. The flavonoidis contribute besides to prevent the precocious aging opposing the free radicals. 8) digestion The seeds of fennel contribute to improve the digestion. The digestive ownerships of these small seeds have been being notes by now for centuries and you/they are exploited above all by the popular medicines for the preparation of tisane and decotti to drink to end meal to make the long and heavy digestion. The tisanes of fennel are usually considered proper as I also make up for natural digestive for his/her/their children. 9) source of kick The seeds of fennel are a rich source of kick, to hold in consideration even if they consume small quantities. The kick is present in numerous vegetable foods, understood the dry fruit as the almonds, the leaf vegetables green, as the spinaches and the seeds, with particular reference to the sesamo. 100 grams seeds of fennel contain 120% of the dose daily registered letter of kick, contains of it in fact 1196 milligrams. You also read: 10 vegetable sources of kick 10) red globules The production of red globules from our organism is favored by the foods that we introduce through the feeding. The seeds of fennel introduce an elevated copper content, a mineral fundamental for the formation of the cells of the blood, with particular reference to the red globules. 100 grams seeds of fennel contain 1067 copper
Posted on: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 18:53:55 +0000

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