Seeds of life implanted by Goodluck Jonathan in 2011 were indeed - TopicsExpress


Seeds of life implanted by Goodluck Jonathan in 2011 were indeed beautiful, appreciative and attractive in nature but till date, no one has ever seen or touch its fruits in reality except for the polithiefcians and big fishes that seek refuge and protection under the evil shade that leaves millions of persons in affliction, agony and sorrow. Our problem is what I dont know and understant as an African child. We are the owner of the shoe and as a well meaning Nigerians that wear the shoe, we still fail and lack the sagacity needed to identify an exact point where the shoe pinches us most. Water is in abundance, land is fertile, oil is flowing, the natural endowments are just unlimited and my people are still toiling day and night without making both ends meet. And pathetically, it is the good and progress-minded people that are truly known Nigerians that suffer more and live from hand to mouth. In a country blessed with such vast resources, teachers cannot own a car without loan, police cannot build a house without corruption, doctors cannot fly abroad without touching sin and nothing is in the air by our leaders to put things aright and fix the problem for us. Senators are living well. They fly abroad when they like and have millions in purse whenever they set and sit for talks. Honourables are building mansions, buying hotels and having myriad filling stations in this shores and even beyond. Governors are buying jets, flying abroad, living in affluence and all these are happening in a country where hundreds of people die of hunger per day. All these are happening in a country where thousands of people cant afford a meal per day. All these are happening in a country where millions of souls wake up from bed every morning without having nothing to put on fire. These are happening where pensioners die day and night because their gratuities and other benefits that they due for are not given to them. These are happening where graduates with exceptional qualities leave the university without having the hope of living a better life afterward. These are happening where government and ASUU had imbroglio for over six months and without fulfilling their actual needs and demands in the end. These are happening where billions got missed and nothing tangible has been put in place to get it back for our good and fortune. These are happening where someone who was discharged here freely and even called a saint by the EFCC and went abroad but only to realise he had stolen billions of naira from our purse. Its a pity and a big shame that we that pay the piper can no longer dictate the tune again. This is worrisome and a very critical situation that I cannot explain further more. In 2012, we said subsidy was part of our life, we yearned, protested, rejected and claimed that it shouldnt be removed. Eventually, it was removed and the purpose of doing so was forfeited unscruplously without giving life back to the injured souls. Many were killed, many died and many got injured during the fatal scene that we all experienced. True men are known by the positive implication of every word that comes from their tongue. They dont talk too much but rather fear the Lord in all what they do. Who among our leaders fear the Lord? Who among them pay salaries on dot? Who among them fulfil promises? Who among them has ever lived to expectation? I am gravely sure there is a Judgement that supersedes every other judgements and that is more powerful than the gravity of state pardon. I heard Jonathan made a promise in 2011 that he will not contest in 2015 presidential election. I have enough evidence to back this up and prove it real. Why did he go and buy the ticket to contest again in the forthcoming general election? Has he forgotten what he said so easily? The one who mess forget but the cleaner of the mess will never forget. Mr. Presidents body language and word of mouth are significant and undeniable elements of corruption. Members of his party were silenced and bribed with huge sum money and making him alone the divine candidate for his party ahead of the forthcoming election. Are there no better person than him in the party? Subsidy scam till now has not been resolved, the missing 20 billion naira in the NNPC has been forgotten, and lots more of illful deeds that are inumerable are clearly and boldly carried out under his watch. Of what value is a gaurd that cant man his eyes in the dead of the night? Of what value is a butcher that cant touch a knife to slaughter?Of what value is a man of 100 yrs that has no legacy for his children? This must stop. Nigerians must act. Our votes must count. Our wish and desire must be satisfied. Our country must improve, our life must change and our destiny must be achieved by us. May God take control of everything either by ending the world come 2015 or by eliminating the evil and cultic people that are making this life miserable for we masses to suffer and languish in poverty.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 21:28:19 +0000

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