Seeing Through The Weeds By Kenrick Georges July 12, 2013. The - TopicsExpress


Seeing Through The Weeds By Kenrick Georges July 12, 2013. The fallout of the sibling rivalry in the Labour Party has settled, and those who have chosen to sever ties from the family have done so. But are there any pertinent observations, which would help to understand why the political viability of the Hon. Dr. Timothy Harris, and the Hon. Sam Condor are so very different? It is a foregone conclusion that the insatiable greed for the leadership of our state is the single-most reasons for Dr. Harris’ eventual decision to subvert the Labour organization. This acute pathological condition has forced Dr. Harris to consort with his sworn enemies in a desperate effort to facilitate his quest. Note that, during the last general elections, there were plans for Dr. Harris to cross the floor if PAM had captured enough seats, and needed one more seat to form the government. But the Hon. Sam Condor’s situation is different. Although extremely long, his gestational period in the womb of the Labour Party was cut short, and thus, compromised his political viability outside of the Labour party. If the Hon. Sam Condor had any early ambitions to be the leader of the Labour Party, they were not evident, or at some point they were abandoned. Representative Condor seemed to have resigned himself to whatever role was assigned to him—being Deputy Prime Minister was a great honor, I presume. The Hon. Sam Condor served no greater purpose than to be a number—a part of a simple mathematical equation. He was only needed to make up the numbers to facilitate the MONC, which was orchestrated by the opposition. There was no love, or consideration for the Representative’s political wellbeing; he was just a sacrificial lamb—he never saw it coming. It is now very clear that the Hon. Sam Condor is left somewhere in a political no-man’s land, while Dr. Harris believes firmly that he has a fighting chance in constituency #7. The hon. Sam Condor is bringing up the rear in a two-man political party after being the Deputy Prime Minister for well over a decade. Representative Condor was recently denied the keynote speakership at an important meeting in the constituency (#3) that he has represented for his entire political career. I cannot advise the Hon. Sam Condor regarding the mess he has found himself in, but I have experienced being on the other side and I had to quickly make the necessary adjustments. My good BROTHER, there might never again be a seat at the head table for you, but could it be more comfortable having no secure place with the enemy, yet you watch, and cheer while they burn “your” house down? I have no problem with the other guy, but I wonder about you. There might yet be an honorable gesture left in you. Redeem your self. The rest of the world can be wrong while you alone do the right thing.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Jul 2013 14:09:53 +0000

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