¤Seeing as how the whole world thinks they know who I am - TopicsExpress


¤Seeing as how the whole world thinks they know who I am now¤ This is what is wrong with the world nowadays, not a single one of you know a thing about myself or the circumstances Ive been dealt. Yet you sit here and judge me based upon what you read online or see on the news. So let me clarify what I need to, seeing as how Im going to be criticized anyways. First off, for the ones talking about how I should get a job instead of abusing the system, well if you only knew Ive been working since I was 18 years old, always on the books, which Dss has known about since Ive been on it when I got pregnant with my daughter 3 years ago. I worked throughout my pregnancy, and Ive been working for the past two years of her life. There was no way I could afford to live on my own without any help from anyone, so obviously Im going to get help from where I can and I honestly wouldnt have been able to survive without Dss. So just so everyone knows I pay into the system instead of just taking away from it. Secondly, to the comment I saw about the fact that Im going places but not college. I start full time classes at MCC for Criminal Justice in 12 days, while I work 30 hours or more to support my daughter on my own. So yes, i will go places and college is one of them. And I will achieve all that I hope to and more. Thirdly, do people really have to comment on the fact that Im a white person committing welfare fraud? I dont understand why it matters what race you are, there are thousands of people besides myself that are dealing with welfare fraud and I am sure they arent all white. I did not intentionally do this, although it is my fault and that is why this will all be paid back in two months. Which half of this money I did not even receive. I simply did not hand in pay stubs that I needed to for three months and provide statements saying that my childs father and I were split up and that I had moved out in the middle of February. My mother passed away from pancreatic cancer February 23rd and it was overwhelming, life got hectic and now I have to deal with the consequences. And fourth, to everyone commenting on the fact that I have a smile on my face in this picture, the troopers Im glad I got to meet, although under unfortunate circumstances, were making me laugh and the camera was malfunctioning so thats why I look so thrilled about the fact that I have to pay $1800 back. And when one of the troopers asked how such a beautiful young articulate lady like myself wound up there, and I explained to him what happened, he said that what I owe is nothing because most fraud cases are $7000 or more . Well, it could be because I didnt intentionally fraud the system that has helped me out the past three years. So before you judge, get to know your facts and dont assume to know something based off the media and a personal view on the way society is portrayed. Everyone is their own person and everyone makes mistakes. Im sure there are going to be a lot more comments on here, but Ive said what I needed to. Ive learned from my mistakes, and Im paying for them. All I can do is do better, pursue my goals and never give up until I am where I want to be in life. I will not let where I am now, or what I have done, determine where I will be.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 21:35:46 +0000

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