Seeing this sat me back on my haunches....a very powerful meme.... - TopicsExpress


Seeing this sat me back on my haunches....a very powerful meme.... the words and photo are TRULY chilling. The look on his face and the body language speak a thousand words. Australians who CARE certainly have our task set out before us. Look at how easy it has been for this sociopath to completely derail focus on his despicable War Against The Working Class and The Vulnerable Budget by just having his Murdoch Media support base scream headlines of Watch OUT Australia!!.....imminent random public be-headings on Sydney streets!!!! ....thats all it took and BOOM!...the always bubbling-just-below-the-surface racism held by of the majority of the Australian sheeple population just exploded to the surface like a race-hate filled Krakatoa! ....Basic Distraction Politics 101 ....I watched with some amusement, the Bigot-General George Brandis, admitting to The 7:30 Reports Leigh Sales last night that the intelligence reports of ISIS or Al Queda calls for attacks against Coalition Forces or Australia in particular, are at a no different number than what they always have been ever since the start of the First Gulf War 11 years ago..... .... the difference is...scabbott is now trumpeting all of this out into the Australian Media to distract and blame others...... ....The LNP....cut funding to Dementia Carer Payments and Meals on Wheels but can find $500 Million dollars a year to fund a War that we dont even have a Mission Statement on...let alone a pull out date or measures to gauge success by....God HELP Australia....the deranged fool occupying the Office of The Prime Minister of Australia is INSANE and truly DANGEROUS..........
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 23:21:38 +0000

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