Seeing you fall, the nation’s heart stood still. Eyes filled - TopicsExpress


Seeing you fall, the nation’s heart stood still. Eyes filled with horror at the shocking sight began to stream with avalanche of tears that held a bleeding country’s deepest fears. In that one moment countless people felt that you and you alone can save this land that has become a killing field whose leaders have sucked its life-blood to enrich themselves while millions suffer in the throes of woes unspeakable, unbearable, with no light, no hope that they will ever have the right to live like human beings not trapped in endless night. For seventeen long years you’ve given your all, each ounce of energy that you have had to build a movement that would make this land what it was meant to be – the Pakistan envisioned by Iqbal, created by the Quaid. You gave up your earthly ease to live a life of ceaseless toil and trouble, so that your people may be free from bondage to anything but God. You chose to carry the bitter cross of separation from your children –Sulaiman and Kasim – whom you love more than your life, so that the children of Pakistan may rise to claim a place of dignity and honour in the world. In what words should I salute your spirit, and tell you what you mean to those who’ve seen how you have gone from place to place to place, exhausted but unvanquished by the struggle to reach as many people as you could? You looked so gaunt, your face bearing the marks of endless work and countless sleepless nights. But with each passing day your voice grew stronger, your passion more intense, your eyes still brighter. Those whom God chooses for a special task are tried and tested in heart-breaking ways. You have been sorely tried in every manner, but your strong faith in God and your brave heart filled with the courage of conviction and your deep compassion for the ones who suffer makes you invincible. May I salute you and your worthy parents in the name of every Pakistani here or anywhere, for being a hero who will forever live in hearts and minds and spirits? You fell and hurt your body but you’ve lifted our country’s head as none did since its birth- How very proud of you must be the two you cherish - Iqbal and Quaid - who can now rest peacefully in their abodes in heaven knowing that you will build “Naya Pakistan” and lead a faithful, youthful nation to its finest hour. May God watch over you and keep you safe and strong. More millions pray for you today than can be reckoned. You have won the war and none can stop your onward march to make Pakistan a model Muslim state which the whole world will emulate with joy and pride.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Jun 2013 14:52:11 +0000

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