Seek Godly Wisdom Wisdom – Knowing the truth and how to apply - TopicsExpress


Seek Godly Wisdom Wisdom – Knowing the truth and how to apply it in any given situation “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom and with all thy get understanding” – Prov. 4:7 GODLY Wisdom is the an important thing we can get in life : • Ability to make right decisions/judgment • Ability to choose correct solution for any situation (God’s solution) • Knowing how to think , speak, act to please both God and man • Victorious Living With wisdom man makes choices to bring health, peace, prosperity and life. Without wisdom man makes choices that bring pain, poverty, trouble and death. Wisdom is above all “Blessed is the man who finds Wisdom it is better than gold more precious than rubies, it is better than All things” – Prov. 3:13-15 God’s Invitation for wisdom “Get wisdom, Get understanding... Don’t forget to turn away from the Word of the Lord” – Prov. 4:5 “Finding wisdom brings Life , God’s favor neglecting it wrongs your own soul and brings death” – Prov. 8:35-36 Parents make sacrifices so that their children get better education...Thinking this is a noble task. Learning without GODLY Wisdom is worst. “An educated fool is worse than an ignorant fool” – Prov. 26:12 Education teaches facts, inventions, theories, etc but this does not add Godly wisdom to the soul. How to get Wisdom? “Wisdom and understanding require knowing and fearing God” – Prov. 1:7, Prov. 9:10 The World teaches pleasure, money, entertainment, people, Wisdom.... “Wisdom is found in the Word of God” – Ps. 119:128; Is. 8:20; I Tim. 6:3-5,20 We must learn and get Wisdom from the Word of God, grow in it and teach it to our family. Jesus grew in wisdom and favor with God and man...... Jesus Christ is the Source of all Wisdom and Knowledge… What are the two types of Wisdom? 1) Worldly Wisdom 2) Godly Wisdom Worldly Wisdom “For the Wisdom of this world is foolishness with God” – I Cor. 3:19 “The Lord knows the thought of the wise that they are futile” – I Cor. 3:20 “God catches the wise in their own craftiness” – I Cor. 3:19 Worldly wisdom is full of craftiness, business, making money, politics, entertainment, industry, Society... This Wisdom does not descend from above, but is earthly, sensual and demonic – James 3:15 Godly Wisdom “We speak the Wisdom of God which God ordained” – I Cor. 2:7 “These we speak, not with man’s wisdom but with the Holy Spirit teaching to us” – I Cor. 2: 13 “The Wisdom from above is pure, peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy, good fruits without Partiality” – James 3:17 Examples of Worldly Wisdom Feels being in the presence of the Lord not very important, Cannot make sacrifices for the Lord as other worldly or earthly things seems important , Increase in worldly knowledge & affairs of the world, desire to become rich and saving more, Giving more value to external things and tries so much to show off and does not value or prepare the heart, Giving more priority to worldly things, Living & walking in flesh/self, Enjoy to be in parties and people, Lavishly spends money, Living for themselves and their families and not willing to share with others especially the poor, Desire something worldly and demanding God to make it happen even if it is worldly, having fellowship with worldly friends think and walk with them, Want to carry out their own will and fulfill their own selfish desires and not the Will of God, etc Examples of Godly Wisdom Considers being in the Presence of GOD as the most important - Puts all others things secondary , (First Priority to GODLY things – Prayer Bible Reading , Attending Church/Fasting Prayers/ Intercessory Prayers) Takes time to Increase in Wisdom, knowledge, understanding, insight and Fear of the Lord, Gives more priority to Spiritual things, Seek Gods Will in everything and tries to fulfill it if known , Submission and fully dependent on GOD for all things, Living in the world is Loving and Serving Christ because as tasted the love of Christ, Prays and tries to live for the Glory of God, Obey the Word of GOD, Wait in the Presence of GOD for Divine Grace , Walk in the Spirit, Prepares for the Second Coming of the Lord, Seek the Lord, Love the Lord above all, Involvement in the Lord’s Work, Allow the Holy Spirit and Word of GOD to mold as GOD’s will and Plan , Willing to Stand and bear any Cost for the Sake and Name of Jesus…….. Let’s seek Godly Wisdom then we can live successful lives in this world and enter Heaven ... Rejoicing……….. May the Lord fill us with His Wisdom and May we grow in the Wisdom of the Lord AMEN
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 18:27:15 +0000

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