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Seek The Truth Blog Video available here: Videos of Pastor Donny Reagan have gone viral, exposing him as what they call the Most Racist Pastor in America. I know that he has spoken against seekyethetruth, blaming us for the fall to repentance that is soon to come, should he choose to try and salvage his ministry. But I sympathize with Pastor Reagan. He is a victim, in the same way that I was a victim. He is preaching the same thing that I was programmed to believe through the indoctrination of a religious cult.. He was trained under the same teaching I was programmed to believe from birth. William Branham, assistant to Roy E. Davis, the Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan. Branhams Klan agenda is spread throughout his recorded ministry, from start to finish, and align with the timeline of the Klans political agendas. Though Davis was ran out of town, Branham continued to push Klan politics in Jeffersonville and around the entire world. It is my opinion that Branhams Klan agenda was far more powerful than the Grand Dragon himself. Here are just a handful of examples: (Listen to the video for Branhams impersonations of Aunt Jemima) Long time ago... I was just looking around over the audience to see if I could see one of the people, and thats some of our colored friends, the Negro. You know, a long time ago, down here in the South, they used to make slaves out of them. Now, Im a Southerner. And there is one thing Id like to say about them, I wish I could talk to Martin Luther King. That man, being a Christian, dont know he is leading his people right into a death trap, where there is going to be millions of them killed. See? He is wrong. I love my brethren, my colored brethren. I wouldnt be in Africa and around, preaching to them, if I didnt love them. Theyre Gods people, the same as we are. But I dont believe that... That man, under this, is only going to cause many, many, many more of them to be killed. Then itll start a revolutionary again, thatll never wade out of the people down here. So theyre not slaves. They have as much freedom as anybody else. They, if they were slaves, I would be on that side. But theyre not slaves. Its just because they want to go to school. They got schools. Let them go to school. Thats right. Was there, remember that old colored brother standing up, that morning, in that riot. He asked the militia if he could speak. He said, I never was ashamed of being a black man. My Maker made me a black man. But this morning, Im ashamed the way my race is acting. Whats them people doing to us? Only been good to us. The white woman, raised up and said, I dont want my children schooled by a white woman, said, because they... she wont pay the--the interest, take interest in my children like a colored woman was in my own race. Said, There, look at our schools. They got swimming pools. They got better schools and everything. Why do we want to go to their schools? Thats right. I believe God is a God of--of, well, Id say He is a God of variety. He makes big mountains and little mountains. He makes deserts. He makes forests. He makes white man, black man, red man. We should never cross that up. It becomes a hybrid. And anything hybrid cannot re-breed itself. You are ruining the race of people. There is some things about a colored man that a white man dont even possess them traits. A white man is always stewing and worrying; a colored man is satisfied in the state he is in, so they dont need those things. But back in the slave time, they were selling slaves, human beings, like an auction block, like they would a used car lot. There was a buyer come forth, through the country, and he would buy them up, and go sell them and make money on them, just like you would on a used car or something. Never was Gods program! God made man; man made slaves. One is not to rule over the other. Were to live together in unity and peace. And this man come to an old plantation. He--he wants. How many slaves you got? Said, A hundred or more. He was looking them over, and he happened to notice, there was one slave among those people... The slaves were sad. The Boers of Africa had caught the slaves, brought them over here and made, and sold them. And they knowed theyd never go back to the homeland. They knowed they were here for the rest of their life. Theyd never see their children again. Theyd never see papa and mama. They were here for all the time, and they were sad. And theyd even carry whips, and whip them, to make them work. And so they had to make them work, because they didnt want to work. They were just all broke down. This slave buyer looked over there. And he found among these slaves, there was one young fellow. They didnt have to whip him; chest up, chin up, right on the job. And the broker said to the owner of the slaves, said, I want to buy that slave. Said, He is not for sale. Said, What makes the difference? Is he a boss over the rest of them? He said, No, no. Hes just a slave. Said, Maybe you feed him different than you do the rest of them. He said, No, he eats in the galley with the rest of the slaves. Said, What makes him so much different? He said, I always wondered that, myself, till I found out. Over in the homeland, in Africa where he come from, his father is the king of the tribe. And regardless of where hes at, he still knows hes the son of a king, and he acts like one. Branham, 63-0628M Led of the Spirit, I went way down by the river, and to some little colored shacks down there in the river... And I was going walking down. He said, Turn now to your right.I was going down a little hill, like this, a beautiful morning, the sun was coming up, flowers just blooming around Memphis. And I was... The sun had just peeping up over the hill, and itd been a rain the night before, and so it was all beautiful there in the South. And I looked, hanging out over the gate and there hung a typical Aunt Jemima. She had a... Instead of... She had a mans shirt tied around her head. She was looking over the gate. I come walking by, going [Brother Branham hums--Ed.] going down the street looking, wondering where the Lord was leading me. She looking, tears over her big fat cheeks. She said, Good morning, parson. I said, Howdy do, Auntie. It caught me, Parson? I looked around, I said, Do you know me? She said, Yes sir. And I said, Do you know my name? She said, No, sir. I said, Howd you know I was a parson? She said, Parson. Said, Did you ever hear about the Shunammite woman that had a baby by... The Lord promised her the baby, and the baby died? And I said, Yes. She said, I was a woman that way. And I promised the Lord that Id raise my baby for Him. And said, The Lord give husband and I a lovely boy. And said, Parson, he took the road thats wrong when hes about--a few years ago. And said, He got a--a dangerous disease, venereal disease. And said, It went so long on him, we didnt suspect it. And said, And now hes laying in the room dying. Said, The doctor has give him all kinds of shots. And said, He cant get well. And said, Hes been unconscious since yesterday. The doctor was back here and said, Look for the worst at any time. There was no hopes for him. His blood was four-plus, and nothing could help him at all. And said, Hes dying. And said, I got down on my knees. And said, I prayed. And said, I prayed, O Lawd. Said, Is a woman like the Shunammite. Where is You Elijah? And just begin to praying. Said, I prayed and prayed. And said, This morning, just before daylight. Said, The Lord told, Stand at this gate. And there was her back was wet where shed been standing. She wasnt telling me anything wrong. She said, And look. Oh, my. Begin to... I walked into the house. There was a great big husky looking boy. And she patted him. He was laying there with a--with a blanket in his hand, going, Um, Um, Um, like that. And he was saying, Mammy, its so dark. Um. I dont know where Is a going, mammy, like that. She said, Honey child, do you know mammy? Honey child. He was... Course, no matter how old you are, youre mothers child just the same. No matter what youve done, youre still mothers boy. And there she was, patting him and loving him. She said, Do you know mammy? saying, You know your mammy? He didnt seem like he recognized her. Hes hollering, Mammy, going on; he was unconscious like condition. And so she said, Can we pray, Parson? I said, Yes maam. Branham, 50-0405 And you precious colored people in the south, how you voted. You say, You have no business saying that in the pulpit. Oh, yes I have; its the Word of God. And the stain of--of Abraham Lincoln, the one that freed you, laying yonder in that museum on a womans dress, and you sell your birthright. Shame on you. Branham 61-0319 He said, Is come a long ways to come here. He said, Night before last, said, my old mammy, shes been dead about twenty years almost. And said, She was a Christian woman. And Is been blind for better than twelve years. He said, And last night, or night before last, I dreamed... [] That God had sent His gift of Divine healing, and it was at Camden, Arkansas, and for me not to let you get by. Said, Reverend, please dont pass me by. You think I could pass him? I dont care who he was. Branham, 47-0412 And I looked and there was a bunch of chartered buses setting there. I knowed one of them was Memphis, and thats how... I said, What you doing over here? She said, Is listening to the radio this morning. She said, I heard about all those deaf and dumb people they had up there, that was deaf and dumb last night, speaking on the radio. And I said, And youre blind? See? I said, Whatd you come over here for? She said, I come to see the healah. I said, The what? She said, The healah. And I said, You dont believe that, do you? Oh, yes, suh. Now, that--that looked like a hypocrite too, taking advantage of a blind woman. See? But I wanted to see whether she really believed it. I said, Do you believe thats the truth? She said, Yes, suh. And I begin to feel little. And she said--she said, Yes, suh. I believes it. And I said, Why, you believe that God would do something like that, as far advanced as medical science is? She said, Suh, said, when I was a little girl, I got cataracts on my eyes. The doctor told me when they got ripe, I dont know what that means, but, when it got ripe that theyd take them off. And said, Now, that theyre ripe, said, they say if theyd take them out, theyd pull the optical nerves out of my eyes. And said, I--I--I cant see, and the only hope I got is to get in there. And this is the mans last night here, and they tell me I cant even get near the building. I lost my daddy. I dont know what to do. And I said, Do you believe if youd get in there, youd be healed? She said, Why, I heard of a man on the radio this morning, from up at Kennett, Missouri, had been blind for ten years, and he received his sight. Said, Well, couldnt I be healed too? I said, Do you believe that? She said, Sir, Ill tell you what Ill do. If youll just get me in where that mans at, Ill be able to find my daddy after that. Oh, my. I felt my heart drop right away from me. I thought poor, old blind thing. I said, Look lady, do you mean that? She said, Yes. Oh, I said, maybe Im the one youre supposed to see. And she grabbed me like that. She said, Is you the healah? Branham, 53-0614E And now, the Chinese--the Chinese is a--a yellow person, Japanese, and so forth, and a Chinese. The Ethiopian is a--is a colored man, or the Negro that we have now. And he went down in those dark countries down there. And they--and--and they were... And then the white man was the Anglo-Saxon people which we are. And--or the--or the people here, what we call the white people, they come from England which was formerly called Angel land. And because they were white, and blond, and so forth... They scattered up beyond and Norway, and so forth--up in there. And they all come out of the Anglo-Saxon people. Branham, 54-0103E We got a case there in Tucson now. That a--that a white woman lived with her husband one morning, and that afternoon she lived with a Negro. And one of the little boys... There was two little boys was born. One of them was a little kinky-headed Negro, and the other one is a--a blond-headed kid, real pretty. And--and, think now, she is trying to make the white father take care of both children. And he said, Ill take care of my own, but not his. Let the Negro man take care of his own child. Branham, 65-1031M Like I said, this Martin Luther King is leading his people to a crucifixion. Its communistic. Sure, it is. If them people were slaves, then Id be down here fighting for them. Right. But theyre not slaves. Its an argument, where they go to school or not. Wont go to talking about that. I just thought Id express it. See? All right. Notice. Its just the Devil. Certainly. Branham, 64-0418B I could be altogether wrong in my thought about Martin Luther King. I dont know, I cant say. Thats just my opinion. Anything that rises up trouble, thats whats supposed to be in the last days. And its all inspired of Satan, to break up our commonwealth and whatever we have, anything that rises up like that. So Im for those people down there, dont you never think that Im not. I--Im for freedom and for everything, but the people doesnt have that situation under now. But what it will do, I believe itll start another revolution if somebody doesnt stop it. See, its the Communists working among those people. I was in Africa when they done the same thing. See? And I know there was Communists come in there telling those colored people, Oh, youre this, that, or the other. Youre this, that, or the other. And the first thing you know, it caused thousands of them to be killed. And where did they get? Nowhere, see, nowhere. Branham, 63-0721 God was a segregationalist and He segregated that people, and they wasnt supposed to have anything to do with any other, marry into anybody. And the real, genuine Church and Bride of Christ, is joined to Christ which is the Word. And you dont marry into any organization, any denomination. You stay exactly with Christ and that Word, as an individual. To do it is Eternal separation from God. I hope everybody gets that. Branham, 64-1227 Death said, Oh, you little hook-nosed Jew, I knowed you was beat with stripes, and let you down by... so forth, and they done this, that, or the other, but now Ive got you. He looked. Old death said, I will make you shiver and shake. He said, Death, where is your sting? Branham, 53-0326 You remember how that you old people got to crying and shouting when I was preaching to the children, had all them little black and blue eyes setting up here on the front row, telling them if you lose your life, youll find it. If you keep your life, youll lose it. You remember that, church?You remember when I was in illustration, getting the illustration of that morning when Jochebed and when Amram, Aaron and Miriam all down before daylight with their hands up in the air, saying, God, You gave us the baby. Now, were giving it back to You. You give it to us. It wasnt ours. It was Yours. You give it to us, and now, we give it back to you. [] We keep it; the witches of hell will kill it. And those long, hook-nosed women come out there, and take its little head, and bust it against the wall. Well lose it if we keep it, but if we give it back to the One Who gave it to us, well keep it. Branham, 56-0610 Between you and I is rolling green waters. Youve come from some--youve come... Youre--youre a missionary. And you come here from... Youre from China. You was ministering to yellow people, Chinese. And youre wanting to ask me a question. And youre wanting to ask me whether you should think about going back or not. Branham, 55-0118 Im a southerner. The big boss up here says (this nation) what they say is all right. I think in the segregation condition of the south, some of them said to me one time, said, Brother Branham, being a southerner, what do you think about segregation? I said, Its not for me to say. The boss, government, said, Let it be what it is, permit them to marry, and so forth. I said, Thats--thats up to them. As an American, I abide by the laws. To me, you ought to leave it the way God had it. He made white men, black men, brown men. Hes a God of variety. Let them stay the way God made them. Thats what I think. If I was a black man, Id--Id want--Id want to stay in my class of people. If I was a Chinese, yellow, Id want to stay that way. Being that Im Anglo-Saxon, white, let me marry amongst the white, teach my children the same, and just stay the kind of a flower and the color that God made us at the beginning. After all, Hes the One that made it. Branham, 62-0719B I remember Mrs. Roeder stood by me, out there in the hospital. Ill never forget that woman. No matter whatever happens, I could never forget her. She was just a young woman then. Her husband was the superintendent down here at the car works. And I--I remember she standing by me, her and Mrs. Stewart. And they was the one actually that paid my hospital bill. I... We didnt even have food to eat, in the house, so how could we pay a hospital bill, hundreds of dollars? But she, through her church society and the Ku Klux Klan, paid the hospital bill for me, Masons. I can never forget them. See? No matter what they do, or what, I still... there is something, and that stays with me, see, what they did for me. And they paid the bill to Doctor Reeder. He is still living, lives here in Port Fulton, could tell you the story. Branham, 63-1110M I repented when I realized that the religious following that had programmed me to be prideful, scornful, racist, and bigotted was based on the political agendas of men rather than the Word of God. Did you? Seek The Truth
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 11:41:30 +0000

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