===Seeking Help From Prophets AwliyyaAllah And - TopicsExpress


===Seeking Help From Prophets AwliyyaAllah And Saliheen=== Question: That which occurs amongst the general public who when in distress call out Ya Sheikh Fulan and Ya Rasul Ullah and other such things in seeking help (Istighatha) from the Prophets, the saints, Ulama and upright people. Is this allowed or not? Do the Messengers/Prophets/Saints/righteous/Mashaikh have the capability to help others... Answer: Istighatha i.e. Seeking Help from the Prophets and Messengers, the Saints, Ulama and upright people is “PERMITTED” after their passing away. The messengers, prophets and saints have (power to) help after their passing away because their miracles do not become abolished after their deaths. The Prophets are alive in their graves, praying and also performing hajj as it has been mentioned in many ahadith. Therefore the help from them shall be a miracle from them, the martyrs are also alive which is proven that they have been seen openly killing the disbelievers. Now regarding Awliya then this is a Karamat from them, the people of truth believe that this happens from (the hands) of awliya both with their intention and without it. Having a change in outer aspects of things is brought forward by Allah through them. The Dalil for this is that these things are possible and their occurrence is not something impossible, for example the story of Maryam (a.s) and how the provision came to her from Allah as is stated in Quran and the incident of Abu Bakr (ra) with his guests as is present in Sahih, the Nile flowing to its full due to letter of Umar (ra) plus him also seeing right from his mimbar in madina, the army approaching (Sariya ra) and he exclaiming to the leader: “Ya Sariyatul Jabal (i.e. O Sariya turn to the mountain)” i.e. warning him about the enemy behind the mountain and Sariya (ra) even heard him though he was so far that it would take 2 months of travel. Also Khalid bin Walid (ra) drinking poison but it not harming him. The matters which generally go against the norm have for sure occurred from the hands of Sahaba, Tabiyeen, and those later to come. It cannot be possible to deny this fact because when we take this as a whole then they reach the level of Tawatur (i.e. definitely known reality).Hence what is possible as a miracle from Prophet is also possible as Karamah from a Saint, there is no difference between the two except for the fact that former is shown as a challenge [Fatawa al Ramli] Sheikh ul Islam Imam al-Subki (rah) Let us see the Introduction of this magnificent scholar, the real Sheikh ul Islam of his time. Imam Jalal ud-din Suyuti (rah) said about Imam al Subki: الإمام الفقيه المحدث الحافظ المفسر الأصولي النحوي اللغوي الأديب المجتهد تقي الدين أبو الحسن علي بن عبد الكافي بن علي بن تمام بن يوسف بن موسى بن تمام بن حامد بن يحيى بن عمر بن عثمان بن علي بن سوار بن سليم. شيخ الإسلام إمام العصر Translation: Al-Imam, Al-Faqih, Al-Muhadith, Al-Hafidh, Al-Mufasir, Al-Asooli, Al-Nahwi, Al-Laghwi, Al-Adeeb, Al-Mujtahid Taqi ud-din Abu al-Hasan Ali bin Abdul Kafi bin Ali bin Tamaam bin Yusuf bin Musa bin Tamam bin Hamid bin Yahya bin Umar bin Uthman bin Ali bin Sawwar bin Saleem SHEIKH UL ISLAM AND THE IMAM OF HIS TIME [Tabaqat al Hufaadh (1/525)] Sheikh ul Islam Imam al- Subki said: It should be known that Tawassul, ASKING FOR HELP and intercession through the Prophet (Peace be upon him) in the court of Allah is not only allowed but is RECOMMENDED It being Legal and recommended is a known fact for everyone who has understanding of deen, this is a deed of Prophets/Messengers, the salaf-as-Saliheen, the Ulama and general public of Muslims, none of them denied it nor in any time these deeds were called as bad except for when Ibn Taymiyyah (came in picture) and he started to reject them, his sayings made the weak get into confusion/dilemma, he did such a Bidah which nobody before him had done... [Imam Taqi ud din as-Subki – Rahimuhulllah in his magnificent work called Shifa us Siqaam fi Ziyaratal Khayr al Anaam, Page No. 357] Click here for Scanned Page (86)
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 13:06:27 +0000

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