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Seeking Partner for potentially lucrative and important book marketing opportunity. From Jay North and One Globe Press OneGlobePress jaysbookshere@gmail 805-794-9126 Times are hard no doubt and contemporary challenges may cause great concern for our survival and the survival for all sentient beings on planet Earth. OneGlobePress is poised to successfully market several Jay North books to not only make a profit but to Help Change Conditions On Planet Earth For The Better. We are seeking a partner, active or silent to help achieve our goals to effectively mass market Jay’s Books, before time runs out to do so. Your active participation could be just the key that opens the door to saving millions of lives. “A Change Has Got To Come.” -Leonard J. Mountain Chief Qualified interest persons should contact Jay directly at JaysBooksHere@Gmail or call Jay 805-794-9126. There is an old saying in the booking marketing business, It Only Takes One; Investor/Partner stands to make good profits. We have a great and very simple marketing plan; please visit OneGlobePress and send a friend today. Peace in your house, -Jay & One Globe Press Open Spaces Book Reviews: A book of Native Healing Come into Open Spaces; Life With Leonard J. Mountain Chief by Jay North—a must read for all seekers of truth, Jim Carey Come out transformed I am an avid reader. Give me a rainy day, fireplace, cozy chair, new book and I am in heaven. I have always been intrigued by Native American culture, philosophy, ideologies, and rituals. I couldn’t wait to begin reading my newest find. I was naïve to how essential; crucial this unique book would be in assisting me on my life’s journey. I have transformed my life! I digress, for this is to be a review of the unparalleled, incomparable book that truly caught me by surprise. Each chapter has an innate lesson that can be interpreted on whatever level the reader is willing to receive the knowledge. I wanted to devour this book in one sitting. That was not possible for me. Every chapter needed, deserved to be absorbed, integrated into my being. What I love is that upon rereading any chapter, I gain a new perspective. This book truly resonated with my soul. Leonard’s reverent messages are so important to share with anyone who will attentively listen. I have recommended and gifted this memorable book to all my loved ones. Actually, I recommend it to anyone who has an interest in life, in love of our precious planet and in compassion for people Laurie A Jay, I am in tears of joy. Wow! Not only do you write so beautifully, but about something I can relate to. The Pipe Ceremony! How fitting. The words you’ve written are so pure and true… I had an eagle experience last summer along the Trinity River. I smoked the sacred pipe and raised my arm to the sky in triangle pose, glancing beyond my fingertips to the heavens, and there was the bald eagle soaring in circles high above. I prayed. A minute later the mergansers quacked there way upriver. Great Spirit was ever so present. I cried tears of deep emotions, and every time I had a breakthrough Spirit showed itself in Nature. I was overwhelmed with joy. I became reawakened and in tune with God, Great Spirit, Creator. This is what my songs are about…the ones I sing and the ones that come through me. Music flows through me. I hear it, especially when I’m in tune. (Lyrics don’t come as easily to me, so I often just have tunes, or only part of a song’s lyrics.) It is the feeling that is the soul of the song anyway. The music is a gift. Being guided on the path, living the prayer is the ultimate gift. I have strong faith, yet I seek clarity of the path ahead. In these times of turmoil I seek companionship, community, oneness with nature and oneness with Creator. I choose the path of healing, love and service. I have no name for the path, for there are many. I greatly respect you. I give thanks and praise for being touched by you. With deep Love and Respect, Mitzi The Red Path CHA WAKAN Jay, I’m enjoying reading your book Open Spaces very much! As I am reading about your life’s journey; ” its apparently becomes Indian time to me!” I found myself falling into your stories with my whole body. I can scene myself right there, watching and anticipating in silence,” what will come next”? Great Job! Aho Mitakuye Oyasin. Catrina in S. B. I never met Leonard J. Mountain Chief, yet his spirit is closely entwined with mine and I call him brother and I call him friend. This book is more than just the story of the close friendship of two men; it carries forth the spirit of Leonard J. Mountain Chief in such a way that the reader finds themselves feeling a kinship, a brotherhood with him as our mutual God, our father binds us together. This book carries forth the spirit of the Native Americans. As Leonard and Jay have their adventures, we don’t just read about them, we experience them. Although he tells this book in the first person and it is indeed a book about the experiences that Jay had with this his foster father, Jay North has done a tremendous job in allowing us to experience for ourselves the man who was and who is, for his spirit lives on, Leonard J. Mountain Chief. I highly recommend this book, not just for those of us who are Native Americans, but for all people everywhere. I personally have been greatly blessed by it. Bunny McLeod, Nation of the Iroquois Jay North captures the heart of the Native Montana, the wisdom of the people who nurture and are preserved by the land of their ancestors. Montana speaks to these people in loving instruction spoken in the words of nature. Interpreted through the knowingness of an honored chief, father and profound friend, In Open Spaces My Life with Leonard Mountain Chief, Jay imparts his experience living on the Blackfeet reservation. Jay had the privilege of walking with the kindness of Leonard and becoming his adopted son; and as fathers do, Leonard initiated Jay into the mindfulness of these Montana Native people. With great generosity, Jay shares with his readers his private communion with his Blackfeet mentor. The delivery of the messages shared with the tone of Jay’s own given name by Leonard Mountain chief, “With Heart Wide Open”. As with all oral tradition, the reader learns and softens to the spoken word of the natural spirit through this loving and appreciative heart of Heart Butte, the heart of the author, Jay North. Susan DelNagro Reading Open Spaces was a true joy. Although Jay was telling “his” story, it also became mine as I became a part of the adventures, a part of the journey that he shares with the reader. I felt as if Leonard was my father, teaching me the wisdom of the people. I shared in Jay’s joy with laughter and in his sadness with tears. This is one of the best writings I have been blessed to read. Jay writes with humor, candidness and respect. I cannot recommend it highly enough to anyone interested in the native culture or anyone who is open enough to learn the message of this book. Sandra Alevras, I had just retired, sold almost all I owned, and started my personal spiritual journey. I’d been a scientist and a rationalist all of my life but had found that science couldn’t answer the Really Interesting questions. So I left science and engineering to pursue my search for Truth. In that pursuit, I’ve read hundreds of books, listened to dozens of lectures, and surprised myself as I evolved from religionist to theologian to philosopher. Which brings me to Jay North’s book? When I was handed this book as a 200-page typed, double-spaced manuscript, I took it home expecting to breeze through it in a couple of hours. Instead, it took me two weeks to digest. I could only read a few pages at a time before I had to stop and think about the message Jay was sharing. Very few books move me that way. In my spiritual research, I was attracted to American Indian spiritual lore, but until I read this book, I’d found little documentation of the broad overview that this book gives and none so clearly and simply written. What I found in this book was an excellent summary of my last seven years of philosophical studies. I’ve reached an outlook on the Nature of the Universe that is virtually identical with that of Leonard J. Mountain Chief, Blackfeet Elder. I found, much to my surprise, that after all that research and study, I’ve finally reached the level of Spiritual Consciousness that the Blackfeet Indians achieved centuries ago. Before reading this book, I also believed that in one’s search for Truth, one must trod the path through Plato, Aristotle, Aristophanes, Zarathustra, Krishna, Buddha, Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus, Francis of Assisi, Aquinas, Moore, Szekely, Redfield, Dyer, Hawkins, et. Al., in order to reach the conclusions I’ve reached. Instead, Jay gives us the summary in short, clear words, as given by his mentor, Chief Leonard. This is the summary and concise statements that I didn’t think existed. Following are some excerpts from Open Spaces: My Life with Leonard J. Mountain Chief, Blackfeet Elder from Northwest Montana. “Just as a dieter will regain weight after they come off of the diet and resume their old eating habits, the seeker of real change must be willing to make a real lifestyle change. It is easy to be enthusiastic for a short period of time to achieve a goal, but the true test of commitment will be a change of the heart… a life of service.” “Everything is perfect all of the time, even when you don’t think it is.” “… Our true purpose for being here … is Love and the true unfoldment of the Spirit … there is no higher purpose than to love another … We cannot simply examine this thing; we must experience it in order to fulfill our destiny.” “Spirit always looks after you.” “Now is a time of paramount importance for all people to hear the message of loving each other and our world, the message of being at peace with one another and our world, and the message of finding joy in each other and in our world.” Thank you, Jay North, for sharing your experiences with Chief Leonard with us. How blessed you were to have them! Every Spiritual Seeker should read this book and become enlightened by it. I find in it… Truth, the world needs to read this book. Jim Carey If you have ever felt lost, confused or even at a cross road in life you HAVE to read this book. The wisdom and knowledge that Jay has put into this book will truly set your mind free… It puts into perspective the possibilities that our beautiful earth and our minds have to offer. It forever changed the way I look at many things that before seemed so complicated… I love this book and highly recommend that you read it again and again. Mellanie, Ojai CA I read Open Spaces and savored every word. My Ancestors are Native American and yet my eyes are blue and my hair is blonde. My heart rejoiced as I traveled with Jay North on his Epic adventure with his Teacher/Friend and Spiritual Guide. As I turned the pages I was reminded that we are all one and we are never really alone. I have told many to buy this book and everyone of them have enjoyed the messages of a Great Native Elder and the travels of Jay North. Lisa Murphy, MA
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 18:57:40 +0000

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