Seems fracking is world wide problem. here is a site in France - TopicsExpress


Seems fracking is world wide problem. here is a site in France that was translated into English below. Spain: high seismic activity near an underground gas storage. October 2, 2013 in International , Press by No Fracking France The gas platform Castor project in the Ebro Delta, October 2, 2013 © AFP Lluis Gene Madrid (Dispatch - AFP) A multitude of earthquakes, including the strongest Tuesday reached a magnitude of 4.2, officials and concerned residents of the Ebro Delta, in eastern Spain, where a submarine gas storage site appears cause of this unusual activity. Wednesday noon, the National Geographic Institute had already recorded ten shocks since midnight, with a magnitude ranging from 1.5 to 2.9, located in the Gulf of Valencia, a region near an inactive fault where the seismic activity is usually low. Monday, the strongest tremor had a magnitude of 3.9 before 4.2 Tuesday. These earthquakes, more than 300 were recorded during the month of September, led the Ministry of Industry to suspend activity on September 16 storage facilities of gas in operation since June, until is determined the origin of the phenomenon. Wednesday, teams of technicians should inspect the site. Located 22 kilometers from the Mediterranean coast, off the Valencia region, the Castor project has transformed a former oil wells more than 1,700 feet below sea level in order to build up a reserve of natural gas can " ensure the reliability of supply of the Spanish gas network , "says the Spanish Escal UGS, which in 2008 won a license from the Ministry of Industry to exploit. The site can store the equivalent of the requirements for three months of the Valencia region, inhabited by more than five million. Well, where have been injected hundred million cubic meters of gas a capacity of 1,300 million, is connected to a marine platform, then through a pipeline, the Spanish distribution network. " Tuesday, around 3:00 or 4:00 in the morning I woke up with a strange feeling. The windows vibrated as if going a long plane or train , "Ramirez testified by phone Inmaculada, a shopping 55 years the town of Vinaros, located on the coast facing the platform. The proliferation shocks concerned environmentalists, politicians and residents, some do not hesitate to directly accusing the proximity of the gas reserves. " We demand that the technicians of the Ministry of Industry quickly resolve this situation because the most important thing is to preserve the safety of our towns , "wrote in a statement mayors Vinaros, Benicarlo and Peniscola. The Government of Catalonia, a region bordering the Valencia whose most southern villages have also felt the tremors, also protested. " It is not reasonable to let the actions that cause seismic activity , "said his spokesman, Francesc Homs. " There is no doubt about the link between the injection of gas into the tank and submarine earthquakes "denounces Ecologistas en Accion, an advocacy group of very active environment in Spain, asking paralysis facilities. Three other sites exist underground gas storage in Spain, Huesca, at the foot of the Pyrenees, in Guadalajara, in the center, and Bermeo, in the Basque Country, where the reserve is also located under the sea No similar seismic activity has never been recorded in the vicinity of these sites. " There is reasonable evidence to suggest that the earthquakes are related to the injection of gas Castor project , "said the president of the College of Geologists of Spain, Luis Suarez. According to him, the Ebro Delta " is a region with very low seismic activity , "despite near the fault Amposta, which is no longer active. " This is not the Castor wells causing earthquakes. The fact is that in the area of the fault, there is the accumulated energy, driven by gas injections, eventually releasing , "says the scientist, judging" highly unlikely that earthquakes occur more high magnitude "
Posted on: Sat, 05 Oct 2013 03:09:40 +0000

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