Seems the families of wilkinson , walworth, and cary have some - TopicsExpress


Seems the families of wilkinson , walworth, and cary have some connection to william of normandy the carys were in a book which was a census thing of william of normandy the conquerors and during that time after 1066 which was when william of normandy came to england to get the throne from king harold whom had taken the throne though william had been promised it since the previous ruler didnt think have an heir to leave his kingdom to. So in 1066 william comes from france and defeats armies of king harold and takes the throne those in williams army because of faithfullness to william are given tracts of land and english lords are made into servants etc etc. After 1066 a book called the domes day book is created in order to see how much land or servants william had in his kingdom and the carys are in this book mentioned as think are the walworths the wilkinson family from what sources have if accurate has their origin in name comes from a robert de wintona , their are other spellings for this, he de wintona came to glamorganshire with think a relative of william the conquerors and several knights like in armor this relative of williams founded teweskbury england which was one of the places the war of the roses think was fought later on. So mostly these came from france or england to perhaps bermuda or straight onto virginia or the eastern coast then migranted on down into the united states because not all of the lands back then were as they are now. The carys of my ancestry are connected with cary castle in england which was think torn down by king stephen some time ago he think a relative of william . The walworths it is thought are connected with walworth castle in england , has note about a william think walworth in 1300 or 1400 or so that was connected with an english king but dont know if he was an ancestor or relative or ancestors or family. Other noted families are the whites spelled then whyte in year 1300 in about 1500-1600 one was lord mayor of london under queen elizabeth the first and he given a helmet for service to elizabeth or her royal family then , other lines have the stuarts and stewarts but some claim that there is some descrepencies in what some genealogist have found. The cary family on back from what websites have is that one back that a branch went off to the boleyn line which is very famous in world history and english history that line was connected with william cary and his wife mary boleyn mary beign sister of the queen of england anne boleyn whom married henry the eighth later anne gives birth to queen elizabeth whom is exiled think in her early years but takes the throne and builds england into a nation with navy and things, from one source has that elizabeth visited a norris family in either england or scotland so some sort of connection there. Her family being think that of stewart or stuart. Just a thought some may laugh at this info but being ignorant as some are in this world even mules laugh
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 14:29:11 +0000

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