Seems there is a crackdown in the works, if this is true then - TopicsExpress


Seems there is a crackdown in the works, if this is true then Irish politicians have truly lost their way. Got sent this in an email from a friend and if what he told me is true then I am utterly disgusted that our government would stoop to such low levels but then again why should I be surprised considering what they have already done to the Irish people. Watch out for FaceBlock Face book have shut out “The Common Law Society”, and just like any other communist or State regime want to be provided with “Photo ID”, in order to reinstate access. The last series of posts that were put on Face book, concerned educating People about a thing called “Feudal Tenure”. We thought that this issue would raise some eyebrows with “the State”, and suspected that Face book would not be long in reacting. Neither disappointed. The video post we think they took issue with can be found here: We have been reliably informed that Face book under the instruction of “the State” are going on a rampage of blocking Profiles, Pages and Groups that have not or will not provide them with “Photo ID”, and Youtube are to follow suit. In order words, ultimately they do not want you to have any form of privacy when it comes to accessing the internet. Given that we did have contact with over nine thousand friends on Face book, we are sure that some questions are being generated as to our departure. If you still have access to Face book then please feel free to repost this information (email), to let your own friends know the score, as to what may be coming down the line for a great many Groups, Pages and indviduals that do not wish or want to give a “Photo ID” to Face book or “the State”. All the best for now, The Common Law Society
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 02:53:32 +0000

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