Seems to me as if morality must proceed rights. We can theorize - TopicsExpress


Seems to me as if morality must proceed rights. We can theorize that all humans have or should have rights but the truth is, all are not born equal or the same. From an ethics perspective, the dominant stakeholder(s) do(es)nt need to be given rights, they can simply take or make rights as they define them. The dominant entity must possess morality in order to define and defend rights for the less dominant entities, even though this may not serve the dominant entitys best short term interests. In America today, rights are preached as superior to morality. I forsee two outcomes--at one end, morality is reduced and redefined so often it ceases to exist, therefore rights die as well (since all behavior can be justified); or all groups (including unsavory ones)are given rights until the dominant entities are driven to restore order (simple economics really), either restarting the cycle or ushering in a new dominant entity which may or may not be moral. Either path is frightening. This threshold / curve of morality and rights seems to be the true defining mark of an empires lifecycle. Thoughts?
Posted on: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 02:54:49 +0000

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