Seen the movies, Divergent and The Single Moms Club! Ill review - TopicsExpress


Seen the movies, Divergent and The Single Moms Club! Ill review Divergent first! Neil Burger, the director of The illusionist and Limitless gives us the movie Divergent, which is based off the book series written by Veronica Roth. Just like Winters Tale and Vampire Academy I didnt read the book, so I went into this movie with curiosity and all in all, I actually didnt hate this movie as I thought I would. Sure like most people Im getting sick of these teen/sci-fi/fantasy type movies, but Divergent wasnt half bad. The movie is like The Hunger Games meets Enders Game, but not as good as either one of them, but still good enough to entertain me. The movie, of course had a lot of problems with it, like at times the story made no sense and also some of the characters were way too clichéd. Like this movie has the typical strong female lead, the typical villain, the typical love interest, the typical supporting parents, the typical asshole dude, the typical side characters and the typical chosen one story. The movie itself is just typical and its a movie that lacks in suspense because you already know whats going to happen, you dont need to read the book to know how this movies going to end. Just on all that I should probably hate this movie right? Actually, no! As much as the characters and story were really predictable, I still found a lot of entertainment when I was watching this movie. The biggest thing that made this movie enjoyable was its cast members because seriously most of the actors & actresses in this movie were really good. Shailene Woodley was a really smart decision to cast as the lead female character because shes one of the few young actresses who can really act and her performance in this movie was the best performance. Her character was a really likeable person and thanks to Shailene Woodleys charm and good acting the character was even more enjoyable to watch. Theo James played a good part in this movie as well, his chemistry with Shailene Woodley wasnt really that strong, but his acting was still good. Kate Winslet was also really good in this film, she played a very clichéd villain, but thankfully Kate Winslet is a really good actress and she made the character work. Miles Teller was also good in the movie and just like Kate Winslets character his character was really clichéd, but Miles Teller is shaping to be a good because he too made his character work. Now as for the rest of the cast members, I didnt really find any of them bad in the movie, but the rest of them were pretty forgettable. Now was the direction in this movie good? Yes it was! Neil Burger made this movie work, he shifted the tone really well, and he gave it decent structure and properly paced very well. The script was kind of lacking in this movie because like I said the story and characters were very predictable, but even so I wish this films script added some sharp dialogue. I think as a whole Divergent was pretty good, I think there were a few problems, but I think the positive beats the negative and I was glad I at least enjoyed myself when I was watching it. This movie isnt really for everyone, I can tell a lot of people will probably hate it and I get it because like I said before Im sick of these teen book movies, but as a teen book movie I thought Divergent was pretty good. Ill give it a 7 out of 10. Next is the movie, The Single Moms Club! I always dreamed that I would live in a world where Tyler Perry never made movies, but that world can never exist, so instead I have to sit through another one of his shitty movies. Every year Tyler Perry usually makes two movies and I usually see one of them and every time I see that movie I feel very sad and its not because the movie was sad, its because people actually think Tyler Perry is talented. Ive said this in many of my reviews, but Im going to say it again, TYLER PERRY IS ONE OF THE WORST WIRTERS & DIRECTORS IN HOLLYWOOD! I know a lot of people watch his movies and I also know there are people who absolutely hate his movies, now those kinds of people are people with actual taste in movies. Now let me just say this, if youre a fan of Tyler Perry, then thats fine because everyone has different taste, but when people start calling him a talented writer and director that just pisses me off. If you like his movies as guilty pleasures, thats cool! Just dont call him a good writer and director because thats just an insult to movies right there. Anyways getting to the review now! This new Tyler Perry movie is called The Single Moms Club and this movie right here proves once again that Tyler Perry sucks at making movies. For one thing he has no idea how to write women in movies, he honestly writes them all the same and honestly thats not how woman act in real life. Another thing, Tyler Perry is one of the worst dialogue writers Ive seen. Basically all of his movies are filled with corny dialogue and unbearably awful jokes throughout. Pretty much every single Tyler Perry movie is bad, some are worse than others, but all together their all shit. So this movie, The Single Moms Club has no expectations to live up too, even if the movie was average it would still be the best Tyler Perry movie, but unfortunately this movie wasnt average, it wasnt bad either, it was actually worse than bad, it was horrendously bad. Given all the crap movies Tyler Perry has made over the years, for me to say that this movie is the worst film of his is really saying something. The Single Moms Club was filled with terrible acting by its cast, horrible writing, sloppy direction and no structure at all. When is Tyler Perry going to realize that melodrama doesnt always work? And when is he going to realize you can actually make a movie thats not based on struggling romances? There are so many ideas you can make for movies, but instead Tyler Perry makes the same shit and he makes all his characters in his movies just as generic as the movies premise. This movie, The Single Moms Club had one of the most uninteresting stories in a movie this year, plus one of the worst scripts. The movie also had boring characters, bad jokes and a clichéd climax. The Single Moms Club may not take the number one spot as the worst movie of the year, but you can guarantee it will make my top ten of the worst movies of the year. So I say, for Tyler Perry fans give this movie a watch because youll probably like this movie, but if you hate Tyler Perry like I do, then skip this pile of shit and go see something worth watching. Ill give it a 1 out of 10.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 23:38:39 +0000

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