Seer Ashlamazs Spiritual Exploration Today: Monday, November 25, - TopicsExpress


Seer Ashlamazs Spiritual Exploration Today: Monday, November 25, 2013 Civilization is but ideas materialized. Thoughts control life. While they are not things, they are power; thus they are the creator of things. The thought in mind of warrior, statesman, artist, becomes the victory, the state, the statute. As thoughts change, so does all external life change; all progress, all reform, began in the change of thought in some one individual. Heretofore this change has been, as in savage man, merely instinctive; but, as man, by conscious thought, has become a factor in changing the world into better conditions; as he has at will changed grass to wheat, and scrub to blooded stock, so is he now becoming a conscious factor in his own evolution. He is beginning to realize that the only power by which he has wrought has been that of Thought. He is learning that Thought is as easily controlled and made to do selected work as is steam or electricity. He has only to think rightly to have whatever he wishes, either in person or in environment. Seer Ashlamazs Insight into the above quote: Reality is what lies within and existence is what is all around us and the answer to the age old question of, can thoughts change things in our lives is this - look at everything around you in your own life - You created all of that, but where is your million dollar lottery ticket? Why its locked up in the many thoughts of your core beliefs I say- why dont you retrieve it? Because many have no idea what their core beliefs are due to all the time spent avoiding the Truths of oneself in this culture. Affirmation: I AM I Think I create- And So It Is.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 10:24:05 +0000

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