Segment #2 God has His divine protection around each of us from - TopicsExpress


Segment #2 God has His divine protection around each of us from the moment of conception. Not only is it around each of us, but upon cities and nations. God controls what goes on around this planet. He always has; He always will. The ONLY influence Satan has on this planet and on you and I personally is what God allows him to have. Why God allows Satan such latitude - especially against us personally and our loved ones and friends - is a question well never fully get answers to until were with God in heaven. Once there, Im persuaded it will all make sense, especially in the light of how God intends to use Christians in eternity. God has His eye on eternity. Yet He too must be patient as eternity unfolds, as you and I must be patient for it to unfold. More specifically: Patient for WHAT? For what PURPOSE? To manifest His glory in a way that has never been manifested before. Difficult as this may be for you to comprehend right now, God is using Satan as an instrument to help chip away at a Masterpiece God is building for Himself: A wife to radiate His glory! That would be you and me and all others who are in Jesus Christ. God the Father is preparing His Son a Bride - the Church (His called out ones) - to co-reign with Him in eternity, but God realizes that His Church cannot be trusted (anymore than Satan could be trusted along with a third of the angels that rebelled with him against God in former times could be trusted and thusly was kicked out of heaven) to have such power until they have been refined, purged and purified of self. **** Selfish desire that doesnt really care what God has to say about it or not. Selfish desire that expects God to bless whatever we think is best for us, even at the expense of it offending Him and others. **** Christians love to have their sins forgiven by God. Satan would love to be forgiven of his sins as well. Who wouldnt. Yet for Christians, forgiveness is just the starting point of God dealing with our sins. A change of heart to STOP wanting to sin becomes the hard part. Some of us need a bigger paddle from God on our rear-ends than others to motivate us to stop sinning. And here is where the difficult part comes in. God uses Satan a great deal of the time to be Gods paddle on our rear-end a gulp. Yes - God could STOP evil against Christians right now, but in His wisdom, He is using evil to work for the Churchs ultimate good. That will run its course and one day stop in the future. Until God stops it, we have to deal with it. Though we cant actually prove it biblically in any iron-clad way... I suspect God wants each of us to know how deadly sin can be and IS before entrusting us with the power Hell entrust us with in eons to come Some believe all memory during our time here on earth will be wiped from us once were with God. I dont believe that. I believe God will make CERTAIN well never forget what living was like on earth where Satan was allowed various freedoms to show us his true colors- his TRUE nature- which is to rob, steal and destroy; to make others miserable to somehow try to find a way to ease the pain and rage inside him for having lost what he once had - knowing hell never get it back. Think of it-every time we have ever sinned, or will sin in the future, we PARTNER with Satans nature and dont even realize it most of the time, nor even CARE, when we make the decision to sin. I believe God wants us never forgetting that. I believe for eternity He wants us realizing just how much we loved sinning just like Satan loves sinning against God and others... so we can forever appreciate just how great of a Salvation He has given us in Jesus Christ. To be continue...
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 17:52:38 +0000

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