Seho Song Shared publicly - 4:18 AM A lot of Post-Tribbers - TopicsExpress


Seho Song Shared publicly - 4:18 AM A lot of Post-Tribbers simply cannot tell the difference between the rapture and the second coming of the Christ and they will always throw the verses at you from Matthew 24:29 to justify their beliefs. These are two separate events, yet they refuse to believe the truth. If you dont believe the secret rapture or left behind, then it is your free will to choose to stay in the great tribulation and I pray that the Lord will strength you spiritually, mentally, and physically when you go through the 7yr Tribulation. I can guarantee you this, that no one can able to bear the Great Tribulation as bible describes For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no nor ever shall be. If you think the Nazi Holocaust was bad enough, the great tribulation will be a lot worse than you can possibly think. The zombies will chase and eat people alive, the Antichrist and his follower will chase the Christians like an animal, you will be so tempted to get the mark of the beast due to starvation and hunger and if you refuse them, then they will slowly torture you to death before they chopping your head off. Many young girls and women will be raped during the tribulation and will have babies in those days and the NWO soldiers will take away your babies and hold them against the wall and say I will smash your childs head against the wall if you dont take the mark of the beast! People will cut other peoples hands off, so they can buy foods. The locusts from the bottomless pit will rise and torment people for five month, and men will seek death and will not find it even though they will desire to die. You will see the demons with your naked eyes in those days and many more.... So are you that confident to go through all that agony, pain and suffering like you never suffered before? Although the 144,000 army corpse will comfort and help those are left behind in the tribulation, they will likely go through most of the things I mentioned earlier. Is that what Jesus want his bride to go through? If there is no rapture prior to great tribulation, then there is no point having a wedding supper of the lamb. What we are experiencing right now is only a birth pain as of a woman in labor and its pain is growing rapidly and the time is absolutely running out ... get ready, and stop arguing with your own theory/doctrine. Were not under the Gods wrath my brothers and sisters. ............................................................................. 1 Thessalonians 5:9 For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ Revelation 3:10 Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will KEEP YOU from the hour of trial which shall come upon the WHOLE WORLD...
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 11:09:57 +0000

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