Selamat Siang To you all - A NOTE FOR ALL QHHC INDONESIA CHILD - TopicsExpress


Selamat Siang To you all - A NOTE FOR ALL QHHC INDONESIA CHILD SPONSORS - We would like to ask for your understanding as we make changes to our payment collection and information flow to ensure the program continues to grow and flourish - and to thank you for your continued support. As Indonesian Projects Manager and on behalf of our sponsored charities I wanted to thank all of the QHHC supporters who have been participated in our child sponsorship programme with the PKBM Catholic Orphanage - The Emmanuel Foundation and Yayasan Elsafan School for the Visually Impaired -all located in Jakarta. With a donation of $150 per year we are able to assist the projects to provide better access to education for the children in their care. Whilst education is free in indonesia - the extras such as food /books/transport are not - your payment goes towards assisting the projects to cover these cost and thus free up funds to assist in other areas. The sponsorship program started by Lauren Edwards has grown to sponsor around 100 children across the three projects - the increased work load and other commitments has meant Lauren has passed the sponsorship program onto Sunny South to ensure she is able to spend more time with her family. Lauren has been a wonderful ambassador for the QHHC - she is loved and adored by us all and we are glad she is still involved able to pass on help where required. Danielle Elvy is continuing on with her involvement with the Yayasan Elsafan sponsorship program To streamline the sponsorship process our good friend and QHHC supporter Robert Anderson from Advanced Community Strata Management offered to use his existing strata program to help collect payments and to ensure the funds are collected and thus handed on to the projects in an orderly way.It will help us to pass on more information to you about the children and projects you are sponsoring. It was a wonderful offer from Robert and is being managed by his staff member Lauren Riordan - thank you to her as it is a time consuming process and is done a pro-bono basis. I hope you have all received your payment slips for the children you sponsor - the payment form is official looking [as is a rental form] and does say there is a late fee - please dont worry or intimidated by this [ our apologies ] it is part of the soft wear programme used for rental clients is not able to be removed. As always the the beneficiaries are the children in the projects we support - all the funds will go to the projects to support the children in the provision of their education. All handling of the funds is done on a voluntary basis -this include Roberts collection and the Macquarie Bank Account - so 100% goes to the projects. Myself Nathalie Suarjaya Chris Crimmens Danielle Elvy and Pak Toto Miraza will visit PKBM /Emmanuel and Yayasan Elsafan on the 29/30th of April to pass on the funds to each project. We will ensure that photos and information will be pass on to you. Terima kasih banyak to you all Brett South - QHHC Indonesia Projects Manager
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 03:34:21 +0000

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