Select clippings from cyberspace. The words of Lawful Man - TopicsExpress


Select clippings from cyberspace. The words of Lawful Man Cash Snowden, the following is a post from my wall. A question of The Law. By what reasoning would one adhere to The Law in preference to any other system of law? There are many avenues of reasoning by which one would prefer simply The Law over a system of law, or a system of law founded on The Law over a system of law founded elsewhere. To attempt quantifying all avenues of reason would be to explore all avenues and would take more lifetimes than even the most optimistic and imaginative believer of reincarnation could fathom. I can only offer my reasoning. To begin, it should be understood that I spent years learning, studying and researching various systems of law and decades learning, studying, teaching and researching the social sciences. Throughout, I spent a lot of my time contemplating what is called the human condition in respect to how our actions, interactions and understandings affected our reality- individually and collectively. It was after I had added law to my interests that I began seeing that collectively, our interactions and understandings were not only predictable, but suspiciously limited to what had been long established as doctrine in many fields of study; religion, medicine and commerce, as well as more modern fields like psychology and education. The limiting factor was that the ideas conveyed through the written word, reinforced through speech and action, were being accepted without serious question. I chose to question the words used to establish doctrine generally and the words of law specifically in an attempt to find out how we were being limited to an existence of deception, war and inequality, an existence without honour or peace. Why we accepted doctrine without question was easy to answer. While the conditions established were and are uncomfortable, they are not uncomfortable enough to motivate a change. The energy required of any single man or woman to change the system is far greater than the energy required of any man or woman to endure the discomfort. Individually, the natural tendency to conserve energy has won out against the collective desire for something, anything, better. In questioning the words which laid out the law, the doctrine, I recognized a hidden code which I had been aware of for most of my life but had not pieced together in a coherent understanding. It was during my questioning of the words of law that it occurred to me that I could do something, at the very least, to make people aware of the deception which facilitates our world without peace in the hope that I, selfishly, would not have to endure it any longer. It was at that point that I started to teach the differences between English and legalese, the difference between words and terms. It was also at that time that the occupy wall street protests began and anonymous was gaining popularity. I saw an opportunity to teach people about the corrupted legal system using a face which was well known and a name which was generic and unrelated to any legal name associated to me, to mitigate the reprisal coming my way sooner or later from those in the legal profession in service to the false Crown. I could not have predicted what happened next. I filled in the information for this Facebook account and started it. In the moment the home screen showed the Lawful Man profile, everything changed in me. In that moment, I recognised myself for who and what I am, I recognised my duty, and I realised that the only thing I actually Know is The Law. My journey from that day to this, and to the end of my days, is to put what I Know into words. My preference would have been to find the words for each part of the logical progression of The Law in the proper order, however, opportunity and biology have worked well together to see that this is not the case. The first part of The Law I put into words was The First Protector of The Law, even though I had not defined The Law or what Law is. In defining The Law, I had to look for an absolute singular concept which factored in every possible variable throughout all of time and space, the entirety of existence from the beginning to the end. Only by including everything under one concept could I find a Law that is The Law. I chose the word Existence to describe this all inclusive concept. The counter-concept of Existence is Non Existence, which, by whatever ideology one may choose to answer as to how Existence came to Be, is logically, the only other option. That which connects Existence and Non Existence is The Law. The concept of potentiality and actuality or, Option and (Choice?) does connect Existence and Non Existence. To be concise, The Law is Free Will. Whatever Laws are the control structure giving order to Non Existence, if any, are unknown and unknowable. The Laws which order the actions and interactions in Existence are the Laws of Nature. Some of these Laws have been discovered and are known, some are discovered and not fully known, and some remain undiscovered and unknown. Under the Laws of Nature is the structuring of galaxies, stars, solar systems and planets. Planets, at least in the case of Earth, is where Natural Law takes effect in respect to the actions and interaction between species, between members of each species, and the resources of the planet. The dominant species on the planet is the sentient species, Homo Sapiens: Sapiens, or simply; Man. What sets Man apart from all other species is that The Law, the concept of Option and Choice, without question, exists within the Being of Man. The Being of Man is the highest form of the timeless, formless and soundless part of Man. In the non physical realm of who and what we are, the Self is the link between the Being of Man and the Mind of Man. It is the Mind of Man that is the greatest strength and greatest weakness. This is where one can Know The Law and who and what one is, or be tricked into believing in all manner of fictions and fictitious entities. This is where the power of the written word can persuade men and women to act against The Law in favour of a mimicry of the form and function of Law. The motive to do so is the artificial gains for the Body. The cost of those gains is ignorance, dishonour and war. My reason? I Will Peace. The First Protector of The Law is Freely Given Consent. To enter into a contract or agreement, no matter how small, simple or insignificant, is to make law. For that law to be true and honorable means that each one involved is to freely give their consent. The First Violation of The Law is Theft of Consent.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 02:46:44 +0000

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