Self Deception August 30, 2011 at 9:51am You can lie to - TopicsExpress


Self Deception August 30, 2011 at 9:51am You can lie to someone else and they may believe you but really your only lieing to yourself. You forget all the things you learned in your youth, respect, and most importantly honesty.You not only need to show this to others but you need to show it to yourself so you never forget that no matter what the world throws at you never lose your heart.You can live knowing that you were that one person who held his morales close. What was the point of your family teaching you these things if you pick and choose when you use them . The world is a bad place for certain but the day that you secum to being no more than a follower in another mans world is the day you have lost your self respect. It is more common to find someone who looks through the eyes of a selfish person than to find someone who looks through the eyes of a person who accepts when they are wrong. These people may be few compared to the people who only live to gain worldly possesions but when your find that type of person you can rest easy knowing they wont abandon you for self gain. That is the definition of a true friend one who would look past what is his to help you, but true friends are the rarest to find in a world that has alot more to gain through selfish acts.Selfish acts are based upon the lack of emotion so others try to feel emotionally secure by surrounding themselves with objects of material wealth and with people who have the same subliminal emptiness. Really all they needed was something to hold on to but theyre dishonesty to others has made them forget ever having the problem in the first place it becomes a vicious circle that will eventually hurt yourself and the people you love.This is called Self Deception you need to rise above your temptations and greed to truly have any hope in finding true happiness in this life. You need to look past the fact that you think someones any lesser than you for expressing emotions when really your the lesser one for being such a brute in situations that dont call for it. Everyone has problems in their life but no one wants to be the one to talk about it because when you do you approach it through aggression. Aggression leads to more aggression and hate follows the two until you forget that there was once a time that didnt have so much negativity.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 18:33:15 +0000

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