Self Fulfilling Prophecy! Ever since I can remember there have - TopicsExpress


Self Fulfilling Prophecy! Ever since I can remember there have been those that love to put false information out there,and everybody knows their truth,everybody.Thousands of years ago we knew the world was flat,the Sun revolved around the Earth,and many other things,now science has proved otherwise,yet we still arent sure if one shooter shot Kennedy or two.There are tons of stories out there, and with a google search you can find thousands of them,each group claiming certain facts and if you read them and take notes there are slight differences.Then you have the other group of people that believe nothing is suspicious,they are face value,our Government would never subvert the Constitution for their own agenda.They believe every shady story out there is from some nutball especially the religious zealouts ,and with stories like Obama is the Antichrist and financing Islam,theres no wonder why.Lets take a look at Waco,the facts are that because those people believed everything Korash told them,their actions ,because of their beliefs,helped lead to the tragedy that happened there.Was the BATF somewhat responsible for what happened there,yes,absolutely,because of the pressure of media, eye witness accounts and other factors,it fueled the situation.But the BATF did not just go in there and burn those people for no reason as some of the stories have tried to make people believe.Ferguson,because of years of racism,hate and ignorance,a kid was killed,we dont even have the results of the investigation yet,now another cop is dead, the town is still up for grabs,rioting,why,because the people are fanning the flames of discension ,they are causing the problem.The one eyed baby supposedly born in Isreal, Islam is using it for a sign to incite the masses that the Antichrist has been born.Two Cyclops babies are on medical record to my knowledge,the first was born at St Vincents in NY in 1960,the other in Bolivia around 2008.I dont know what their Bible says,but no where in ours is it written that the Devil will be born a Cyclops.I remember not long after 911,the stories emerged it was a staged event to pass legislation that gave the Government far more power,I dont know all the details of all the theories out there,but the Government did pass legislation that gave them far reaching powers.One was to tap your phones and computers, thats a fact,that was back in 2002 but no one believed it,finally last year on channel 5 it was announced that you can be monitored in the name of national security for our own safety.Have you read the one about Sandy Hook School,there are many supposed witnesses that say it was staged ,for gun control,or whatever. Some people believe it,the rest dont,but it has created another clear division among the people,just like most of the wars and senseless tragedies throughout history,a seed of doubt is planted,and instead of people working together to find the truth they are immediately divided.After 911, I happened to get some literature that said what the Patriot Act passed contained,I told a few people its contents ,I was called a no good filthy liar,here we are 12 years later and you can Google the legislation passed that says that very thing.I see lies and disinformation everywhere,our Government is so full of crap its not funny,I dont trust them at all,I dont find it hard to believe that they would go to great lengths to have their way,the same goes for some of the pastors at the pulpits. We are bombarded with information daily,years ago we had guys like Gordon Liddy,Chuck Harder and a few others that had radio shows that put a lot of info out there,some of the info wasnt reported by any other media,a lot of it was true,but the rest was crap. Now we have hundreds of forms of alternative media that contradict a lot of what 2,5,7 and 9 are putting out,we also have Limbaugh, Beck and others who make a living, stirring the pot,dont you see this? Yes,some of it is true,but not all,thats the point,we cannot as a civilized society jump every time something happens,the truth tends to come out when we work together, but are we ever going to? Nowadays its more difficult then ever to find the truth about a certain subject,conspiracy theories are always going to be there,no they are not always true,but sometimes,just like rumors,there are facts that dont line up with what was reported and further investigation is necessary.In the meantime,I suggest that when something happens,to remain level headed and to not jump one way or the other,because if your wrong,your credibility is lost,and if you call yourself a Christian or a Professional,your actions will be remembered more then your stand on a subject. God Bless!
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 00:57:06 +0000

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