Self-love or emotional independence must come before external - TopicsExpress


Self-love or emotional independence must come before external love. Those in healthy connections understand that relationships are added delicious benefits to an already full life. This weekend workshop will help you to create a stable and strong foundation and love and support for yourself so that you no longer need to seek out love for the purpose of fixing something missing within yourself. When we are emotionally dependent upon another, everything is reactive rather than responsive. We make assumptions and usually choose to see the worst in everything. Even the slightest of things trigger us and make us feel a sense of loss or disempowerment. When we are emotionally independent we have to honestly get to know ourselves and get underneath those things that trigger our darkest fears. We have to get REAL. The emotionally co-dependent mind asks: Are they not texting back because they are no longer interested? Are they interested in someone else? Are they upset with me? Are they going out with their friends because they want to or because they secretly desire to create as much distance with you as possible? By making a shift and becoming emotionally independent, we stop the influx of emotional reactions and scenarios that terrorise the heart, and turn our attention inward rather than outward. We look to the internal relationship for answers rather than the external...And this means we no longer expect someone to be our other half, or our saviour. Expectations dissolve and we learn to make ourselves happy and safe rather than expecting another to make us feel secure, wanted, desired, loved, etc. The ironic thing is that once we remove expectation of how someone is supposed to make us feel, act or where the relationship is supposed to go....the other starts to finally feel safe to show up because the pressure is off! The other ironic this that when you are not dependent on anyone, it is then that we are free to have standards for how we feel and how we want to be treated. If you feel called to learn to fill your own cup so that it is overflowing with a love that creates freedom and safety, then join myself and Richard Sion Windelov on this weekend journey that will change the way you look at yourself and relationships
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 10:51:05 +0000

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