Selling Cameroon to the highest bidder. Food for - TopicsExpress


Selling Cameroon to the highest bidder. Food for thought. Tribalism? Education? Corruption? Forget all your lofty ideas about solving problems using well-intentioned programs and conferences, just sell the damn country and give everyone their share. Then we could all move to the USA. “There are no innocent people in Cameroon”. What more do you need? This kind of peaceful protest would make Ghandi proud. The tricky bit with this idea is that if every Cameroonian were to receive 20 million France as their share, it would cost about 400 trillion (i.e. 400 million millions) to buy Cameroon (which equates to about 500 billion dollars). Who can afford to foot such a bill? There are many potential buyers: 1. The United States, who as at February 2010 had spent 704 billion dollars on the freaking Iraq War. 2. Somali pirates, who earned about 12 billion dollars last year from piracy. 3: China. 4 Bill gates. 5 Steve Jobs. What a crazy facebook idea by one Cameroonian.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 22:25:55 +0000

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