Selling Gold 3 and gold 2 accounts at $400 and $200 respectively. - TopicsExpress


Selling Gold 3 and gold 2 accounts at $400 and $200 respectively. Starting prices for both accounts are negotiable. Gold 3 account has total of 81 skins including Championship thresh, Workshop nunu and Unchained alistar All champs unlocked except for gnar,hecarim,sejauni,braum,zac and nautilus Gold 2 account has 8 skins 51 champions unlocked. For further enquiries pls PM me asap Gold 3 accounts chams and skins include: Ahri(popstar ahri skin) Aatrox(no skin) Alistar(unchained alistar skin) Amumu(no skin) Anivia(no skin) Annie(Franken Tibbers Annie and Panda Annie skin) Ashe(Sherwood,Queen,Amethyst and Heart Seeker skin) Blitzcrank(Boom Boom and Iblitz skin) Brand(no skin) Caitlyn(Resistance,Safari and officer caitlyn skin) Cassopia(no skin) Cho gath(Jurassic Chogath) Corki(no skin) Darius(Wood King skin) Diana(Dark Valkyrie diana skin) Dr.Mundo(no skin) Draven(no skin) Elise(no skin) Evelyn(shadow evelyn skin) Ezreal(pulse fire and explorer ezreal skin) Fiddlesticks(Surprise party Fiddle skin) Fiora(Royal guard Fiora skin) Fizz(no skin) Galio(no skin) Gangplank(no skin) Garen(dreadknight garen skin) Gragas(no skin) Graves(pool party skin) Heimerdinger(no skin) Irelia(no skin) Janna(no skin) Jarven IV(Commando and Dragon slayer skin) Jax(Nemesis skin) Jayce(Full metal skin) Jinx(Mafia jinx) Karma(no skin) Karthus(no skin) Kassadin(no skin) Katarina(Sand storm and kitty cat skin) Kayle(Jugment kayle and Aether Wing skin) Kennen(Arctic Ops Kennen skin) Kha Zix(Mecha skin) Kog maw(Caterpillar Kog maw skin) Leblanc(Prestigious skin) Lee Sin(Muay Thai skin) Leona(no skin) Lissandra(no skin) Lucian(Hired gun lucian skin) Lulu(Wicked skin) Lux(spell thief and steel legion lux) Malphite(no skin) Malzahar(no skin) Maokai(no skin) Master Yi(Assasin master yi skin) Miss Fortune(Cowgirl and Mafia skin) Mordekaiser(no skin) Morgana(Ghost bribe skin) Nami(Koi nami skin) Nasus(Galactic and Dread knight) Nidalee(Pharaoh and bewitching nidalee skin) Nocturne(frozen nocturne and Eternum nocturne skin) Nunu(workshop nunu Limited skin) Olaf(no skin) Orianna(Gothic Orianna skin) Pantheon( no skin) Poppy(no skin) Quinn(no skin) Rammus(no skin) Renekton(Bloodfury renekton skin) Rengar(no skin) Riven(battle bunny riven) Rumble(no skin) Ryze(Tribal ryze skin) No Sejuani Shaco(Royal Shaco skin) Shen(no skin) Shyvana(dark flame skin) Singed(hextech singed skin) Sion(no skin) Sivir(snow storm sivir skin) Skarner(no skin) Sona(arcade sona and guzheng sona skin) Soraka(celestine skin) Swain(no skin) Syndra(justicar syndra skin) Talon(no skin) Taric(no skin) Teemo(Badger,recon,cottontail,panda teemo skin) Thresh(campion ship thresh limited skin) and Deep terror thresh) Tristana(rocket girl tris and riot girl tris skin) Trundle(no skin) Tryndamere(king tryndamere and demonblade tryndamere skin) Twisted fate(Tango skin) twitch(no skin) Udyr(no skin) Urgot(no skin) Varus(arclight varus skin) Vayne(Dragon slayer and heart seeker skin) Veigar(White mage skin) Velkoz(no skin) vi(no skin) Viktor(creator viktor skin) Vladimir(Blood lord skin) Volibear(no skin) Warwick(no skin) Wukong(no skin) Xerath(no skin) Xinzhao(no skin) Yorick(no skin) Zed(no skin) Ziggs(pool party ziggs skin) Zilean(no skin) Zyra(Wildfire zyra skin) Theres also Star call ward,Luminious ward and Tomb angel ward skin Gold 2 acccount chams and skins includes: Aatrox(no skin) Alistar(no skin) Amumu(no skin) Annie(no skin) Ashe(no skin) Caitlyn(officer Caitlyn skin) Dr mundo(no skin) Draven(no skin) Evelyn(no skin) ezreal(pulse Fire ezreal skin) Garen(sanguine Garen skin) Janna(no skin) Jarven IV(no skin) Jax(no skin) Jinx(no skin) Kassadin(no skin) Katarina(no skin) Kayle(no skin) Kha zix(no skin) Leblanc(no skin) Lee sin(Pool Party skin) Lucian(no skin) Lux(no skin) Malphite(no skin) Master yi(chosen Master Yi skin) Nasus(no skin) Nidalee(no skin) Nunu(no skin) Poppy(no skin) Renekton(no skin) Rengar(no skin) Riven(no skin) Ryze(no skin) Singed(no skin) Sivir(no skin) Soraka(no skin) Teemo(Cottontail skin) Thresh(no skin) Tristana(no skin) Tryndamere(no skin) Twisted Fate(no skin) Twitch(no skin) Udyr(no skin) Vayne(no skin) Veigar(no skin) Velkoz(battle cast velkoz skin) Warwick(no skin) Yasuo(no skin) Zed(Shockblade zed skin)
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 14:18:00 +0000

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