*Semi long post alert* Most of you dont know this about me and - TopicsExpress


*Semi long post alert* Most of you dont know this about me and thought I would share in case you have a similar story. About six years or so ago I was told I had degenerative disc disease, arthritis of the spine, and bulging discs. I went from being a fit and active person to a girl in extreme pain that led to hardly any exercise which increased weight gain and then came along depression. I felt hopeless. One day I decided I wasnt going to let the pain stop me. Ive done water therapy and numerous workout programs and have been quite successful. The pain is still there but I wont stop! Ive come so far! Today I went to a new Dr. and she gave me hope. Several tests were done and x-rays taken. She then proceeded to tell me that I have the spine of a 70 year old. Im only 35. But she did tell me that my goal of hiking the Grand Canyon is possible. Tomorrow I go back to get my test results and plan of action. My point is no matter what obstacle you may think is in your way anything is possible. Never give up!
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 02:31:13 +0000

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