Sen. Cruz is a calculating politician who loves to stir the pot to - TopicsExpress


Sen. Cruz is a calculating politician who loves to stir the pot to get air time. Based on this tweet it is clear to me Sen. Ted Cruz has no idea how the internet works or what net neutrality actually is. So why would Sen. Cruz make such a bold pronouncement? This morning Pres. Obama said he was for Net Neutrality, and Sen. Cruz has a blanket policy to oppose the President on virtually everything he says. The concept of Net Neutrality protects free speech on the web. It does this by making rules that ensure all data is treated equally. There has been is a quiet battle ensuing between carriers and the FCC over whether they can create fast lanes for their own content and those who pay extra fees. Comcast and Time Warner want to charge you and your business extra to be able to compete with the Wal-Marts of the world. Allowing companies with long standing track records of bad service to be the gatekeepers of the internet is irresponsible and un-American. Sen. Cruzs dismissal of this freedom protecting concept means one of two things: 1. He has no clue what Net Neutrality is or what it does. 2. He has taken enough checks from Comcast to ignore the very ideals he claims to protect. Either way, I am disappointed.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 17:12:08 +0000

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