Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-, Speaker John Boehner want to give Barack - TopicsExpress


Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-, Speaker John Boehner want to give Barack Obama fast track authority. This is bad, really, really bad. Harry Reid was not this bad. Is it time to group Republican into two categories: 1. worthless backstabbing whores, and 2. men of character? I am already so disgusted with this group of limp wrist ed amoral narcissists I can hardly sit still. What happened to give us the House and the Senate and we will repeal Obamacare? That went out the window in the first seconds after the election. At every turn Obama has acted like the election did not even happen. Obama has been giving Republicans the finger at every opportunity: 1. He Nominated racist AG Loretta Lynch to help foment racial discontent, but who specifically states that voter ID is racist. (spit in Republicans face) 2. Promised to bypass congress and grant Amnesty to Hispanic and muslim illegals. (spit in Republicans face) He will now have an IG who will fight to let these millions of illegals vote. 3. Then, he Ordered 1,500 soldiers to go help establish a caliphate and requested an additional 5.6 billion at the Republican/Obama peace summit that will eventually accidentally go to help ISIS. (spit in Republicans face) 4. And now Obama is in China asking Mitch McConnel for Fast Track authority. After Obama said Monday he will extend Chinese student visas to five years and business and tourist visas to 10 years. He is inviting millions of Chinese to stay for 5 to 10 years in the United States. Millions who will demand citizenship in 5 years, who will vote democrat socialist. Obama has been trying to get Fast Track Authority for at least 2 years. Can you imagine giving this Marxist/Muslim sole authority to do trade deals with China, Russia, Brazil, Venezuela, Mexico, and Saudi Arabia; The man who brought us: Benghazi, Fast and Furious, Obamacare, the fall of the Ivory Coast, the fall of Libya, Egypt, and the funding and creation of ISIS. We would be a third world country by 2016. Democrats and Republicans have blocked Obama from grabbing one of the few powers left to congress. But, Mitch McConnel and GOP leadership said Monday they want to give Obama fast track authority and “Promote Obama’s Authority to Bypass Congress,” erase the nations borders, and sovereignty. 62% of Americans do not want Obama to possess fast track authority. Obama has been trying for 2 years minimum to get this dictatorial power and the only good thing Reid ever did was not give Fast Track authority to obama. Because Reid was in bed with the unions. But, the back stabbing McConnel has offered this dictatorial authority to obama. wnd/2014/11/snatching-defeat-from-the-jaws-of-victory/
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 14:29:12 +0000

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